
"Get stronger!" The disciples of the Cloud Sea Sect, their eyes red with determination, knew that Lin Feng was right. If the Cloud Sea Sect were powerful, who would dare to destroy it? If they were strong enough, how could they become slaves?

Those peerless geniuses could destroy a sect with a wave of their hand, even wipe out a country. That was true freedom, dominating the world. However, these weaklings could only be bullied, even becoming slaves, treated like livestock. They were unwilling.

Lin Feng watched the crowd's reaction, feeling a secret satisfaction. These people clenched their fists, their veins bulging, possessing a strong sense of shame. Anyone marked as a slave, becoming a slave, would understand the humiliation and the world's law of the jungle. Their hearts to become stronger would be firmer, their will stronger.

A glow appeared in Lin Feng's hands, suddenly revealing martial techniques obtained from the ancient hall of the Cloud Sea Sect. They were perfect for cultivating the sect's members.

"Before the Sect Master of the Nangong Sect died, he bestowed the position of Sect Master upon me. These are some powerful martial techniques of our Cloud Sea Sect, all of superior grade. See if there are any suitable for your cultivation. Take them for practice."

Lin Feng placed these martial techniques on the ground, attracting the crowd's attention. Martial techniques always had a strong appeal to martial practitioners.

Some stepped forward to choose martial techniques, while many others stayed where they were, looking at Lin Feng, their eyes flickering.

"Go back." Lin Feng took a step, a cold aura spreading through the air, making those choosing martial techniques tremble, looking up at him.

"Go back."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, a cold light bursting forth. These people didn't understand why Lin Feng was angry, but they all retreated.

"Master." Some among the crowd who had stood still just now bowed slightly to Lin Feng. Others immediately understood and also bowed, calling out, "Master."

Looking at the crowd, Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. He said indifferently, "I am very disappointed in all of you."

Upon hearing Lin Feng's words, the crowd trembled slightly.

"I don't want to hear you call me Master. I just want to see how many of you can remain calm in the face of these martial techniques. Those who only care about immediate benefits and cannot discern the situation, dreaming of becoming strong, let me tell you, that is a fool's dream."

Lin Feng spoke bluntly, "Perhaps it's because you've been slaves for too long that some of you have even abandoned the sense of shame. I saved you, do you think I want a bunch of people who only know how to grab martial techniques, lacking even basic courtesy and respect, and who, upon hearing others call me Master, immediately flatter and call me Master as well, like sycophants?"

"You disappoint me."

Lin Feng repeated, making the slave martial practitioners feel a burning sensation on their faces.

"Do I owe you? Several thousand medium-grade elemental stones. Do you think I want a group of people who don't understand etiquette, have no shame, only care about their own interests, and have even forgotten gratitude? I am nurturing you, but in the future, for the sake of profit, you may betray your comrades and even betray me."

Lin Feng stared at the crowd, continuing, "Of course, maybe you just made a mistake. I'm saying this to make you remember today's events. This time it's me, but next time, if you are negligent and impulsive, it might cost you your life."

"Remember, I don't want useless people, let alone sycophants." Lin Feng said indifferently, then added, "Anyone who wants to leave, speak up now."

Everyone looked at Lin Feng, shaking their heads slightly.

"Remember your choices." Lin Feng said, then turned and lifted his foot, "Choose any martial techniques or techniques on the ground. You will practice here. No one is allowed to leave the mansion. I will come back in three months."

Lin Feng walked away, leaving Badao and Yixue to follow him quietly.

"Badao, stay here too." Lin Feng said to Badao beside him, handing him a martial technique manual, "This technique is very suitable for you. Take it and cultivate. As for these people, anyone who dares to step out of this mansion will be killed!"

Lin Feng's word 'kill' carried a chill, making Badao and Yixue look at him with a slight tremor.

Lin Feng remained expressionless, continuing to walk away. He always remembered that this was a cruel and ruthless world. Those people were from the Cloud Sea Sect, so he, Lin Feng, spent elemental stones to save them, using martial techniques to cultivate them, not for anything else, but for the sake of the Cloud Sea Sect.

However, when Lin Feng saved them, they were ungrateful and chose to leave secretly, acting like sycophants and lacking shame.

Moreover, when they chose to leave, they had nothing to do with the Cloud Sea Sect. A shameless person who had nothing to do with the Cloud Sea Sect, what use was there for him, Lin Feng? Would he be betrayed by such a person in the future?

The people in this mansion were the last bloodline of the Cloud Sea Sect. Lin Feng would not easily let anything happen to them.

Badao stayed in place, looked at Lin Feng's back, then lowered his head and opened the martial technique manual in his hand. His body trembled fiercely.

"Badao's Decision, cultivating the Tyrant Blade Element, is a superior-grade martial technique. After cultivation, the true energy throughout the body will be as tyrannical as a blade, destroying everything."

"Badao's Decision, a superior-grade martial technique!"

Badao murmured to himself. This martial technique seemed to be tailored for him, and it was a terrifying superior-grade martial technique.

Looking up, Badao glanced at Lin Feng's back. Lin Feng's heart was unfathomable, but it was undeniable that Lin Feng was very clever, extremely clever.

He had so generously left a superior-grade martial technique for Badao and then left. This kind of bestowal and trust made Badao feel a little heavy.

It seemed that he owed Lin Feng more and more.


Lin Feng returned to the Tianyi Academy, first taking Yixue to his residence and settling her in, then going to the peach blossom forest to listen to the zither.

The teacher seemed to always be there, using his ten fingers to create heavenly music.

The heart needed to be calm, to cleanse the dirt from the heart with the zither.

Lin Feng listened to the teacher play for half a day before leaving the peach blossom forest and returning to the ancient castle. However, he did not return to his residence but went directly to the training tower.

The three-month agreement was just a blink of an eye for martial practitioners, and Lin Feng naturally did not forget his agreement with the Dark Demon.

Now, his strength was at the Fifth Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, plus many hidden cards, he could even defeat martial practitioners at the Sixth Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm.

However, the Dark Demon's strength was at the peak of the Sixth Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. Among his peers in

 the academy, no one was his opponent. Even many martial practitioners at the Seventh Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm did not dare to fight him. This showed how powerful the Dark Demon was.

The Dark Demon ranked tenth in the Tianyi Academy based on his strength. He relied on his strength to rise up, and no one knew whether, after the three-month agreement arrived, the Dark Demon's cultivation would become even stronger.

Lin Feng, his current strength was still not enough, there were shortcomings.

The Dark Demon could defeat martial practitioners at the Seventh Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm. But for him, Lin Feng, to face a martial practitioner at the Seventh Level of the Spiritual Martial Realm alone was very difficult.

Just like in the tavern, if it weren't for Badao's cooperation, using the ultimate attack, that man in the gray robe would have caused him a lot of trouble.

So as soon as Lin Feng returned, he hurried to the peach blossom forest to calm his heart, then came to the training tower. He urgently needed strength.

This time, Lin Feng did not go to the higher levels of the training tower, but directly to the third level of the training tower. Even standing on the ground, he could feel the strong fluctuation of the earth's spiritual energy coming from the underground.

Someone passed through the third level's space and saw Lin Feng standing there, seemingly looking for a training room. They couldn't help but show a surprised look.

They didn't know which powerful star system Lin Feng came from, that he was actually looking for a training room on the third level. It must be noted that the first three levels of the training tower were all reserved, exclusive training rooms.

In other words, each training room here had an owner. Even if they were not present, the training rooms had to remain empty and could not be entered by anyone.

So, when Lin Feng arrived at the third floor's training room and found that there were two training rooms empty, with no one inside, and those passing by didn't even glance over, heading straight for the higher levels of the training tower, it was surprising.

Furthermore, the doors of these two training rooms had a large prohibition character carved on them, and next to the prohibition character was a name!