
Nangong Ling's gaze gradually turned cold, as sharp as a sword.

Chu Qing, the master of the Haoyue Sect, is the father of the Great Peng Prince Chu Zhanpeng.

Icy Snow Tian, the master of the Ice and Snow Mountain Villa.

Tengwu Mountain's Duan Tianlang, the deputy master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

Duan Tianlang, a royal prince, is also the father of the Little Prince Duan Han, who visited Yunhai Sect a few days ago.

In addition to the Sunset Sect in the frontier and the Yue and Yu families in the imperial city, the other four forces, including the royal family, appeared simultaneously, uninvited, and on the day of Yunhai Sect's grand competition. Obviously, they were not here to celebrate.

"Master Nangong, I, Duan, have come to visit with my people, please don't be offended."

Duan Tianlang stood on the giant sword, wearing white armor, majestic. As his words fell, the giant sword directly descended onto the viewing platform, rumbling continuously, and the platform was reduced to powder under the sword aura.

At the same time, Chu Qing, Icy Snow Tian, and Kunmang all landed on the platform, their eyes disdainful.

Beside Duan Tianlang, Duan Han stared coldly at Nangong Ling. He had been resentful since the day Nangong Ling humiliated him and left. Today, he was going to make Yunhai Sect look good.

"Hehe, it is an honor for Yunhai Sect to have King Tianlang as a guest." Despite his cold heart, Nangong Ling smiled and said, "I just wonder why King Tianlang and the other masters have come?"

"Not long ago, the child Duan Han has already come. His intentions must be clear to Master Nangong. His Majesty has a grand vision, preparing to establish the Snow Moon Holy Courtyard, and needs everyone to work together. Moreover, the other masters have already agreed to His Majesty's request, except for Yunhai Sect..."

Here, Duan Tianlang paused slightly in his speech, smiling without saying more.

"Hmm?" Nangong Ling's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. Chu Qing, Icy Snow Tian, and the others were all cunning individuals. How could they easily hand over the outstanding disciples of their sects? They should be very clear that once a person was handed over, they would likely become part of the royal power in the future, not their own.

However, Chu Qing and the others remained calm when they heard Duan Tianlang's words, as if this was to be expected. This puzzled Nangong Ling.

"How does King Tianlang intend to proceed?" Nangong Ling asked.

"Since Master Nangong refuses to send people to His Majesty, then I will personally select them for His Majesty. Coincidentally, today is the grand competition of Yunhai Sect. I can see the elegance of Yunhai Sect's disciples and select them one by one." Duan Tianlang was straightforward, his tone domineering.

The faces of everyone from Yunhai Sect changed. How arrogant. Did they take Yunhai Sect for granted? Could they pick and choose the people of Yunhai Sect at will?

"If I don't agree?" Nangong Ling's voice turned colder.

"Master Nangong will agree, just like the other masters." Duan Tianlang's words were full of strong confidence, as if no one could resist his words.

"Master Nangong, let's not rush to dispute. Let the disciples of Yunhai Sect participate in the grand competition and strive to excel. The Snow Moon Holy Courtyard does not need mediocrity, but those who can enter will have the backing of the Snow Moon Country. Endless supply of elixirs and weapons, and the freedom to choose powerful martial arts and skills. They will become the sharp swords of Snow Moon."

Duan Tianlang said this to the disciples of Yunhai Sect, his voice full of temptation. Joining the Snow Moon Holy Courtyard would offer endless martial arts and powerful weapons and elixirs, which was extremely tempting for those who yearned for strong power.

They came to Yunhai Sect to cultivate and become stronger. If the Snow Moon Holy Courtyard could provide better opportunities, why stay in Yunhai Sect?

At this moment, many people were itching to move, silently admonishing themselves to go all out in the competition.


Nangong Ling cursed inwardly. Duan Tianlang's tactic of sowing discord was not very clever, but it was effective.

What Nangong Ling couldn't tolerate even more was that this was a blatant provocation to Yunhai Sect.

"I want to see who will betray Yunhai Sect." Nangong Ling's heart was cold, and he said to Duan Tianlang, "Since King Tianlang wants to watch Yunhai Sect's grand competition, Nangong Ling will accommodate."

"The grand competition of the sect, the ranking battle between outer disciples and core disciples will be postponed and fought another day. Today, only the ranking battle of the inner disciples will take place."

After hearing Nangong Ling's words, the crowd was in an uproar, but soon they understood Nangong Ling's intention.

The outer disciples were too weak and would be a disgrace to Yunhai Sect if they were exposed at this moment. The core disciples were the core of the sect and would soon become the successors of Yunhai Sect. Their strength should not be exposed too early, so it was appropriate for the inner disciples to compete.

Duan Tianlang's eyes flashed with a different smile. Would this work?

"The inner disciples will follow the rankings on the stone wall and go up to the life-and-death platform, in order."

Nangong Ling spoke again, and immediately, the eighty-one names on the stone wall walked up to the life-and-death platform, receiving the attention of the crowd, which was very honorable.

"For this inner competition, I will change the rules. Those who want to participate in the ranking battle must first challenge the top eighty-one inner disciples. Only the victor will be eligible to participate in the ranking battle. Moreover, challengers cannot challenge the same person consecutively."

Nangong Ling continued, and the crowd was in an uproar again. Many people felt disappointed. They had wanted to show their faces in the grand competition and test their strength, but it seemed that there was no longer any chance.

"Also, in this challenging battle, the outcome, life or death... is not limited."

"Boom." Everyone's hearts trembled. Life or death, unlimited.

If they challenged the top eighty-one inner disciples, they would certainly be resented by the other party. With this rule, it was very likely that their lives would be at risk. This also meant that they could not afford to lose.

Winning just earned them the qualification to participate in the ranking battle, but losing had serious consequences, possibly even the cost of their lives.

"Not worth it."

"Risking your life for the qualification to fight in the ranking battle is not worth it. Just wait until next year's competition to participate again."

Countless disciples shook their heads, whispering to themselves. This was too risky and not worth it.

"Lin Feng, the master is so ruthless. I have now reached the Spiritual Martial Realm, but I am only at

 the first level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. The weakest of those on the stone wall are already at the second level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. I'm afraid I have no hope."

Han Man smiled bitterly. He had wanted to fight in the grand competition of the sect, but he had not expected this turn of events.

Lin Feng's eyes flickered as he looked at Nangong Ling on the platform. This rule was indeed harsh, but it could truly eliminate those who were not strong enough or courageous enough, ensuring that those who participated were elites with strength and courage. This was the effect Nangong Ling wanted, to show the best side of the inner disciples to those outsiders.

"The top eighty-one disciples are on the life-and-death platform. Now, the other inner disciples can challenge any of them and fight on the central life-and-death platform."

After Nangong Ling finished speaking, he sat down. His gaze swept over Duan Tianlang and the others.

"Luo Lie, I want to challenge You Lin."

A figure leaped onto the life-and-death platform and said loudly. Since they couldn't challenge the same person, the first challenger undoubtedly had an advantage and could choose the person ranked last among the eighty-one, which was You Lin, ranked eighty-first.

At this moment, You Lin's face was unsightly. He was indeed the first to be challenged, which was quite embarrassing.

"Challengers, show no mercy."

Wen Renyan, who stood at the forefront of the crowd, lips lightly moved, his voice cold, startling the inner disciples who wanted to challenge below. This guy...


You Lin nodded to Wen Renyan and then jumped onto the life-and-death platform. His Poisonous Dragon Fist struck out directly, without holding back at all. Even if Wen Renyan hadn't reminded him, he would have done so.


After a stick of incense's time, the area of the life-and-death platform in Fengyun Gorge became unusually quiet.

All eyes of the crowd were focused on one place—the central life-and-death platform. There, blood had dyed the platform red, with five bodies lying on it. These five bodies were all challengers, without exception, they all lost and were killed on the spot, and no one even bothered to clean up their bodies.

To lose was to die.

The cruel and bloody lesson made those who wanted to challenge gradually extinguish the flames in their hearts.

Moreover, the five people they challenged were only the last five in the ranking of eighty-one people. If they wanted to challenge later, they would have to challenge those ranked higher.

Being able to have their names engraved on the honor stone wall of the inner disciples was indeed, without exception, extraordinary.

Nangong Ling sat on the viewing platform, his gaze indifferent. Perhaps this bloody lesson could make these disciples deeply understand the cruelty of martial arts.

Only those with an extremely determined and persistent heart could move forward bravely. Those who feared and shrank back from the cruelty and bloodiness of martial arts had no right to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts.

"A bunch of trash, but still trying to qualify for the ranking battle. Death will surely extinguish the fantasies in your hearts."

Wen Renyan pointed at the five bodies on the platform, his eyes sweeping over the crowd, extremely proud.

He was the number one among the inner disciples, and these people did not even have the qualifications to participate in the ranking battle of the inner disciples.

The faces of the crowd were ugly, but they dared not speak out in anger. Wen Renyan was always arrogant, but his talent and strength were too outstanding, and he was valued by the sect, so no one dared to provoke him.

"Master, I think we can start the ranking battle now. They have no hope." Wen Renyan looked at Nangong Ling again and said.

Nangong Ling scanned the crowd with his eyes and nodded slightly. Although Wen Renyan was a bit arrogant, he was indeed a rare genius in Yunhai Sect and would eventually become a pillar of the sect.


At this moment, a mocking voice suddenly sounded in the air, causing a ripple in the hearts of the crowd.

Wen Renyan raised his eyebrows, his gaze searching the crowd, then falling on one spot, his eyes flashing with cold light.

"It's you again." Wen Renyan's tone was icy, his killing intent revealed.

"What do you find ridiculous?"

"You are now the number one in the inner disciples, standing high and looking down on others, insulting them as trash. But, when was it that you yourself were not a trash, and only then did you achieve your current position?" Lin Feng's mouth curled in a sneer, Wen Renyan's arrogance needed to be awakened.