The Purple Palace, wiped out

"Where is Lin Feng?"

The voice rang out crisp and cold, carrying a frosty chill, reminiscent of a snow-capped, majestic mountain.


The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch slowly turned his gaze, fixing it upon Dream Qing's figure, and coldly inquired, "What business do you have with Lin Feng?"

"Where is Lin Feng?"

Dream Qing repeated, her voice still icy, ignoring the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's question. In this moment, all she wanted to know was where Lin Feng was!

The members of the Crimson Blood Sky Sword Sect also directed their gazes towards the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch. Suddenly, he felt a sense of impending doom pressing down upon him.


The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch waved his sleeves, his gaze frosty. Not long ago, Lin Feng had slaughtered members of his Purple Palace, leaving a cross-shaped scar on his chest that made it difficult for him to hold his head high in front of others. Now, faced with such arrogance from this group, it challenged his dignity as the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch!

"Lin Feng has been killed by me,"

the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch stated coldly, disdainful of these impudent youngsters.

"Killed by you?"

Dream Qing's heart trembled, murmuring softly.

"Yes, killed by me. Everyone here knows it,"

the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch sneered, responding once more.

Dream Qing fell silent, her gaze flickering. From her usually emotionless eyes, there was a tremor.

Her body also trembled slightly, as if she had heard something deeply terrifying.

The Iron Riders fell silent too.

With a clang, radiance shimmered, and an endless aura of death surged forth. In that moment, the crowd felt suffocated, their breath becoming incredibly difficult.

"So powerful! These people, at least all possess the strength of the Triple Spiritual Martial Realm, at their weakest. Who are they, and who exactly is Lin Feng?"

Sensing this suffocating aura, fear stirred within the crowd.


A collective roar shattered the heavens and earth, the air thick with murderous intent. The Iron Riders charged forward, the people of the Crimson Blood Sky Sword Sect riding their horses madly into the Purple Palace crowd.

A burst of crimson blood blossomed in the air as the Crimson Blood Iron Riders plunged into the midst of the Purple Palace crowd, instantaneously turning it into a slaughter, with no suspense whatsoever.

Shrill screams echoed, and vibrant blood splattered through the air.

At this moment, Dream Qing lifted her head, gazing at the sky and into the distance, with no one knowing what she was thinking.

Sometimes, even she herself didn't know what she was thinking.

All she knew was that her heart hurt, hurt badly!

Her life was short, her experiences few. Before, in her memories, there were only her mother and the Black Wind Ridge.

Until that day, the person of the full moon, Lin Feng's figure appeared on the Stone Ridge, appearing in her world.

Now, all that played back in her memories were the various images of Lin Feng: his angry figure, his domineering figure, his recklessly carefree figure, and the silly smiling figure that tried to make her laugh.

A tear fell from the sky, and in that tear, it seemed as though Lin Feng's figure occupied it all.

She, who had never felt any emotions, shed tears and felt heartache.

At this moment, when the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch witnessed the slaughter of his people by the Crimson Blood Iron Riders, his face turned icy, his purple aura roaring. He leapt into the air, intending to take action.

However, just as he was about to make a move, an icy breath, bone-chilling to the extreme, locked his body in place.

Cold, piercing to the marrow!

Not only the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch, but everyone present felt the chill, the freezing cold that seemed to envelop the heavens and earth.

Mists undulated in the air, emitting crackling sounds as they solidified into ice and snow.

Space froze!

"So cold."

A shiver ran through the crowd's hearts, and then their gazes landed upon that enchanting figure, draped in robes whiter than snow. In this moment, Dream Qing resembled an ice-capped mountain, poised to freeze everything, including her own heart.


A hoarse voice escaped Dream Qing's lips, echoing in the space around.

A gust of wind suddenly appeared, its icy chill brushing against Dream Qing's face, causing her white robes to flutter in response.

The light veil masking her face fell away at this moment, carried by the wind, drifting far off, revealing her countenance.

At that moment, it felt as if space itself had paused.

Beauty—so breathtaking, so mesmerizing that one dared not gaze directly upon it.

Exquisite beauty, unparalleled beauty.

They had thought that Duan Xinye's beauty was already captivating enough to enchant a nation, with few who could compare. Yet, the appearance of this white-robed woman now seemed like a fairy, like a goddess of icebergs, leaving the crowd feeling ashamed of their own imperfections.

Heaven had, it seemed, crafted a countenance so mesmerizingly beautiful to plague mortals.

Purple Spirit and Ziya watched Dream Qing, feeling inadequate as women, especially Ziya, who felt she could not lift her head.

"She's here to find Lin Feng, but who is she to Lin Feng?"

Zi Ling whispered softly. Duan Xinye was already beautiful, and she loved Lin Feng. Yet, now appeared another woman of unparalleled beauty, who also sought Lin Feng.

Dream Qing moved, hovering in mid-air. She stepped onto the sky from atop her warhorse, striding directly towards the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch as if taking a single step brought her before him.

The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch was equally astonished by Dream Qing's appearance, but even more so by her strength. In this moment, he felt as though his body was being encased in ice, with a chill that reached his soul.

He actually... regretted saying he had killed Lin Feng.

His purple True Qi roared wildly. The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch shouted angrily, about to attack Dream Qing.


With a soft whisper, Dream Qing pointed into the void. The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's body trembled violently, a mouthful of blood spurting from his mouth.

It was just one strike, and he was already injured.

The crowd watched this scene, utterly stunned. Dream Qing not only possessed breathtaking beauty, but also a strength that shook the soul, even more monstrous than Lin Feng.

A terrifying icy intent emanated from Dream Qing's body, seeming endless, chilling to the extreme.

The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's purple True Qi was frozen, and then, the purple light surrounding him was frozen. Next, that chill swept directly onto him, encasing his entire being in ice, burying his figure within.

A gentle palm thrust out from Dream Qing's hand, directly impacting the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's body.

With a thunderous roar, the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's body collided with the palace barrier. The ice shattered, but he coughed up blood profusely.

His gaze vacant and lifeless, the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch had never imagined he would be subjected to such torment, especially not by a captivating young woman.

Casting a glance downwards, the Crimson Blood Iron Riders were still slaughtering. Anyone from the Purple Palace on the corridors was mercilessly killed, a pure massacre.

"The Purple Palace... it's over, completely over."

A sense of despair rose in the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's heart. Just because of a moment of anger, the Purple Palace had encountered utter catastrophe, facing annihilation.

Even he himself had been mercilessly abused.


Another palm of ice struck him. Dream Qing's surroundings exuded a destructive icy intent, freezing his body. Once this icy intent touched him, he felt his entire body stiffen.

Crashing against the palace barrier once again, the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's expression was one of despair.

"He's not dead. Lin Feng is not dead, he has only entered my forbidden grounds."

The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch roared, and indeed, as his words fell, Dream Qing's body hesitated briefly. Then, her gaze fell upon the crowd below the corridor, coldly uttering a single word: "Speak."

This word seemed like an edict, as if anyone who did not speak the truth would be obliterated.

"He's not here. Lin Feng has entered the forbidden grounds."

The crowd nodded, and Dream Qing's stabbed heart finally felt some relief. She exhaled a long breath.

"Can you spare me?" The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch began to beg for mercy, begging Dream Qing. He was afraid, truly afraid.

"It's too late."

Dream Qing shook her head. A chill enveloped the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch, his body trembling. Her figure disappeared, her palm landing directly on the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's body. An endless chill poured out from her palm, freezing everything, freezing life.

The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch's body froze, his eyes slowly closing. Then, he fell from the sky, silently.

The Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch, a Xuanwu Realm powerhouse, had fallen!

Meanwhile, the battle below had also ended. The Purple Palace, wiped out!

The crowd's gazes were vacant and silent. The Purple Palace, which had once ruled over thousands of miles, had been annihilated in a single day, all because of one person—Lin Feng!