A bad feeling

"I think I now have one too"

Ciru was surprised, so much so that she couldn't form a word.

"Everyone has one" Tony said, while floating on air.

"Flight, that's the best one to have in this kind of place." Alpha said.

"What about you? What did you get?"

With a nervous smile, Alpha raised his hand up as if receiving something from the sky, and immediately after, a blue light flashed for a second before revealing a well crafted spear on his hand. It was brown, with a black metallic head, being about a meter long , the spear seemed to have been crafted by the gods.

"Can you throw it? Or maybe make another one?" Curiosity filling his entire deminor, Tony asked excitedly.

"No, just like everyone else, I only no how to activate my ability, but can't really say about it's full capabilities."

"Can you craft another type of weapon or is it only a spear?" Ciru after stepping out of the daze, asked curiously. He entire deminor somehow looked to have brightened up almost like how she used to be back in school.

Alpha didn't answer her instead, he raised his hand that held the spear back up, and once again a blue light flushed and a second later his hand was revealed, holding up a half a meter black machete that seemed capable of cutting someone in half at one go.

After the display a genuine smile appeared on Ciru's face.

"My hands are growing."

"I can control those roots."

"With this I'm gonna fight evil, and become your saviour." Liam declared, as he raised his hands forming a triangle with them and immediately after a gush of wind formed in the middle, with a grin he shot the ball of air upwards and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Air ball."

Alpha could only smile at the sight, no one even paid him much attention, but he still did it.

Every kid was busy showing off their abilities to those close to them.

"Looks like everyone has one, guess you were right again, damn that's a scary power to have." Tony said, looking at Dan who hadn't said a word since they started displaying their abilities.

"Trust me, flight is ten even twenty times better." Dan said, still maintaining a grim personality he created since Mercy displayed her ability.

Tony had noticed this, but couldn't really do anything about it. He asked him once, and not being someone who liked prying into other people's business had dimmed the first answer he got enough.

"Now we can have a a slight chance of survival even in the forest."

"Not a slight, but a definite chance." Alpha said while gripping the machete tighter.


White room, What was that exactly? Mrs Taiyo still sat on the hill of compiled skulls. Thinking back on it she really wanted the kids to have something to give them hope, but now, after she accidentally activated the white room, she wasn't sure anymore.

After activating it she had supposedly found herself in her own bedroom from back home, but what she saw wasn't exactly her room but a mirrored version.

She couldn't touch or even interact with the room. Spending over an hour in that room trying to find a way back was almost haunting.

When she finally managed to touch and open her bedroom door, she found herself still sitting on the same spot like she never even left, before some kind of vague memories she didn't remember experiencing flooded her mind.

She figured her ability was white room, an ability capable of affecting anyone within a given radius, like how she affected the kids. But what really gave her a dread feeling was a glimpse of memory that appeared last.

There were thirty disfigured entities that had somehow lost their humanity and were now roaming a forest same as this one.

She couldn't make out their faces,but that dread feeling still remained.