
The disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect stood up one by one, their gaze fixed on Lin Feng's fingers, or rather, on the stone ring on Lin Feng's finger, wanting to see more clearly.

However, at this moment, Lin Feng withdrew his hand, placing it behind his back, and said to the crowd, "Those willing to follow me, step forward."

The disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect trembled in their hearts, a glimmer of hope shining in their eyes. With the Sect Master's stone ring, Lin Feng might be one of them, a member of the Cloud Sea Sect.

"I am willing to follow you."

At this moment, a figure stepped forward, approaching the iron cell, his gaze carrying a hint of fervor.

"I am willing too."

"So am I."

More and more people stood up and spoke, leaving the person in charge of trading these slaves stunned and full of doubt. Why were so many people willing to follow Lin Feng to their deaths?

Did they hate being locked up in the cell that much?

Both Badao and Yixue were also surprised by everything before them, looking at Lin Feng with a pensive expression. How could it be that Lin Feng had just told them to pave the way in the Monster Beast Forest, yet these people were so willing?

After a moment, more than thirty slave warriors walked to the front of the iron cell, making Lin Feng sigh. It seemed that on that day, many people from the Cloud Sea Sect had escaped disaster, not being killed on the spot, but unfortunately, they had become slaves. Many died in the prison arena, and many others were traded to this slave trading place.

"Let them out. I'll take all these slave warriors."

Lin Feng said indifferently, and the person in charge nodded slightly, although he was puzzled, being able to trade so many slave warriors was naturally a good thing.

"Are you sure I should just let them out?" At this moment, the person in charge's eyes no longer had the flattering smile, but became serious, as if he had changed in an instant, even his temperament had completely changed.

Lin Feng glanced at him in surprise, but then understood. With so many slave warriors under his charge, Lin Feng wouldn't believe the man was weak.

"Let them go." Lin Feng nodded, understanding that the man was worried he wouldn't be able to control so many slave warriors. But did Lin Feng need to control them?

"If that's the case, I'll let them out." The man nodded and walked to the gap in the middle of the iron cell, unlocking the chain made of refined iron and opening the gap. He said to the crowd, "Those who are willing to follow him, step out one by one. Anyone who dares to move recklessly will be killed!"

As his words fell, a cold murderous intent emanated from him, making Lin Feng's eyes flicker with a sharp light.

Strong, at least at the Seventh Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, completely different from him just now.

The crowd lowered their heads and walked out from the gap that could barely accommodate one person, suppressing the trembling in their hearts. Looking at Lin Feng, their eyes were filled with a burning passion. Soon, thirty-two Spiritual Martial Realm warriors stood behind Lin Feng.

"How many medium-grade elemental stones?" Lin Feng asked calmly.

"Eight at the First Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, nine at the Second Level, seven at the Third Level, five at the Fourth Level, and three at the Fifth Level. There are none at the Sixth Level, so you can give me three thousand four hundred medium-grade elemental stones."

The man counted in his mind and then spoke.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and the light flickered. Immediately, a strong aura of heaven and earth came, and many elemental stones appeared in Lin Feng's hands.

"Storage space!"

The man's eyes narrowed. Lin Feng actually had a storage space, indicating that he was not simple.

"Count them!"

Lin Feng placed a pile of elemental stones on the ground and said.

The man just glanced at the ground indifferently and smiled, "No need to count. You can take them away."

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded slightly, turned around and looked at the crowd, saying, "Follow me."

As he spoke, Lin Feng took a step forward, and surprisingly, the footsteps of the thirty-two slave warriors behind him were incredibly synchronized, silently and quietly following behind Lin Feng, so neat that it was shocking.

This was not at all like the scene when trading slaves. It was too eerie. These people seemed to be Lin Feng's subordinates, quietly following him.

Watching Lin Feng and the others' backs, the person in charge's eyes flickered, and then, a faint smile appeared in his eyes. He shouted loudly at Lin Feng's back, "Young Master, take care."

Walking on the main road, Lin Feng and his group were particularly eye-catching. Thirty-two slave warriors with slave marks on their faces were bound to attract attention.

Moreover, this was just a slave trading place. If it were elsewhere, it would attract even more attention.


Not far from the Tianyi Academy, in a mansion courtyard, Lin Feng, Badao, Yixue, and thirty-two slave warriors appeared in the martial arts arena.

There were rockeries, pavilions, towers, small bridges, flowing water, and lakeside scenery in the mansion. This was the mansion Lin Feng had just purchased, costing a total of five hundred medium-grade elemental stones, which was very expensive.

However, Lin Feng needed such a place now. After all, Tianyi Academy did not belong to him. Although he had the privilege of Tianyi Academy, every move he made would be known to others. He couldn't take so many Cloud Sea Sect members to the academy and leave, which would be very inconvenient.

The disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect looked at Lin Feng one by one, their eyes filled with anticipation and anxiety. They all wanted to see the face under Lin Feng's mask.

Who was this person who possessed the Sect Master's stone ring?

Lin Feng faced the crowd, his gaze calm. He swept his eyes over the crowd and said, "You have suffered."

With that, Lin Feng placed his hand on the mask. Under the gaze of the crowd, he slowly removed the mask.


Seeing Lin Feng's face, the hearts of the crowd trembled. Lin Feng, the one who possessed the Sect Master's stone ring, they all recognized him. He was the peerlessly arrogant Lin Feng of the Cloud Sea Sect.

In the past, Lin Feng had risen to fame, killing inner disciples, defeating the number one inner disciple, Wenren Yan, and being unrivaled.

In the past, Lin Feng stood on the platform of life and death, questioning the elders and accusing the Sect Master of his crimes, exuding unmatched majesty.

Everyone regarded Lin Feng as the hope of the sect's future. Sooner or later, Lin Feng would rise in the Cloud Sea Sect and be noticed by the Snow Moon Country.

However, on the day Lin Feng rose, disaster struck the Cloud Sea Sect.

But today, they saw Lin Feng again, the outstanding disciple of the sect. In the past, the young man who refused Duan Tianlang's invitation for the sake of his beliefs, how could their hearts not tremble?

Lin Feng was still alive.

Moreover, Lin Feng had saved them from the slave trading place. From now

 on, they would no longer be treated as slaves, no longer endure the inhuman humiliation.

"No need to look at me like that, no need to be so excited. Don't forget, there are still slave marks on your faces, and there is still endless humiliation in your hearts." Lin Feng saw the excitement flash in the eyes of the crowd, his voice cold, like a piece of ice, making everyone's heart cold in an instant. Yes, there were still slave marks on their faces, an indelible mark of slavery. They were still slaves.

"Do you forget how the sect was destroyed? Do you forget how your faces were branded with slave marks?" Lin Feng's voice was indifferent, and a hint of hatred arose in the hearts of the crowd. It was the King of the Wolf, who destroyed their sect, branded them with slave marks, and made them slaves.

"Because the sect was weak, the Cloud Sea Sect was destroyed, without any power to resist. As for you, because of your weak strength, your faces were branded with slave marks, humiliated, and bullied, manipulated by others." Lin Feng's voice was solemn, slowly saying, "And if you still have this strength in the future, you will still not be able to escape your fate. You will still be slaves, perhaps one day, you will be captured, taken away, just like cattle."

Lin Feng's words were not pleasant to hear, but each one resonated in the hearts of the crowd. Yes, if they still had this strength, their fate as slaves would never change.

"If you want to stop being bullied, if you want to change your fate, if you don't want to be slaves, if you want to use blood to commemorate the pain and humiliation you once suffered, there is only one way!" Lin Feng's voice slightly increased, his eyes sweeping over the crowd, articulating, "Become stronger, constantly become stronger, only by becoming strong can your fate change!"