Broken blade

"Lin Feng!"

Liu Fei's eyes narrowed slightly. The man wearing the bronze mask was actually Lin Feng, the guy who saved his father's life?

Liu Canglan turned his gaze and looked at Lin Feng. This was the second time he had seen Lin Feng, and both times he had worn a mask. However, this was the first time Liu Canglan had seen Lin Feng without it.

With a clean face and a faint smile, there was already a hint of depth in his young eyes, but they were accompanied by a playful and unrestrained smile.

"So young," Liu Canglan sighed. "Since ancient times, heroes have often been young."

The first time he met Lin Feng, a few words from him made him abandon the idea of giving up his cultivation. Every sentence shook his heart.

The second time he saw Lin Feng, Lin Feng still spoke to the heart, but this time it was the heart of Duan Tianlang. He refuted Duan Tianlang in front of everyone, greatly diminishing the dignity of the Snow Moon Sacred Institute.

This not only required an extremely intelligent mind but also required fearless courage and unrestrained arrogance to insult the Wolf Prince in front of everyone and indirectly criticize the Snow Moon royal family.

Liu Canglan never expected that such a fearless, arrogant, and intelligent person would be a somewhat immature young man.

"Lin Feng, earlier you said you were Feifei's... man," Liu Canglan suddenly remembered Lin Feng's words, his face showing a strange expression as he said, "Is that true?"

Lin Feng scratched his head, looking a bit shy, but saw Liu Fei look at him in astonishment, glaring at him angrily.

"Father, don't listen to this jerk, he's just a lecher."

Liu Fei said angrily. This guy actually dared to say in front of her father that she was his woman, how despicable...

"Lecher." Lin Feng was uncomfortable hearing this, he cast a fierce look at Liu Fei and said, "Feifei, wasn't it you who said you were my woman that day? I didn't force you, so how come I'm a lecher now? If anyone's lecherous, it's you."

"..." Liu Fei rolled her eyes, almost suffocating from anger. This rogue!

Liu Canglan's eyes widened in surprise, somewhat puzzled by the situation!

Seeing Liu Fei's pretty face turning slightly red with anger, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a bit pleased. It was rare for this woman to dare to call him a jerk and a rogue.

Watching Liu Fei and Lin Feng stare at each other, Liu Canglan couldn't help but laugh heartily. "Alright, alright, Feifei, let's go back."

Liu Fei glared at Lin Feng fiercely, reluctantly turned around, and rode away.

The three of them rode to the simple General's Mansion. Outside the mansion, many soldiers were riding their blood-red steeds. When they saw Lin Feng and the others approaching, they dismounted instantly, their movements precise.

At this moment, to Lin Feng's and the others' surprise, this group of people all knelt down simultaneously, their knees colliding with the ground, producing a muffled sound.

Even more strangely, they were not kneeling to Liu Canglan or Liu Fei, but... facing him!

"Thank you, young master, for saving our lives."

The trembling voice echoed in Lin Feng's ears, making his body tremble.

"Please get up, all of you, there's no need for such a grand gesture."

Realizing this, Lin Feng immediately jumped down from his horse. These soldiers, who protected their country and sacrificed their lives, how could he accept their kneeling worship?

"Young master, not only did you save the lives of two hundred Blood Guards, but you also saved the general's life. If the general had not returned this time, the city of Duanjian would have been breached sooner or later. At that time, the Iron Cavalry of the Moyue Kingdom would have swept in, blood would have flowed like a river, and what you saved would have been the entire city of soldiers and countless Snow Moon civilians. This bow is well deserved."

Among the soldiers, a man with a solemn expression looked at Lin Feng and said, causing Lin Feng's eyes to narrow slightly.

These were indeed things he had not thought about.

"Then let Lin Feng accept your bow, can you all get up now?"

Lin Feng was not one to be pretentious. He spoke to the crowd, and the soldiers stood up, their eyes showing a hint of gratitude towards Lin Feng.

"Alright, everyone, go about your business."

Liu Canglan waved his hand, and the crowd dispersed.

"Lin Feng, the Blood Guards are the most elite soldiers among the Blood Cavalry. Each of them leads hundreds, even thousands, of Blood Cavalry. There are only five hundred of them in total. They are my most trusted subordinates and the true elite of this army. Those Iron Cavaliers who follow me to the imperial city are all Blood Guards. You saved them, and if you have the chance to step onto the battlefield in the future, they will be your right-hand men."

Liu Canglan suddenly spoke, causing Lin Feng's gaze to sharpen as he murmured to himself, "Me? A right-hand man?"

"Yes, you." Liu Canglan nodded seriously. "I am now not tolerated by those behind the curtains. Although they cannot openly move against me in the military, there will be changes sooner or later. If you have the chance to step onto the battlefield one day, perhaps these events can help you in the future."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Who could say what would happen in the future?

Entering the General's Mansion, Lin Feng discovered that deep inside the mansion, there was actually a passage that led directly to the city gate. This made Lin Feng sigh with emotion. Liu Canglan was truly a passionate man. If the city were to be breached, the first to be hit would be his general's mansion.

"Feifei, you go back and rest first. I'll take a walk with Lin Feng."

Liu Canglan said to Liu Fei, who flashed a hint of doubt in her beautiful eyes and glanced at her father.

"Alright." She nodded, not questioning her father's words, and rode away alone.

"Lin Feng, how about taking a walk to the city gate?" Liu Canglan's gaze fell on Lin Feng, asking.

Lin Feng was also puzzled, not knowing why Liu Canglan wanted to separate Liu Fei and deliberately seek him out.


Lin Feng nodded slightly, and the two rode westward. They arrived at the foot of the west city gate, where there were more soldiers stationed. However, even though they saw Liu Canglan, they still maintained their positions without saluting, showing their strict discipline.

Riding on the Blood Guards, Liu Canglan led Lin Feng up the stairs on the left side of the city gate. Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a cold wind blowing towards him.

Looking out, Lin Feng was deeply attracted by the scene before him with just one glance.

"Duanjian City, where swords are broken and hearts are broken!"

A voice echoed in Lin Feng's mind, and it was so apt.

Before his eyes, on the vast land

, silver light flickered. The ground was covered with broken swords!

Some were still cold; some had rusted, showing a blood-red rust.

"These accumulated broken swords are all from the sacrificed soldiers. I have never ordered them to be taken away, but let them lie here. One is to commemorate the fallen warriors, and the other is to alert the living."

Liu Canglan, beside him, slowly spoke, then pointed to the distance. There, there was a trench that seemed to be a continuous mountain, split in half by a sword. In the middle, there was a gap, which was somewhat similar to the one-line sky next to the mountain peak where Liu Fei used to cultivate.

It's just that this mountain peak was higher and more dangerous. Many soldiers were carrying arrows at different positions on the mountain peak. If anyone wanted to pass through this trench, they could be easily shot down.

"That place is called the End of the Sword. Stepping out of it is like stepping into the end of the world, and you may never come back."

"The End of the Sword is a very apt name," Lin Feng whispered.

"Moyue Kingdom is different from our Snow Moon. They are a nation of soldiers, extremely arrogant, without sects, and the royal family unifies them. Therefore, their military power and execution are much stronger than our Snow Moon Kingdom's. If it weren't for this End of the Sword, I'm afraid Duanjian City would have been breached long ago."

Liu Canglan continued, Snow Moon Kingdom, with its numerous sects and families, many people pursue their powerful martial arts without asking about national affairs. Its military power cannot compete with Moyue Kingdom's, so when Snow Moon was founded, Liu Canglan also strongly supported it. He also hoped that Snow Moon could twist into a strong force that would be invincible.

"Lin Feng, you've seen my situation. I am threatened by the royal family internally and have strong enemies externally. Perhaps one day I will no longer be in this world. This is not a groundless statement."

Lin Feng's expression was complex. What Liu Canglan said was a fact. With internal and external troubles, unless he abandoned Duanjian City and the soldiers, he could only abandon his position as general to keep himself safe. However, Lin Feng understood that for Liu Canglan to abandon his brothers and give up this city was simply impossible.

"So Lin Feng, I want to ask you for one thing."

Lin Feng was stunned, looking at Liu Canglan.

Only to hear Liu Canglan slowly say, "Take care of Feifei for me."