princess tears

Zi Ying looked down at the eager young men below, a hint of a smile gracing his face as he remarked, "Allow me to add, my daughter Zi Xia is eighteen this year, and any young suitor wishing to marry her must not exceed the age of twenty-two."

"It's over, no hope left."

As Zi Ying's words fell, many faces in the crowd displayed expressions of disappointment. Indeed, the Purple Mansion seeks only the most exceptional young talents, and anyone above the age of twenty-two is ineligible.

"Now, those who aspire to become the sons-in-law of our Purple Mansion may step onto the corridor and engage in challenges."

With a faint voice, Zi Ying announced, and as his words concluded, two figures simultaneously stepped onto the corridor, arriving before Zi Ying, exchanging a glance.

"No need for formalities; let the challenge begin."

Zi Ying waved his hand, and the two nodded slightly before engaging in combat. Surprisingly, both possessed the strength of the Spiritual Martial Realm, with one even at the second stage. The outcome of the battle was evident—the one at the second stage emerged victorious.

Beneath the corridor, many young men secretly lamented. With one participant at the second stage, those at the first stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm had no hope.

At this moment, Lin Haojie observed the silent crowd, seemingly waiting for someone else to challenge first. He couldn't help but smirk, saying indifferently, "Uncle, I have long admired Zi Xia. If I could become a son-in-law of the Purple Mansion, it would be an honor."

With that, Lin Haojie stepped forward, striding directly over the heads of the crowd and onto the corridor.


Zi Yi's face turned as pale as paper, emitting a muffled groan as a trace of blood escaped her lips.

Just now, she felt something amiss with Lin Haojie, causing a surge of suppressed anger in her chest. As Lin Haojie's words fell, she couldn't contain it any longer. The suppressed blood in her chest spewed from her mouth, leaving her gaze extremely bleak.

Lin Haojie, who had sweet-talked her just last night, now openly declared his intention to marry another woman in front of her. What did that make her, Zi Yi?

"Zi Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Beside her, Zi Ling was surprised to see Zi Yi inexplicably coughing up blood.

Coughing once, Zi Yi felt a blankness in her mind, suffused with pent-up frustration. Her complexion lacked any trace of color.

"Zi Yi, you brought this upon yourself; you must bear the consequences."

Lin Feng's words echoed in her ears, now crystal clear. How absurd—she had warned Zi Ling to be wary of Lin Feng, yet she herself remained so ignorant.

Taking a deep breath, Zi Yi lifted her head, gazing at the handsome figure on the corridor. A faint, wan smile appeared on her pallid face, eerie in its demeanor.

"Zi Yi, a laughable woman, thought she had climbed to the top among men."

Wiping away the trace of blood from the corner of her mouth, Zi Yi chuckled self-mockingly, feeling the irony.

In the distance, Lin Feng glanced over at Lin Haojie stepping onto the corridor, shaking his head inwardly. Self-inflicted, who could she blame?

"Zi Xia, you must have understood my intentions long ago. Today, before everyone, I will strive to win you as my wife through action, making you my wife, Lin Haojie's."

Lin Haojie spoke tenderly to Zi Xia, much like he had done to Zi Yi last night, eliciting a shy nod from Zi Xia.

Satisfied, Lin Haojie smiled, then turned to the youth on the corridor, saying coldly, "You may leave."

The youth, upon seeing Lin Haojie, hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and declaring, "The name of the Golden Rain Sword has been long absent. Today, it shall make its reappearance."

With that, his body trembled, lunging towards Lin Haojie.

A glint of icy amusement flashed in Lin Haojie's eyes as his longsword danced, showering golden rain upon the corridor. The air was filled with dazzling golden light. When the sword rain subsided, the challenger lay motionless on the ground, defeated. Lin Haojie had struck him down without hesitation.

"How ruthless!"

The crowd trembled inwardly as they gazed upon the youth standing on the long corridor. Merely a friendly exchange, yet he acted with such ruthless aggression.

Lin Haojie surveyed the crowd with a domineering gaze, his eyes filled with authority as he coldly declared, "Zixia is the love of my life. Whoever dares to obstruct my marriage to her shall be my formidable adversary. Do not blame me for showing no mercy."

The crowd's gaze hardened collectively. Lin Haojie's methods were indeed ruthless. With his words, none dared to challenge him further.

Not to mention Lin Haojie's own prowess, the influence behind him was enough to instill fear in others.

"Zixia, Haojie treats you well."

Ziyin chuckled softly, causing a momentary pause in the crowd's gaze. This remark undoubtedly hinted at his desire for Lin Haojie to become his son-in-law.

Sure enough, no one stepped forward onto the corridor again. Ziyin smiled faintly at the sight.

"Naturally, no young talent would be willing to step up. Therefore, this matter is settled. Ziqiong, Zixia."


Ziqiong and Zixia stepped forward with solemn expressions.

"You two, perform the ancestral blood ritual."

"Yes." Ziqiong nodded slightly and said, "The blood ritual requires the couple to kneel before the ancestor's statue, kowtowing three times and bowing nine times, while making vows together."

After saying this, Ziqiong's gaze fell upon Duan Xinye, who remained expressionless and silent.

"No need. You and Zixia will perform the ritual of three kneels and nine kowtows, it will suffice."

Ziyin said calmly. He understood that Duan Xinye would not cooperate. Since that was the case, he let it go. It was merely a ceremony. What mattered was what lay beyond, after entering the forbidden area.

Ziqiong and Zixia exchanged a glance, then walked to the enormous statue. They knelt and kowtowed before it as required.

Once done, they both stood up, murmuring words under their breath. Then, they pricked their fingers, letting droplets of blood shimmer. They directed their bleeding fingers towards the two small holes in the statue's chest, allowing their blood to drip inside.


A trembling sound echoed. The chest of the statue slowly opened, revealing a doorway behind it, leading to the palace on the mountaintop.

This statue served as the sole entrance to the palace, and only the blood of the direct descendants of the Purple Mansion could activate it, opening the door.

As Ziqiong gazed at the now-opened stone door, a hint of excitement flickered in his eyes.

"Alright, Xinye, Haojie, accompany Ziqiong and Zixia into the forbidden area."

"Alright." Lin Haojie's figure flashed, appearing beside the entrance in an instant, his eyes showing a hint of excitement. As for Duan Xinye, he remained motionless.

"Xinye, did you not hear what I said?"

Ziyin's expression turned cold, his voice becoming heavier.

"I will not go in with him."

Finally, Duan Xinye, who had been silent all along, spoke. His words caused many to pause and glance at him.

Listening to Duan Xinye's words, it seemed he was not willing to become Ziqiong's wife.

Ziyin and Ziqiong's gazes also hardened, coldness flashing in their eyes.

"Have you considered the consequences?"

Ziyin's tone turned cold, with a subtle undertone of threat.

"I will not enter with him," Duan Xinye repeated firmly. Then, she removed all the purple ornaments from her head, tossing them to the ground. Even the grand wedding purple robe draped over her was casually discarded.

Her cascading black hair flowed down like a waterfall, devoid of the purple aura. Despite this, Duan Xinye's beauty remained undiminished, radiating purity and grace, her nobility still evident.

"It seems you have forgotten our agreement," Ziyin's expression turned grim, not expecting Duan Xinye's change of heart at this moment.

"A forced agreement is still an agreement," Duan Xinye chuckled, her laughter carefree. "There's no need for further threats. I will not allow myself to be defiled by him, nor will I marry him. I have my own beloved."

With these words, a dagger appeared in Duan Xinye's hand. Amidst the shocked gazes of the crowd, she placed the dagger against her own throat.

A wave of shock surged through the onlookers' hearts. Duan Xinye, such a beauty, was she truly about to sacrifice herself in such a manner?


Ziyin and Ziqiong's faces paled, but all they could see was the carefree smile on Duan Xinye's face.

"I just hope, before I die, I can explain to him, Lin Feng, I truly didn't know," Duan Xinye's eyes gazed at the sky, as if that unrestrained figure appeared there. In her beautiful eyes, two tears slowly trickled down.

"Lin Feng, I truly didn't know!"