Black Shadow Guards

At dawn, and the sound of horns drifted from afar, lingering in every corner of the military camp.

Amidst one camp, Lin Feng wore crimson armor, tinged with a hue of blood-red.

Raising his head, Lin Feng looked towards the horizon and murmured to himself, "Finally, they have arrived."

In the dead of last night, he received word that the Mo Yue legion had arrived a hundred miles away, yet they had not launched an attack. Instead, they set up camp there.

However, the Snow Moon Legion dared not be negligent. Sentinels rotated incessantly, constantly monitoring the movements of the Mo Yue legion. The current symphony of horns and war drums undoubtedly heralded the prelude to war.

Within the military camp, the sound of footsteps echoed incessantly, yet it did not appear chaotic; rather, it was remarkably orderly. On the battlefield, where combat could erupt at any moment, disorder due to the sound of horns was inconceivable.

As footsteps resounded, numerous figures appeared in Lin Feng's camp, all clad in armor with their faces concealed. However, their eyes gleamed sharply as they looked towards Lin Feng.

"Follow me," Lin Feng said lightly, then mounted his warhorse and headed towards the outskirts of the camp. Others followed suit, quietly mounting their blood-red steeds.

Many other camps observed Lin Feng and his companions, numbering around forty. Their crimson armor was even more vivid and eye-catching than that of the Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry, resembling the glow of a setting sun, as if this crowd had materialized out of thin air. Moreover, forty-some individuals were insufficient to constitute a full battalion.

In the army, a centurion commanded a battalion of a hundred soldiers.

These forty individuals did not make up a full battalion, yet they occupied a camp, clad in blood-red armor.

Lin Feng's group swept through like the wind, their speed swift. In no time, they arrived at the desolate yellow earth where the two armies faced off.

Several miles ahead of Lin Feng, there lay a vast expanse shrouded in black, an endless sea of troops exuding a chilling and murderous aura—the Mo Yue legion.

Lin Feng, who had only seen battlefields on screens before, watched this scene of war with blood boiling in his heart. Amidst a myriad of soldiers, he appeared insignificantly small.

If all the hundreds of thousands of troops were to release their arrows at once, even a formidable expert in the Xuanwu Realm would likely be instantly turned into a pincushion.

On the battlefield, unless one was an unparalleled expert, it was incredibly difficult to overturn the situation single-handedly. Therefore, the feat of Liu Canglan, decapitating enemy generals amidst a sea of ten thousand troops, had always been legendary.

The Snow Moon Camp was neatly arranged, with the left, right, and center battalions positioned orderly, while the Scarlet Blood Army was dispersed among the three major legions.

As for the Imperial City Legion led by Duan Tianlang, they penetrated through the middle and arrived in front of the central battalion, lining up side by side with it.

Liu Canglan, Jiuxi Blood, and Ren Qingkuang were all at the forefront of the central battalion.

"Liu Xiong, the enemy is fierce, with an army of at least five hundred thousand. How should we deal with it?" Duan Tianlang rode forward to Liu Canglan's side and asked in a subdued tone.

"Does Tianlang Wang think the Mo Yue Crown Prince will directly clash with us?" Liu Canglan turned to glance at Duan Tianlang, saying indifferently. Even if one side held the advantage, they could not launch a direct frontal assault; that would be trading lives for lives, a gamble. Even if they ultimately won, it would be a pyrrhic victory. Given the reputation of Mo Jie, he couldn't possibly do that.

"Liu Xiong always thoroughly investigates the personalities and preferences of local commanders before battle. This is something I have always admired," Duan Tianlang said with a faint smile. "However, everything is possible. While you and I might be willing, the princess, as a royal, is now in the army. If any harm befalls her, who will bear the responsibility? Therefore, I advise Liu Xiong to come up with a winning strategy sooner rather than later."

"The princess is accompanying Tianlang Wang and should naturally be protected by him," Liu Canglan sneered. Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, with lives at stake, Duan Tianlang not only demanded a winning strategy from him but also attempted to shift the responsibility of guarding the princess onto him. It was truly laughable.

"Liu Xiong, how can you speak like this? This is your territory; I am a guest. Since I am here, it's only right that you take responsibility for the princess's safety. Besides, don't forget, you've poached all the princess's personal guards," Duan Tianlang said coldly, laughing disdainfully. "This situation is rather intriguing, isn't it? While facing a formidable enemy, you are not only expected to devise a winning strategy but also shoulder the responsibility of protecting the princess."

"Duan Xiong, how dare you speak like this? This is Liu Xiong's domain, and I am but a guest. Since I am here, it's only appropriate for Liu Xiong to bear the responsibility for the princess's safety. Besides, do not forget that you have poached all the princess's personal guards," Duan Tianlang said coldly, laughing disdainfully. "This situation is rather intriguing, isn't it? While facing a formidable enemy, you are not only expected to devise a winning strategy but also shoulder the responsibility of protecting the princess."

Duan Tianlang glanced in the direction of Lin Feng, his eyes gleaming with a cold light.

"Tianlang Wang is in good spirits. In the face of a great enemy, he still has the leisure to engage in such idle chatter and busy himself with shifting responsibilities," Lin Feng said, urging his horse forward. With a slight raise of his chin, his gaze, emanating from within his armor, sharpened. "If anything were to happen to the princess, I, Lin Feng, would not regret death. But does Tianlang Wang think he can shirk responsibility?"

Without waiting for Duan Tianlang's response, Lin Feng spurred his horse towards the direction of Duan Xinye.

At this moment, Duan Xinye was also clad in armor, but her beautiful face remained unobscured by the headgear. In military armor, the headgear was curved to avoid obstructing the line of sight, ensuring the face remained visible.

However, the group behind Lin Feng was an exception. Clad in blood-red armor, they looked ferocious, their faces concealed, leaving only sharp eyes visible.

"What are you doing here?" Yue Tianchen, guarding by Duan Xinye's side, flashed a hint of vigilance and a trace of coldness as he saw Lin Feng approach.

"I am here. What's it to you?" Lin Feng responded coldly, taking off his distinctive headgear and handing it to Duan Xinye. "Princess, this armor can conceal your face better. You should wear it."

"Alright,thank you," Duan Xinye said, taking off her own headgear and accepting Lin Feng's armor. Surprisingly, the armor contained mechanisms that allowed her to adjust the coverage of her face according to her preference.

"Lin Feng, as my bodyguard, please stay here to protect me," Duan Xinye said, a sweet smile gracing her lips as she activated the mechanism, completely concealing her face, leaving only her beautiful eyes visible. Sitting astride her horse, she appeared elegant and dignified.

A hint of curiosity flickered in Lin Feng's eyes, then he nodded slightly. "Understood."

Yue Tianchen observed this scene with icy eyes, but Lin Feng disregarded him, his gaze sweeping towards the open expanse ahead.

In the midst of the enemy forces, many warhorses charged forth, their cries piercing the air as they kicked up dust, halting several thousand meters away from the Snow Moon army.

"We are the Black Shadow Guards of Mo Yue, thirty-six in number. We challenge the Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry of Snow Moon. Do you dare to fight?" The resounding voice echoed forth, announcing the challenge of the formidable Black Shadow Guards, Mo Yue's counterpart to Snow Moon's Scarlet Blood Legion.

Jiuxi Blood looked calmly at these challengers, his demeanor indifferent. "We decline."

The Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry showed no expression, feeling no sense of humiliation. They followed orders like a mountain; they were truly iron-clad soldiers, devoid of impulsive emotions.

"Do not fight?" Duan Tianlang sneered, raising his head arrogantly. "The Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry, known as the ace of the Snow Moon army, now faces a challenge but chooses to retreat. This damages the morale of our Snow Moon army. What is the logic behind this?"

"If Tianlang Wang wishes to fight, he can send his own soldiers to battle," Jiuxi Blood said coldly, casting a disdainful glance at Duan Tianlang. The Black Shadow Guards, who issued the challenge, emanated a dragon-and-tiger spirit, their eyes carrying a killing intent. None of them were ordinary; evidently, they were the elite of the Black Shadow Guards.

"What a mighty Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry! Yet they turn out to be a bunch of cowards. I, Duan Tianlang, though not talented, am not so cowardly as to shrink from battle," Duan Tianlang proclaimed loudly, his voice trembling, audible to many soldiers around him. Instantly, the soldiers accompanying Duan Tianlang began to feel increasingly disappointed with the Iron Cavalry led by Liu Canglan. First, they were stopped outside the city gates, and now, they shrank from battle. The reputation of the Divine Arrow was not justified.

"At the Academy of Heavenly Unity, is there any genius willing to fight? I am prepared to dispatch thirty-five elites for you to lead into battle," Duan Tianlang said, turning his horse towards the crowd from the Academy of Heavenly Unity. "Of course, if the geniuses of the Academy of Heavenly Unity are unwilling to fight, I will have the disciples of the Holy Academy take their place."

"I am willing to fight," a voice rang out. In the crowd from the Academy of Heavenly Unity, a young man in armor stepped forward, his body exuding a warlike spirit.

"Very well. On the battlefield, regardless of Heavenly Unity or the Holy Academy, all are talents of Snow Moon. Come forth, thirty-five elite soldiers, and engage in battle with this young genius. Let us showcase the might of Snow Moon," Duan Tianlang declared proudly.

"What about the strength of the Black Shadow Guards?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

"Thirty-six in number, their lowest cultivation level is at the Triple Spirit Martial Realm. There are ten at the Quadruple Spirit Martial Realm, six at the Quintuple Spirit Martial Realm, two at the Sextuple Spirit Martial Realm, and one at the Septuple Spirit Martial Realm," Black Devil responded quietly, causing Lin Feng's pupils to contract. This Black Shadow Guard was formidable; with the lowest at the Triple Spirit Martial Realm and the strongest at the Seventh Spirit Martial Realm, they were capable of annihilating any battalion of a hundred Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry. Yue Tianchen's decision not to fight indicated his recognition of their strength.

When Mo Yue arrived, they immediately sent forth such a formidable force.

At this moment, a squad of thirty-six soldiers was poised for action. Lin Feng glanced at the young man in the Academy of Heavenly Unity and said, "You cannot participate in this battle. It's a death sentence."

"Huh?" The young man glanced at Lin Feng, furrowing his brows before raising them again. "Lin Feng, both of us are stars of the Commander's System. I thought you were a passionate man, but I didn't expect you to be so cowardly."

With that, the man rode out directly towards the Black Shadow Guards.

Seeing the crowd charging forth, the Black Shadow Guards formed a single line, tightly gripping their black spears. As the Snow Moon soldiers approached, a murderous aura emanated from them, and simultaneously, every spear was thrust forward. Not one was spared.

As they watched the frenzied charge of the warhorses and the spears piercing the hearts of Snow Moon soldiers, the hearts of the onlookers twitched violently. In an instant, all thirty-six soldiers fell.

A single spear, a defeat!

Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged. He had warned them, but they didn't listen. What could he do?

The thirty-six Black Shadow Guards retrieved their spears from the Snow Moon soldiers' bodies and formed a line once more, issuing a challenge. "Black Shadow Guards, challenging the Scarlet Blood Iron Cavalry of Snow Moon."