Slave trade

Lin Feng was unaware of everything that had happened after he left the tavern. Despite his strong perception ability, he couldn't detect anyone from the Xuanwu Realm tracking him.

 He didn't even know that Meng Qing had never left his side. She had been following him since he stepped out of the academy.

 At this moment, the silver mask returned to Lin Feng's face, restoring his cold and stern demeanor. Beside him, the Barbarian Blade also wore a mask, but his was a dark bronze color, matching his fierce and domineering appearance.

 "Barbarian Blade, besides being auctioned off or dying, do the slaves in the Arena of Captives end up elsewhere?" Lin Feng asked as they walked along the road.

 "Yes," Barbarian Blade pondered for a moment, then nodded. "Excluding those who died, the remaining slaves are all elites. Those who can be tamed will stay, while those who are too unruly to tame will be sent to the auction. They are of no use if kept, and besides, there are many slaves who are sold to those in need of slave warriors."

 Lin Feng glanced at Barbarian Blade, knowing without a doubt that he must be one of those unruly and untamed slaves.

 "Where are they sold?" Lin Feng inquired further.

 "I'm not sure," Barbarian Blade shook his head. "I don't have the opportunity to be involved in their affairs. I only know what happens around me."

 Lin Feng's eyes showed a hint of contemplation, but he heard Yi Xue beside him say, "They are sent to the slave trading market. This is not a secret. As long as the nobles need slave warriors, they will go to the slave trading market to directly purchase them with yuan stones or exchange goods."

 "Slave trading market," Lin Feng's eyes narrowed. He had never expected such a place to exist.

 "Yi Xue, take me to see." Lin Feng said indifferently.

 Yi Xue looked somewhat puzzled, glanced at Lin Feng, then nodded and said, "Okay."

 Yi Xue then took the lead and after a while, they arrived at the slave trading market.

 Standing outside the market, Lin Feng looked at the spacious avenue in front of him, and his pupils contracted.

 This trading market was clearly a wide street. On either side of the street were iron prisons, where many slaves were locked up. Outside the iron prisons, the owners of these slaves sat calmly, waiting for someone to inquire about trading slaves.

 Here, slaves were like livestock, mere commodities, devoid of any human rights.

 These slaves, branded with the mark of slavery, might be prisoners of war, criminals, or those who had offended certain nobles and powers, like the Cloud Sea Sect, which had been wiped out. Those who survived were branded as slaves by Duan Tianlang and became lowly slaves, subjected to abuse and bullying, and could die at any moment.

 Furthermore, this slave trading market was bustling. People walked along the main road, selecting and evaluating the slaves, many of whom were nobles.

 Lin Feng and the others entered the trading market, scanning the prisons on either side. The slaves here were thin, strong, and even very seductive and sexy female slaves, satisfying the desires of some lascivious individuals who purchased them for their pleasure.

 "Young Master Feng, most of the slaves here are Qi Martial Realm warrior slaves. Spiritual Martial Realm warriors are more expensive and monopolized by the major families in the imperial city. Do you want to take a look at the central market?" Yi Xue said to Lin Feng. Although she didn't know why Lin Feng had come here, with his strength, if he truly wanted to buy warrior slaves, he would naturally choose those in the Spiritual Martial Realm.

 "Alright, let's go take a look."

 Lin Feng agreed and walked forward. However, he felt uncomfortable all over. The slaves in the prisons were staring at them, making him feel uneasy. Moreover, the people selling the slaves also gave off a disgusting vibe.

 After a while, Lin Feng arrived at the central market of the slave trading market. Unlike other places, there were no prisons like the ones outside. Instead, there was a huge building, like a small castle.

 "Young Master, this is the largest trading place in the slave trading market, monopolizing eighty percent of the Spiritual Martial Realm warrior slaves." Yi Xue whispered to Lin Feng. Outside the castle, a figure stared at Lin Feng and the others. Upon hearing Yi Xue call Lin Feng "Young Master," he smiled and said, "Young Master, do you need warrior slaves? I assure you, here, you will definitely find warrior slaves that satisfy you."

 "Take me to see." Lin Feng said indifferently, his eyes calm behind the silver mask.

 "Alright, Young Master, please follow me." The man smiled politely and led Lin Feng and the others into the fortress-like building.

 Inside the fortress was spacious and very large. Half of it was locked, with all the warrior slaves sitting lazily on the ground. When Lin Feng and the others walked in, their eyes turned towards Lin Feng, and he felt a surge of killing intent.

 "Young Master, you can choose the ones you like here outside. The number of chains on their bodies represents their strength. One chain is the first level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, five chains is the fifth level."

 The man said to Lin Feng again, standing outside the prison door. Lin Feng could indeed see the number of chains on the warrior slaves' bodies, inferring their strength.

 "There are over two hundred Spiritual Martial Realm warrior slaves here, and the most powerful one is a sixth-level Spiritual Martial Realm warrior slave. The owner here must be a powerful force." Lin Feng roughly scanned these slaves. There were over two hundred of them, all in the Spiritual Martial Realm, and none of them were very old. If placed outside, they could form a terrifying force and establish a sect.

 "Young Master, rest assured, these slaves are all from the Arena of Captives. Many of them are prisoners captured by the King of Wolves when he destroyed the Cloud Sea Sect. The Cloud Sea Sect was a major sect. Many of these people were inner disciples, and some were even core disciples. They will definitely not disappoint you."

 The man beside him said again, but Lin Feng's eyes under the mask narrowed slightly. Disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, it seemed that he had come at the right time.

 Hearing that Duan Tianlang had sent the people from the Cloud Sea Sect to the Arena of Captives, Lin Feng hoped to find some former disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, so he deliberately came to take a look.

 "Hehe, disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, not bad. This time, I happen to be going to the depths of the Monster Beast Forest and need some people to clear the way. It seems I've come at the right time."

 Lin Feng smiled, causing the gazes of the slave warriors to turn cold, staring at Lin Feng with icy eyes. Going to the depths of the Monster Beast Forest to clear the way essentially meant sending them to their deaths. This bastard!

 "Hehe, Young Master's timing is indeed impeccable." The man beside him laughed, but inwardly cursed Lin Feng

. He didn't know which noble family's son he was, but he was so stupid as to reveal his intentions.

 "How much for these warrior slaves?" Lin Feng asked.

 "For the first level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, ten high-grade yuan stones; for the second level, thirty high-grade yuan stones; for the third level, eighty; for the fourth level, two hundred; for the fifth level, five hundred; and for the sixth level, one thousand."

 Lin Feng nodded slightly, then said to the warrior slaves in the prison, "All disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, step forward and come with me."

 The man beside him heard this and cursed Lin Feng inwardly, this idiot!

 The warrior slaves glanced indifferently at Lin Feng. Since they all knew it was a dead end, who would be willing to go with him? They didn't have the Cloud Sea Sect's label on their faces. Without speaking, who would know they were?

 Even Barbarian Blade and Yi Xue beside him were puzzled by Lin Feng's actions.

 However, Lin Feng's gaze remained unchanged, with a hint of light flashing in his eyes. He reached into his bosom and placed his hand on the iron prison. On one of his fingers was a very ordinary stone ring, inconspicuous, but many of the warrior slaves in the iron prison trembled when they saw it.

 This ordinary ring wouldn't attract attention anywhere else, but many of the warrior slaves had seen it before. This ring used to be worn by the Sect Master of the Cloud Sea Sect, Nangong Ling.