The king is ruthless

"Take care of Liu Fei?"

Lin Feng's expression froze for a moment, then he smiled bitterly. Liu Fei was not an easy person to take care of.

If she could be like Mengqing, following him wherever he went, even willing to live with him, Lin Feng wouldn't feel any pressure. But as for Liu Fei... Lin Feng found her quite difficult to manage!

Of course, did Mengqing need him to take care of her?

"Liu Uncle, do you really trust me this much?"

"The entire Cloud Sea Sect has sacrificed everything to protect you alone. If I don't trust you, who else can I trust!"

Liu Canglan's gaze was fixed on Lin Feng, smiling, "Besides, I think you and Feifei are quite compatible. If you can take care of her for a lifetime, I won't object!"

"Uh..." Lin Feng's eyes were wide open, feeling a blatant temptation. Liu Canglan actually wanted to entrust his daughter completely to Lin Feng. Facing a beauty like Liu Fei, it was indeed difficult for an ordinary person to refuse!

Of course, Lin Feng was not an ordinary person.

"Liu Uncle, I am not that kind of person. But since you've said so, I will naturally do my best to take care of her." Lin Feng said, trembling slightly.

Seeing Lin Feng's response, Liu Canglan smiled and said, "I understand you are not that kind of person. Lin Feng, I entrust Feifei to you."

Lin Feng saw the ambiguous look in Liu Canglan's eyes and wished he could just run into a wall. It was probably strange for Liu Canglan to think that he, Lin Feng, was not that kind of person.

But did Lin Feng have a choice? Faced with Liu Canglan's request, he couldn't possibly refuse. Not refusing would lead to suspicion...

Inside the house, Liu Fei heard that Liu Canglan wanted her to leave with Lin Feng and couldn't help but glare at him, asking, "What did you say to my father?"

Liu Fei remembered that Lin Feng had claimed to be her man as soon as he arrived, which misled Liu Canglan. She didn't know what they had talked about when they went out just now, but when they came back, her father actually asked her to follow Lin Feng. This made Liu Fei think more.

Poor Lin Feng was speechless, only able to smile bitterly.

"Father, I'm not leaving." Liu Fei looked at Liu Canglan and shook her head.

"Nonsense, Feifei, I've already decided. Let Xiao Feng stay in Duanjian City for three days, and after three days, you will leave with him."

Liu Canglan's expression was serious, without a hint of a smile in his eyes. He had to be tough to make Liu Fei leave this troubled place, away from him, the troublemaker.

"Father!" Liu Fei wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Liu Canglan.

"No need to say more, unless you don't recognize me as your father."

Trembling all over, Liu Fei looked at Liu Canglan for a moment, making Liu Canglan's gaze soften, but he knew he couldn't, Liu Fei had to leave.

"Yes, Father."

After what seemed like a long time, Liu Fei nodded, her eyes slightly red, and ran back to her room.

Seeing Liu Fei leave, a trace of helplessness flashed in Liu Canglan's eyes.

Lin Feng, equally helpless, Liu Canglan had devoted his life to the country, but was feared by those behind the scenes. Even when resisting external enemies, he couldn't be at ease, which was chilling.

"They say actors are heartless, but kings are the most heartless."

Lin Feng muttered to himself, sighing deeply.


Three days later, on the vast ancient road, horse hooves thundered, dust flying.

Hundreds of Blood Iron Cavalry galloped on this ancient road.

"Liu Uncle, just send us here."

Riding on the Blood Cavalry horse, Lin Feng said to Liu Canglan beside him.

The galloping hooves gradually slowed down until they stopped. Liu Canglan looked at Liu Fei, feeling reluctant. Even he didn't know when they would meet again.

"Father, you should go back."

Liu Fei was also reluctant. Gritting her teeth, she spoke.

"Feifei, promise me, listen to Lin Feng more." Liu Canglan stared at Liu Fei, solemnly.

Although he had only interacted with Lin Feng a few times, Liu Canglan knew how capable Lin Feng was. Liu Fei was impulsive, and Liu Canglan was worried, so he made this request.

Liu Fei glanced at Lin Feng, then nodded. "Father, I will."

"Take care of yourself." Liu Canglan turned his horse's head, galloping away without even looking back at Liu Fei.

"Miss, take care."

"Young master, take care."

The crowd on the Blood Iron Cavalry shouted together, then turned their horses and galloped away, following Liu Canglan's figure.

Liu Fei's gaze still stared at the disappearing figure, motionless.

Lin Feng stood quietly, not disturbing Liu Fei.

"Yesterday, my father told me that the Cloud Sea Sect raised him to adulthood, and the master regarded him highly. However, he abandoned everything and left the sect, leading to its destruction. He feels sorry for the sect."

"My father told me that my mother and he fought enemies together at the End of the Sword. She was shot by a poisoned arrow and gradually became weak. When she died, he was still fighting outside and didn't even see her last glance. He feels sorry for my mother."

"My father also said that the battles at the End of the Sword were endless, and he had no time to take care of me. He sent me to the Cloud Sea Sect. Now, he wants me to leave his side. He feels that he has not fulfilled his duty as a father to me, his daughter."

"My father also said that hundreds of thousands of soldiers fought alongside him, one batch falling, another batch coming. Now, the brothers who followed him back then are now only a few, and the rest have turned into yellow earth, buried outside the End of the Sword. He is still alive and well, unable to bury the bones of the soldiers and send them home. He feels sorry for the soldiers."

Lin Feng listened quietly, feeling extremely complicated, feeling somewhat unpleasant.

"I know why my father wants me to leave. It's because he's afraid of implicating me. Actually, he has never let anyone down. But I know, Snow Moon, has let him down."

Lin Feng heard Liu Fei's words and looked up at the sky.

Snow Moon, not only has let him down, but also the three words "let down" are too light!

If Lin Feng had the strength to travel the void, he would definitely rush to that majestic imperial city and ask where those people's hearts were!

Only with strength can fate be changed, and only with great strength can everything be subdued. A peerless warrior can destroy a country in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng never dared to forget the weight of strength

. If he had the power one day, he would definitely break through the universe and ask the heavens.

"If you want to cry, just cry."

When he came to his senses, Lin Feng glanced at Liu Fei and said softly.

The tragedy of the Divine Arrow Liu Canglan was completely placed on the shoulders of the girl in front of him, this beautiful girl, who was only sixteen years old.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, tears welled up in Liu Fei's eyes, flowing down her delicate cheeks.

After a while, sobbing sounds came from Liu Fei's mouth.

Liu Fei's body leaned forward slightly, as if wanting to lie down and cry her heart out.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. A woman is always a woman, especially a young girl. Under such great pressure, she could easily be crushed.

Riding forward, Lin Feng leaped off his horse and jumped behind Liu Fei, saying, "I'll lend you my shoulder."

Liu Fei turned her head, her eyes blurred with tears, looked at Lin Feng, and then seemed to forget everything, directly leaning into Lin Feng's arms, crying bitterly.

It seemed like an eternity, but Liu Fei finally quieted down.

Looking up, Liu Fei glanced at Lin Feng and said, "You lecher, taking advantage of someone in distress."


Lin Feng's eyes widened. A woman's change of heart is indeed faster than turning a page. It seems that this is universal in the world.

"It seems that someone was the one who fell into my arms."

Lin Feng muttered helplessly, and Liu Fei glared at him fiercely, "You, go away."

"I've already left. But before you go, clean up the marks on your face."

Lin Feng smiled, jumped back onto his Blood Cavalry horse, and said, "Let's go."

Liu Fei wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, a hint of crimson flashing on her face, but she didn't let Lin Feng see it as she turned away.

"Let's go."

With Lin Feng on her back, Liu Fei said, then pulled the reins, and the Blood Cavalry horse, as if knowing its master's mind, galloped out.

Lin Feng smiled and rode up, feeling a bit helpless in his heart.

It seemed difficult for Liu Fei to listen to him!!

On the vast ancient road, a pair of young men and women rode side by side, the man handsome, the woman beautiful, their horses galloping like a song, the landscape like a painting!