
"Han Man, how strong are the generals in the army?" Lin Feng asked, wanting to understand the overall strength of the army, which was most directly reflected in the strength of its generals.

"The ordinary soldiers are all at the Qi Martial Realm, the captains of the guards are generally at the Advanced Qi Martial Realm; as for the centurions, besides their performance in the army, they also need to have the cultivation of the Spirit Martial Realm to qualify; as for the millenary captains, the requirements are even more stringent, requiring at least the cultivation of the Triple Spirit Martial Realm; the vice-commanders, the lowest in cultivation, are all at the Sixth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm; as for the three major commanders, one is at the Eighth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm, and the other two are at the Ninth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm, just one step away from the Profound Martial Realm, very powerful," Han Man said one by one, in a world where strength is paramount, even in the military, one must speak with strength. Relying solely on military merits is not enough. Without strength, you cannot awe your subordinates, and you are prone to assassination on the battlefield, shaking the military's morale, which is the most taboo thing in the military.

"Brother Feng, although our independent Crimson Blood Legion cannot compare in numbers with them, our average strength is stronger than the other three legions, and the leader of the Crimson Blood Legion is at the peak of the Ninth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm, and it is said that she may step into the Profound Martial Realm at any time, shaking the world."

Han Man added, and Lin Feng naturally understood this. The Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry, as a trump card legion created by Liu Canglan, how could its strength not be powerful?

Even the armor of the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry is slightly different from the other three legions. It is made of Wu Jin and is extremely strong defensively. The armor shines with a red blood-like luster, very majestic, just like the armor worn by Han Man and Po Jun, intimidating people, looking as if they are exuding a sharp and bloody aura.

"Brother Feng, why don't you ask the general to arrange a position as a millenary captain for you, and the three of us brothers can fight together."

Han Man's heart was slightly moved. This time, Lin Feng deliberately went to the battlefield to kill the enemy. If the brothers can fight side by side, it will be heroic.

"Let's see." Lin Feng believed that if he spoke, Liu Canglan would definitely give him the position of a millenary captain. However, as Han Man said, his position is based on military merits, not personal favors. If Liu Canglan directly gave him a position as a general, it would inevitably make the people in the army dissatisfied and affect the military's morale, which is not what Lin Feng wanted.

"Xiao Feng."

At this moment, several figures approached from a distance, a total of five people, the leader of whom was Liu Canglan.

Seeing these five figures, Han Man and Po Jun stood up straight, slightly bowed, and saluted, "General, commanders."

"Hmm." Liu Canglan nodded slightly and said, "Han Man, Po Jun, you two can go back first."

"Yes, General."

Han Man and Po Jun glanced at Lin Feng, with a smile in their eyes full of meaning, then turned and left.

"Xiao Feng, come with me into the tent."

Liu Canglan said to Lin Feng again, and then stepped into the tent with the other four people, Lin Feng followed closely behind.

Inside the tent, Liu Canglan and the other four took their seats, looking at Lin Feng standing in the middle of the tent, and Lin Feng also looked at them.

I saw that Liu Canglan was wearing Wu Jin armor and Jin armor, while the other two were wearing silver armor.

Moreover, these four people's eyes were as sharp as electricity, exuding a majestic aura, just sitting quietly there, Lin Feng felt a strong sense of iron and blood.

"Xiao Feng, this is the Crimson Blood Leader Jiu Chixue, the Central Army Leader Ren Qingkuang, the Left Army Leader Fengyuehan, and the Right Army Leader Lei Qingtian."

Liu Canglan introduced to Lin Feng, Jiu Chixue, wearing endless armor, is the leader of the Crimson Blood; Ren Qingkuang, wearing golden armor, is the leader of the Central Army; Fengyuehan and Lei Qingtian, wearing silver armor, are the Left and Right Army leaders respectively.

Liu Canglan, together with these four, controls the entire army, a huge force of three hundred thousand, with immense power.

"Lin Feng, meet Leader Jiu, Leader Ren, Leader Feng, and Leader Lei."

Lin Feng slightly bowed to the four of them, his mind turning quickly. Uncle Liu introduced the four military leaders to him as soon as he arrived. I wonder what his intention was.

And just now, after Liu Canglan went out for a while, he came back and joined the four leaders. This was clearly intentional, not a coincidence.

"This is the Lin Feng I told you about, Feifei's sweetheart, my future son-in-law."

Liu Canglan smiled at the four leaders, causing Lin Feng's pupils to constrict. Liu Canglan actually announced to the outside world that Lin Feng and Liu Feifei are in a relationship, and even claimed that Lin Feng is his son-in-law.

Although Lin Feng knew that Uncle Liu was deliberately matchmaking him and Liu Feifei, they were still only friends at the moment, and no relationship had been established. Liu Canglan's actions made Lin Feng somewhat puzzled, but since Liu Canglan said so, he did not feel it was appropriate to refute and had to tacitly agree.

"The man Feifei has her eyes on, let me take a look."

Lei Qingtian, the Right Army Leader, stood up, took a step forward, and came directly in front of Lin Feng. In an instant, an extremely violent aura came rushing towards Lin Feng.

This violent aura, filled with killing intent and iron blood, was so strong that at this moment, Lin Feng felt that he was not facing a person, but a killing madman with hands stained with countless blood, a killing madman.

"So terrifying."

Lin Feng held firm to his original intention and stood still. This violent aura was enough to affect one's mind. Those with weak wills would probably not be able to withstand even this killing intent.

To be able to rise to the position of a leader step by step, how many lives were in their hands, Lin Feng dared not imagine. It was not surprising to have such a violent aura.


Seeing Lin Feng's calm gaze, Lei Qingtian showed a hint of interest in his eyes. Stepping forward, he suddenly came to within three feet of Lin Feng, his blood-stained eyes staring at Lin Feng, like an evil spirit.

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, looking calmly at those eyes. With his current mentality, how could he be easily moved by external forces, fearing neither the eyes nor the aura.

A strong war intent erupted from Lin Feng's body, rising madly, fierce and overbearing. Although not

 as strong, it was still proud in the face of that killing aura.


Lin Feng took a step forward, not retreating but advancing towards Lei Qingtian. With this step, Lin Feng was only two steps away from Lei Qingtian, and the fierce and overbearing gazes collided in the air, the killing intent spreading, the war intent burning, and Lin Feng's long hair fluttered.

This scene lasted for a full ten seconds before the killing aura on Lei Qingtian gradually disappeared, and a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Not bad, not only did you not retreat in the face of the aura on me, but you also dared to take a step forward. I like it."

Lei Qingtian laughed heartily, and his hand heavily patted Lin Feng's shoulder, making Lin Feng's body tremble slightly, such a violent force.

"Indeed the man Feifei values, at such a young age, you should have a cultivation of at least the Fifth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm, very good," the Left Army Leader, Fengyuehan, nodded and smiled, compared to Lei Qingtian's rough and hearty laughter, Fengyuehan's smile was much softer.

The serious atmosphere in the entire tent collapsed in an instant, dissipating into nothingness.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have a cultivation of at least the Sixth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm, right?" Ren Qingkuang, the Central Army Leader, smiled. Lin Feng nodded slightly, "Leader Ren, Lin Feng indeed has a cultivation of the Sixth Realm of the Spirit Martial Realm."

"At eighteen years old, with such a cultivation, you are much stronger than us old guys. Your future is limitless, but unfortunately, with your talent, you cannot stay in the army for long."

Ren Qingkuang's voice had a hint of regret. Truly outstanding talents would not stay in the army, but would single-mindedly pursue the martial way that everyone aspired to. Even if they came to the army and went to the battlefield, it was to temper themselves, experience real life and death crises, and seek opportunities for breakthroughs. Such people rarely stayed in the army for long. After their training was complete, they would leave.

People like Liu Canglan were rare, and Liu Canglan's status as a general and his many entanglements and trivial matters in the army had delayed his talent, otherwise Liu Canglan would not be at his current level of strength.

Being a general was different from training. Training only required constant pursuit of strength, while being a general required leading an army, which was exhausting.

Lin Feng's talent seemed even more terrifying than Liu Canglan's, and naturally, he would not stay in the army for long.

The four leaders, except for the Crimson Blood Leader Jiu Chixue, remained silent. His face was still solemn, like ancient ice that had not melted for thousands of years.

"Alright, you all go busy yourselves, Crimson Blood, stay."

Liu Canglan said lightly, and the three leaders nodded, then left the tent.

"Lin Feng."

At this time, Jiu Chixue, who had been silent just now, suddenly spoke, calling out to Lin Feng.


Lin Feng looked up at Jiu Chixue, knowing that he had something to say to himself.

"Lin Feng, in addition to me, the leader of the Crimson Blood Legion, there are three deputy leaders, thirty millenary captains, three hundred centurions, three thousand guards, and the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry has a total of twenty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty-one people, each one is an elite in the army, able to fight ten. Although my Crimson Blood Legion has the fewest numbers compared to the other legions, if a war breaks out, the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry will win."

Jiu Chixue's voice was solemn, full of strong confidence, and he even remembered the number of the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry so clearly, accurate to the single digits. It is important to know that in the battlefield, someone may die at any time, and it is very difficult to keep the number consistent. You can only know roughly how many there are.

"Lin Feng, do you remember all this?" Jiu Chixue said to Lin Feng, making Lin Feng's gaze slightly condensed. Remember? Why does Jiu Chixue want him to remember?

But Lin Feng still nodded, saying, "I remember."

"As long as you remember, Lin Feng, every one of the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry is elite, a treasure. Therefore, after every battle, I will count the number silently and remember it in my heart. This way, I will know how many have been lost, and I will know how many brothers have left me. My heart will ache, and in the next battle, I will be more cautious, do my best, and strive for the smallest casualties."

Jiu Chixue said slowly, his words making Lin Feng solemnly respect him. A thousand troops are easy to find, but a good general is hard to find. Jiu Chixue is undoubtedly such a good general, treating the soldiers in the army as brothers, counting the number after every battle, remembering it in his heart.