Snowy forces

The vast ancient road, the iron cavalry galloping.

 At this moment, two Red Blood steeds fell behind the iron cavalry, their speed gradually slowing.

 Lin Feng looked at the sides of the ancient road, where smoke curled up, and white mist lingered in the air. Surprisingly, there were villages all around, and they were not small. Along the way, it had been like this.

 Although in the Nine Heavens Continent, martial arts reign supreme, there were still many commoners without martial souls or martial talent.

 "Lin Feng, there, is Bladebreak City."

 Liu Canglan called out Lin Feng's name directly, pointing to a city in the distance.

 Bladebreak City, where blades break and hearts are broken!

 "Finally arrived."

 Lin Feng looked at the city that was getting closer and closer, thinking to himself that even with the Red Blood Divine Steeds' incredible speed and traveling through the night, it still took them six days to reach Bladebreak City, north of Snow Moon Country.

 "This road is so open, with no other natural barriers along the way. If the enemy breaches Bladebreak City, won't they be able to drive straight in, with blood flowing like a river?"

 Lin Feng looked at Liu Canglan and spoke. If Bladebreak City fell, the endless villages along this vast ancient road would likely be trampled in an instant.

 "They don't care."

 Liu Canglan said indifferently, but it sent a chill down Lin Feng's spine.

 They don't care?

 Indeed, these were all commoners. Even if the city were breached and the commoners slaughtered, it would only be the commoners affected. In the Nine Heavens Continent, only martial prowess mattered.

 "Lin Feng, do you know the overall situation in which Snow Moon Country finds itself?"

 "I'm not sure." Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

 "The Nine Heavens Continent is vast and endless, with great empires and territories. Snow Moon Country is located in the Snow Domain." Liu Canglan slowly explained to Lin Feng, "The Snow Domain has thirteen countries, including four major low-grade empires and nine major territories. There are countless sects and forces in the Snow Domain. Snow Moon Country is one of the nine countries, not even considered a low-grade empire."

 Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. This was the first time he had heard of the Snow Domain and the thirteen countries. Even Snow Moon Country, when placed in the Snow Domain, was nothing special. What about in the vast continent?

 "The nine countries in the Snow Domain are all subordinate to the four major low-grade empires. Snow Moon Country is the same, along with Tianfeng Country, subordinate to the low-grade empire, Dragon Mountain Empire. There are constant frictions with other countries, such as Moya Country on the other side of Bladebreak City. However, the four major empires never interfere in the conflicts between us. Even in times of life and death, they may not necessarily intervene. The law of the martial continent is survival of the fittest, the rule of the martialists."

 "However, every ten years, the four major empires select outstanding young talents from the subordinates to participate in a grand competition in the Snow Domain, gathering the best young talents from the thirteen countries. It is said that the victors can gain countless benefits, even entering a secret realm to enhance their strength. Moreover, if the four major empires select talents from the subordinate countries and achieve good results, the subordinate countries can also gain many benefits, enhancing their national strength and becoming stronger."

 "The Snow Domain Competition, the secret realm!"

 Lin Feng's eyebrows raised. Could it be that the involvement of Prince Xueshui and Prince Dapeng in Snow Moon Sacred Institute was related to this?

 "It is because of this competition that the nine countries are constantly fighting. They all hope to consume each other's strength, even to the point of breaking each other's countries and then annexing them. In this way, not only will their territories expand, but there will also be more outstanding young talents. They hope that one day, their countries will also become empires."

 "I see."

 Lin Feng didn't expect that the wars between countries were triggered by a competition.

 "Now you should understand why they wanted to destroy the Cloud Sea Sect and even tried to swallow other sects, gathering all the outstanding talents in Snow Moon Sacred Institute."

 Liu Canglan looked at Lin Feng, who nodded slightly. The establishment of Snow Moon Sacred Institute was because they needed more outstanding talents.

 "They want to kill me because I have too much influence in the army. They cannot allow a military force that exceeds boundaries to exist; they want absolute control. As for destroying sects, it is to unify Snow Moon's power. Not just the Cloud Sea Sect, if other sects do not compromise and make concessions, they will also face destruction. The Cloud Sea Sect has become a warning to other sects."

 Liu Canglan sighed, and Lin Feng's heart grew colder. It was said that one arrow could hit two targets, but their arrow, it hit far more than two.

 "General, dismount and have a drink of water."

 At this moment, they passed by a village, and a woman shouted to Liu Canglan.

 "General, your hair..."

 "It's nothing. I still have things to do, so I won't stay." Liu Canglan smiled slightly at the woman and rode on, with many villagers coming out of their houses, silently standing on both sides of the road, watching Liu Canglan pass by, their eyes showing true respect.

 Lin Feng, deeply respectful.

 From ancient times, civilians have feared the military. A good military is one that does not disturb the civilians, and Liu Canglan could do so, showing how deeply he had won the people's hearts.

 It's a pity that this is a world of martial artists. If it were in ancient times in his previous life, Lin Feng had no doubt that if Liu Canglan raised his arm, he could make the country tremble.

 Before long, a towering small city appeared in front of Lin Feng.

 "General, the General is back."

 "Quick, open the city gates."

 Many people saw Liu Canglan and showed excited expressions. After a while, the soldiers guarding the city walls all rushed up the walls, filling the entire corridor along the city walls.


 The crowd shouted, their eyes filled with excitement. The news of the annihilation of the Cloud Sea Sect had long spread throughout the army. When they heard that the General went to the Imperial City, they were fearful that something might happen this time. Fortunately, their General had returned.

 Watching the figures on the city wall, Liu Canglan let out a long sigh, his eyes showing an indescribable emotion. These people were all his, all entrusting their lives to him.

 "I'm back." Liu Canglan uttered a few words, urging his horse forward, galloping wildly toward the open city gates, with a whistling wind.

 Lin Feng urged his horse, the Red Blood Iron Cavalry galloping, closely following behind Liu Canglan.

 This city on

 the border of Snow Moon Country was not large. Liu Canglan's residence was in the innermost part of the city, next to another city gate, which was adjacent to the battlefield.

 Before Liu Canglan arrived, a fiery red figure rode up, leaving behind trails of fiery remnants in space.


 Liu Fei's eyes were slightly red, with traces of tears. The soldiers didn't know where Liu Canglan had gone, but she understood. In these past few days, she had been confined and could not step out of her residence.

 Upon hearing the news of Liu Canglan's return, she immediately ran over. Now, seeing her father safe and sound, how could Liu Fei not be excited?

 "Fei Fei."

 A hint of indulgence appeared in Liu Canglan's eyes, feeling a bit guilty.

 Liu Fei looked at Liu Canglan, silent for a moment, then suddenly shouted, "Liu Canglan, you scoundrel."


 Lin Feng, who was on the side, was startled. This woman, still not gentle!

 But the smile at the corner of Liu Canglan's mouth became even stronger. It was a bitter smile. Indeed, he was a scoundrel.

 "Alright, Fei Fei, am I not fine now?"

 "You are fine, but I am not." Liu Fei stared at Liu Canglan fiercely, but then rode to Liu Canglan's side, suddenly speaking softly, "Father, you won't do this kind of thing again in the future, will you?"

 "I won't in the future." Liu Canglan shook his head, pointing to Lin Feng beside him, "Fei Fei, you must thank him. He saved your father."

 "Huh?" Liu Fei's gaze fell on Lin Feng, whose robe was covered in dust, looking weary and with a bronze mask on his face, full of mystery.

 "Father, who is he?" Liu Fei's eyes showed a hint of doubt. Liu Canglan smiled and said, "Fei Fei, can't you tell?"

 Liu Fei was stunned again. Couldn't she recognize this man with the bronze mask?

 Lin Feng smiled and placed his hand on the bronze mask, playfully speaking.

 "What's wrong, can't you even recognize your own man!"

 As the words fell, the bronze mask was removed, and Liu Fei saw the clean and handsome face with a faint smile!