Forbidden area

In the midst of the Purple Mansion, adorned with majestic palaces, each embellished with purple and gold, the entire estate is enveloped in a radiant purple light.

Atop the peak of the Purple Mansion Mountain stands a massive solitary palace, reminiscent of a cavernous abode, with a broad corridor linking its interior and exterior, notably wider and loftier than other sections.

At the forefront of this corridor, at the entrance to the palace, stands a statue—a colossal figure crafted in purple gold, exuding an aura of awe. This is the ancestral sculpture of the Purple Mansion, marking the necessity of ancestral rites for direct lineage marriages within the family. After the solemn ancestral ceremony, one may step beyond this statue into the palace, which is strictly forbidden territory except on the auspicious occasion of direct bloodline unions.

Along the distant pathways, many have gathered from the central area of the Purple Mansion to this solitary palace. They stand silently beneath the long corridor, gazing up at the imposing statue and the vastness of the palace.

This mountaintop palace is usually closed off, denying even those curious about the rumored forbidden grounds of the Purple Mansion any opportunity to explore.

At this moment, a procession emerges from afar, traversing the corridor until they reach the statue. They kneel thrice and kowtow nine times before arranging themselves in a disciplined manner along the corridor's edge, as still as statues.

More figures gather beneath the corridor, mostly branches of the Purple Mansion lineage and some friends of the Purple Mansion's inhabitants. While weddings are typically grand affairs, marriages within the Purple Mansion are distinct—they involve ancestral blood rituals and entrance into forbidden areas, not to be disturbed or intruded upon, hence invitations are not extended casually.

Presently, Lin Feng and Zi Ling arrive at the lower end of the palace corridor. Lin Feng still dons his silver mask, much to Zi Ling's puzzlement, as she wonders about his intentions.

"Zi Yijie has arrived," Zi Ling remarks, her gaze shifting to see Zi Yijie and Lin Haojie approaching, soon reaching close proximity.

"Zi Ling, why do you still linger with him?" Zi Yi furrows her brow, her tone indifferent.

Lin Feng gazes at Zi Yi, entering a state of heightened perception. His senses are acute, noticing a distinct change in Zi Yi.

Zi Yi has lost her innocence!

"What a foolish woman," Lin Feng shakes his head slightly. Having known each other for less than a day, Zi Yi has already surrendered herself to Lin Haojie. Lin Feng doesn't know what to say, but since Zi Yi has chosen willingly, he won't interfere. He has fulfilled his duty and advised Zi Yi accordingly.

Perhaps Zi Yi believes Lin Haojie to be her true love.

"Sister!" Zi Ling pouts, saying, "We came here together with Lin Feng, naturally we're sticking together."

"Zi Ling, don't believe the words of deceitful people, don't let yourself be fooled. Last night, what did he do to you?" Zi Yi's attitude now exhibits a hint of assertiveness, tinged with pride. This subtle change makes Lin Feng realize, with some silent consternation, that Zi Yi, previously in a weaker position before Zi Ling, now speaks with an air of authority towards her younger relative. Maybe she thinks that by being with Lin Haojie, her status has elevated.

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Zi Ling responds wordlessly.

But Lin Feng emits a cold snort and says lightly, "Zi Ling, Zi Yi, I promised your father to bring you to the Purple Mansion. Now that my task is complete, I have no further connection with you. Even if we meet, we shall act as strangers. I won't recognize you, and you won't recognize me."

"And as for you, Zi Yi, you shall bear the consequences of your actions. I have warned you."

With these words, Lin Feng turns and drifts away into the crowd, disappearing from sight. This scene leaves Zi Ling and Zi Yi standing there, dumbfounded.

Lin Feng, did he just leave like that?

"Sister, look what you've done, you've driven Lin Feng away," Zi Ling says, a hint of anger in her voice, while Zi Yi merely scoffs, "It's better this way, so you won't be deceived by him."

Just then, the crowd starts to stir, as a group strides into view at the far end of the corridor, led by an elderly man with purple hair, his demeanor solemn and dignified—none other than the current master of the Purple Mansion, Zi Ying.

Following behind Zi Ying are two figures. One, dressed in golden attire, exudes elegance and brilliance—it's the groom, Zi Qiong. Beside Zi Qiong stands a woman of unparalleled grace, adorned in a flowing purple gown and a crown of purple flowers upon her head, captivating in her beauty.

"What a stunning woman. It seems the rumors are true—Zi Qiong's wife surpasses any woman in the Purple Mansion, even the princess Zi Xia."

"How exquisite! And she naturally exudes an air of nobility. Her attire only serves to enhance her beauty further. Zi Qiong truly has impeccable taste. If only I could have such a beautiful wife, to spend my life with her, I would willingly forsake even the path of martial arts."

As the crowd beheld the unparalleled beauty enveloped in the purple glow, myriad sentiments stirred within them. Truly befitting the scion of the Purple Mansion, such a beautiful woman is a rarity.

Initially, they wondered which fortunate lady could marry Zi Qiong. But now, no one doubts her suitability for him. She not only matches Zi Qiong's status but possibly even exceeds it.

"What a stunning woman! Sister Zi Yi, the rumors were not exaggerated. She is truly more beautiful than any woman in the Purple Mansion."

At this moment, Zi Ling's gaze also falls upon the breathtaking visage surrounded by purple light. Muttering softly, she finds herself unable to use the word "beauty" to describe her in the presence of such radiance.

Zi Yi's heart flutters slightly, though she remains silent. Her gaze shifts, casting a brief glance at Lin Haojie beside her. Observing Lin Haojie's entranced gaze fixed upon the figure on the corridor, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. She nudges Lin Haojie's hand.

Lin Haojie's gaze shifts to Zi Yi, his expression calm. Compared to the lady before them, Zi Yi seems mundane, lacking even the slightest qualification to be compared. Her demeanor pales in comparison to the lady's.

"Zi Qiong and I are good friends. His wife's beauty is unmatched. If my wife were Zi Yi, wouldn't that be the subject of ridicule? A laughingstock."

Lin Haojie inwardly shakes his head, his gaze towards Zi Yi turning increasingly indifferent. To him, Zi Yi, whom he has already toyed with, holds no allure anymore.

Seeing Lin Haojie's increasingly indifferent gaze, Zi Yi's heart grows gradually cold.

"Let us all calm down."

At this moment, Zi Ying speaks softly, prompting the murmurs in the crowd to gradually cease as all eyes turn towards Zi Ying at the center of the corridor.

"Zi Xia, come forward."

Zi Ying's gaze shifts onto a young girl, who steps forward to his side.

Zi Xia, Zi Qiong's younger sister and the heiress of the Purple Mansion, may not possess the same captivating beauty as Zi Qiong's future wife, but she radiates charm and grace—a rare beauty indeed.

"Zi Xia looks even more beautiful with a casual outfit," Lin Haojie murmurs beneath the corridor, surpassing Zi Yi by no small margin.

Zi Yi's complexion pales slightly as she stares at Lin Haojie, who doesn't spare her a glance.

"Sister!" Beside her, Zi Ling seems to sense something amiss, lightly tugging at Zi Yi's sleeve. However, Zi Yi remains oblivious, her gaze fixed on Lin Haojie. Why is he so cold towards her now, after yesterday's sweet words and promises of lifelong commitment?

"Today marks the wedding of my son, Zi Qiong."

Zi Ying speaks again from the corridor, his voice resonating. "Furthermore, I wish to find a companion for my daughter, Zi Xia, bringing double joy. Today, any young talents here who wish to marry my daughter Zi Xia may step forward onto the corridor and vie for her hand. The victor shall become the son-in-law of our Purple Mansion, and together with Zi Qiong, shall perform the ancestral blood ritual and enter the forbidden grounds of our mansion."

The wedding customs of the Purple Mansion are peculiar. Upon receiving congratulations on the corridor, the newlyweds perform a blood ritual for the ancestors, enter the forbidden grounds, and emerge as a married couple. It is said that within the forbidden grounds lie immense benefits.

As Zi Qiong's words trail off, many in the crowd focus their gaze on the corridor. Enter the forbidden grounds? It's known that only legitimate male descendants of the family may enter with their wives; daughters and sons-in-law are not allowed near the forbidden grounds. This departure from tradition undoubtedly stirs anticipation among the spectators.

Among the young talents present, excitement fills their eyes as they eagerly prepare to step forward, including Lin Haojie!

At this moment, unnoticed amidst the crowd, a young man with a silver mask fixates his gaze on the enchanting maiden. His eyes gleam with sharpness as he places a hand on his mask and slowly removes it, advancing towards the forefront.

The groom-to-be marrying Zi Qiong, and the captivating maiden who moved countless hearts, none other than the estranged Duàn Xīnyè, Princess of the Snow Moon.

Similarly, unnoticed by the crowd, the enchanting maiden enveloped in purple light hangs her head, her gaze tinged with despair.

Previously, the Purple Mansion had pressured her—if she didn't agree to marry Zi Qiong and enter the forbidden grounds, Zi Qiong would insult her purity. She agreed to the Purple Mansion's terms, preserving her chastity until now. But if she were to step into the forbidden grounds alongside Zi Qiong, she didn't know what would happen!

If it truly came to that, what would she do?