
"Waste? How dare someone call Wen Renyan a waste.

The crowd's gaze fell on Lin Feng, and their eyes suddenly focused, because at this moment, Lin Feng was still wearing the outer disciple's attire. Could it be that he was still an outer disciple?

Nangong Ling frowned slightly. It was he who had personally appointed Lin Feng to enter the inner sect. Why was Lin Feng still wearing the outer sect's attire?

Moreover, in the Yunhai Sect, Nangong Ling valued four people the most: Ling Huhe Shan, the Butcher, Wen Renyan, and Lin Feng.

Now, Ling Huhe Shan had achieved success, the Butcher was getting stronger, and Wen Renyan had unlimited potential. As for Lin Feng, although he was still weak, his potential was already evident. These four individuals were seen by Nangong Ling as the future of the sect. Nangong Ling did not want to see too much conflict among them. However, it seemed that something was amiss between Wen Renyan and Lin Feng.

"What qualifications do you have to criticize and point fingers? At least in my presence, you are still a waste." Wen Renyan's azure eyes emitted a strange cold light as he stared at Lin Feng.

"Your vision is short-sighted. People like you, I really don't know what qualifications you have to call others waste." The sarcasm in Lin Feng's tone grew stronger, eliciting interesting expressions from the crowd. This guy's strength is still far from Wen Renyan's. He needs to look up to Wen Renyan, yet he dares to speak to Wen Renyan like this, truly ignorant.

"Do you think you are more qualified than me?" Wen Renyan also showed a mocking expression, questioning.

"Of course, I am not qualified, nor would I easily insult others as waste." Lin Feng's footsteps slowly approached the platform of life and death, his voice very calm.

"You stand at the first place among the inner disciples and insult other inner disciples as waste. Then, when the powerful core disciples of the sect insult you as waste, how would you react?"

"Hmph, even if the core disciples are stronger than me, I will surpass them in the future. What qualifications do they have to call me waste? And you, will never have the chance to surpass me."

Wen Renyan was extremely proud, making the inner disciples of Yunhai Sect feel a burning sensation on their faces, but they were powerless to refute. Wen Renyan's talent was indeed beyond their comparison.

"Ridiculous." Lin Feng had already reached the edge of the platform of life and death, and as he stepped forward, he ascended the platform.

"In the eyes of many, you, Wen Renyan, are talented and a genius, but in my eyes, you are just a fool. I don't understand why the sect values you."

As Lin Feng's words fell, the crowd fell silent. A fool, talented but a fool, what use is there for the sect?


A cold breath swept out, Wen Renyan took a step forward, and the temperature on the platform of life and death dropped sharply.

"Are you getting angry because you're embarrassed? I haven't finished speaking yet."

Lin Feng sneered disdainfully, leaped lightly, and instantly ascended to the central platform of life and death, looking down at Wen Renyan.

"The Nine Heavens Continent is vast. How many places have you, Wen Renyan, been to? How many geniuses have you seen? You dare to be so arrogant, looking down on everything, and moreover, the strength of the Triple Martial Spirit, in the continent, is so weak. In just the country of Xueyue, there are countless people stronger than you. Your pride, I don't understand where it comes from."

"You, Wen Renyan, are shortsighted, just a frog in a well. Not only are you unrighteous, but you are also foolish."

Lin Feng's words made the crowd tremble slightly. Even Nangong Ling and Duan Tianlang were slightly moved. This guy, so visionary, is truly extraordinary.

As for Wen Renyan, he was so angry that his whole body trembled. Lin Feng's words were too vicious, shaking his sacred position in the hearts of the crowd. He could feel the eyes of everyone looking at him, seemingly changing.

Even the people in the stands felt the same way.

Moreover, Lin Feng seemed to have no intention of letting him off.

His gaze swept over the stands, and more assertive words came out of Lin Feng's mouth.

"Such shortsighted, unrighteous, and foolish people are praised by many as being outstanding and loved by the elders, valued by the sect, and admired by countless people. As an outer disciple of Yunhai Sect, I feel ashamed. Could it be that Yunhai Sect has no one!"

Could it be that Yunhai Sect has no one!

The extremely assertive words lingered in the air, shaking the hearts of the crowd. Lin Feng said Wen Renyan was arrogant, but what about himself? He dared to say that Yunhai Sect had no one. This was not just arrogance, it was something that only a madman would dare to do.

"Daring, you, an outer disciple, actually dare to insult the sect and seek death." On the stands, a senior outer disciple shouted angrily. This person was none other than Lu Yuan, who had insulted Lin Feng and refused to give him an inner disciple token that day.

"It is because of people like you that the sect is declining."

Lin Feng looked coldly at Lu Yuan, disdainfully saying, "As for outer disciples, so what? Are the inner disciples very strong?"

"You five, relying on your own strength, killing fellow disciples, seems powerful. But have you ever thought, if someone is stronger than you, what would your fate be?"

Lin Feng stared at the five inner disciples who had just killed the five challengers and said coldly, "Although the sect master has rules that do not allow challenges to disciples who have already fought, I think if I challenge you five, no one will say that I am taking advantage, and the sect master will agree, right?"

As soon as Lin Feng's words fell, everyone's gaze stagnated. Lin Feng, he wanted to challenge the five strong inner disciples whose names were engraved on the ranking stone?

He's gone mad, Lin Feng must be mad.

Even if Lin Feng had mastered the sword intent and could fight beyond his level, these were five experts at the Double Martial Spirit level. It was likely that a single attack from them would be enough to kill Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng, actually threatened to challenge the five of them, was he not afraid of death?

Even Han Man was surprised. This guy...

In the crowd, Liu Fei was also stunned, her beautiful eyes staring at Lin Feng in a daze. She thought that although Lin Feng's strength was strong, his talent was even stronger. Therefore, she wanted to recruit Lin Feng, giving him time to become strong. However, now, he was still somewhat struggling against the people on the stone wall.

However, Lin Feng had given her a big surprise. This bastard, he wants to challenge the five strongmen on the stone wall? Doesn't he know how powerful those people are?

"Bastard." Liu Fei cursed in her heart, feeling worried for Lin Feng. Lin

 Feng insulted these people, they would definitely not let him go.

Even Nangong Ling was somewhat surprised, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Lin Feng actually wanted to challenge five experts at the Double Martial Spirit level. If something were to happen, it would not be good.

Moreover, Lin Feng had been personally granted the status of an inner disciple by him, so why did he still call himself an outer disciple?

"Five people are too many, you should challenge one first." Nangong Ling did not want Lin Feng to take risks. Moreover, Lin Feng was one of the two people he valued. If anything happened to him, he would not be able to explain to those two.

"No need, all five of you, come up together." Lin Feng seemed unwilling to relent, his voice indifferent.

"You want to die, I will fulfill you, one person is enough." One of the five smiled sinisterly, Lin Feng actually threatened to challenge the five of them, ignorant of life and death.

"Come together, I don't want to see him live another second in front of me." Wen Renyan interrupted him. Lin Feng's words just now, insulting him as unrighteous, foolish, and possibly betraying the sect, had made him hate Lin Feng to the bone.

The five of them glanced at each other. Although they all wanted to personally kill Lin Feng, they did not dare to disobey Wen Renyan's words.

With a tremor, five figures landed on the central platform of life and death at the same time, coldly looking at Lin Feng. The five strong auras instantly locked onto Lin Feng.

"Remember, the one who kills you is called Yue Yang."

A dazzling flame burst out from one of them, and his palm reached out. Suddenly, the tyrannical flame made crackling sounds, as if the space itself was about to ignite.

A huge flame palm print struck out, the heat wave surged, and at the same time, the other four also launched their attacks. The five Double Martial Spirit level experts joined forces. Even without releasing their martial souls, the surging pressure could be felt by everyone below the platform of life and death.

As for Lin Feng, he was engulfed by various powerful attacks, as if he would be submerged in the next moment.

Then, at this moment, a surging breath rushed out, a domineering palm print suddenly appeared, covering the entire sky, like a galloping herd, the momentum was extremely grand.

"The highest level of the Eight Wastes Palm, the palm print covers the sky and the earth."

The crowd's gaze stagnated, looking at the endless palm prints, as if they had appeared out of nowhere, and instantly collided with those attacks, the rumbling sound was endless.

"Die." Yue Yang broke through from the middle, the overbearing flame palm print continuously piled up, breaking through the constraints of the Eight Wastes Palm. However, he didn't expect Lin Feng to be so strong, to use the Eight Wastes Palm to such an extreme, but to simultaneously attack the five Double Martial Spirit level experts, causing Yue Yang to forget about Lin Feng's formidable skill, which was the sword. He also paid the price for this, and this price was too heavy, it was his life.

"That's, the Sword Drawing Technique?"

Many people recognized the sword that had just been drawn, and their hearts were shocked. The Sword Drawing Technique had always been considered a useless martial skill, a chicken rib. However, in Lin Feng's hands, the Sword Drawing Technique was so powerful, as fast as lightning, as clever as it could be, and unpredictable.

That one sword was so stunning!

"No wonder Elder Bei values him so much. In terms of talent in martial skills, no one can compare to this child."

Lin Feng's status in Nangong Ling's heart rose again. With the cultivation of the First Martial Spirit level, he had used the Eight Wastes Palm to its extreme and had even displayed such a powerful force with the Sword Drawing Technique. Was this really something that only a disciple who had just entered the inner sect could achieve?