Terrifying strong man

Dream Qing's figure drifted to the ground, unparalleled in beauty, yet emitting a faint chill. This chill manifested as tangible translucent light around her, forming a zone of coldness. Anyone who approached felt as though their entire body was being frozen, stepping back involuntarily, even the members of the Crimson Blood Sword felt the same.

"It's so cold."

Many sighed as they looked at the woman of extreme beauty. Only Lin Feng could inspire such devotion from her.

Dream Qing approached the statue and coldly asked, "Is this the entrance to the forbidden grounds?"

"Yes, that is the entrance to the Purple Palace forbidden grounds."

Someone nodded under the corridor. At this moment, they dared not move, fearing to provoke Dream Qing and the others. If they were angered again, wouldn't they suffer the same fate as the Purple Palace members, being annihilated on the spot?

Dream Qing's strength was too formidable. Even the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch had been killed in an instant, let alone them.

Dream Qing's gaze fixed on the entrance to the forbidden grounds. Her palm slowly rose, the chill permeating it, ceaselessly swirling. Then, Dream Qing's steps trembled, and her palm suddenly blasted towards the entrance.


The ground kept trembling, echoing in the space, yet the entrance to the forbidden grounds remained unmoved, still tightly closed, and the statue showed no sign of shaking.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Dream Qing's palm force crazily surged, striking the entrance to the forbidden grounds relentlessly. Her gaze remained icy, without the slightest fluctuation.

Finally, after many attempts, Dream Qing gave up. She turned her gaze to the crowd and asked, "How is this entrance to the forbidden grounds opened?"

"It's opened by the blood sacrifice of the direct descendants of the Purple Palace, dripping into the small hole in the statue's chest. But now, the direct descendants of the Purple Palace...," someone answered, then glanced at the corpses on the ground. The direct descendants of the Purple Palace had all been killed, not one left.


Dream Qing's expression darkened, her gaze turned to the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch. Her palm trembled, and an ice spike pierced into his body, then she froze some blood.

With another tremor of her hand, the frozen blood fell into the small hole in the statue. It melted instantly, but the entrance to the forbidden grounds still showed no response.

Her gaze sank, falling on the person who had just spoken. Immediately, the person felt stiff all over. This fairy-like beauty could freeze people with just one look, as if they were not accessible to ordinary mortals, only to be admired, not profaned.

"This entrance to the forbidden grounds probably can't be opened again. Otherwise, after Lin Feng enters, the Ancient Purple Palace Patriarch will follow to chase him, instead of waiting outside," the person explained. "Moreover, when the direct descendants of the Purple Palace enter, they will be fine in the forbidden grounds and will come out on their own. Maybe they can control it inside."

"How long will it take for the Purple Palace's people to come out after entering the forbidden grounds?"

Dream Qing relaxed slightly upon hearing that there would be no harm in entering the forbidden grounds. "I don't know, it could be as short as a few months or as long as several years."

"A few months, several years."

Dream Qing murmured, then turned around and said to the members of the Crimson Blood Sword, "If you want to leave, you should leave now."

Those people did not respond, standing silently there, not moving a step, like statues.

This scene made the crowd sigh again. Who exactly was Lin Feng, to make so many people wait for him for months, or even years, without complaint or regret?


Within the forbidden grounds, Lin Feng at this moment was unaware of what was happening outside. Standing there motionless, he merely stared at the statue.

Lin Feng naturally understood that this statue was not a mere sculpture but a person, a dead person. Breathless, yet their body did not decay, sitting there like a statue.

Behind Lin Feng, Duan Xinye stood silently, her gaze also fixed on the statue, as if mesmerized by it.

At this moment, Lin Feng and Duan Xinye's minds were in another realm. Above the sky, a figure rode atop a monstrous beast, a purple serpent measuring a hundred meters long, emitting purple mist, dispersing the clouds, truly awe-inspiring.

Above the nine heavens, divine thunder constantly struck, purple lightning filled with destructive aura, directly striking the figures of the man and the serpent, purple light circulating around them.

That peerless figure resembled a divine being, incredibly majestic.

Roaming the void, a martial arts expert, dominating the heavens, roaming the ethereal realm—these were no mere boasts but realities. Galloping through the sky, bathing in heavenly thunder.

Lin Feng felt everything in his mind and trembled intensely. Just as he had arrived in front of this statue earlier, it seemed to open its celestial eyes, ensnaring his gaze and drawing him into this realm.

This was the true powerhouse. Now, Lin Feng realized that he was nothing. His journey was still long.

At this moment, the gaze of the figure soaring above turned, and Lin Feng's heart trembled. At this moment, he could only feel that those eyes were fixed on him.

"Finally, someone has come into my world again."

A faint voice emanated from the figure's mouth, causing Lin Feng's body to tremble violently. Finally, someone... he was still conscious, not dead.

"No need to be surprised. The most wonderful thing between heaven and earth is the soul. Even if the physical body dies, the soul can still persist. Although my physical vitality has long been destroyed, my powerful soul remained after death, sustaining me until now. However, it's only until today. After this, there will be no more of me in this world!"

The flesh may perish, but the soul endures!

Lin Feng was shocked, not knowing the realm of this peerless expert.

Moreover, from the tone of the figure, Lin Feng keenly felt a sense of desolation, as if a hero was nearing the end. After this time, there would be no more of him in the world.

"Since the first time Zi Qian entered here, I set a rule. From generation to generation, only lovers can come before me and receive my blessings. Zi Qian has always done so. He let the couples among his descendants come in. But this time, I don't know why it's not his descendants, but you two. Perhaps, it's also a kind of fate. Zi Qian met me for the first time, and you came when my remnant soul was about to dissipate. Moreover, both of you are possessors of bloodline martial souls, possessing bloodline power. One of you is even a true genius."

The figure continued, his voice directly transmitting to the minds of Lin Feng and Duan Xinye, making Lin Feng's heart tremble. Both of them possessors of bloodline martial souls?

Duan Xinye is a possessor of a bloodline martial soul, he knew, the Gate of Reincarnation.

As for him, Lin Feng, he also possessed bloodline power?

"Soul Devouring Martial Soul." Lin Feng's body trembled lightly. The martial soul, once considered waste by others, was a bloodline martial soul.

But Lin Feng's father did not have the Soul Devouring Martial Soul, nor did the Lin family. There was only one explanation—his unseen mother was a possessor of a bloodline martial soul!

"Girl, my time is running out. Your talent is inferior to his. I will bestow more inheritance upon you. Are you willing to give up? If you are willing, just nod."

The figure spoke, obviously addressing Duan Xinye.

Lin Feng did not know Duan Xinye's reaction, but then he heard the strong man speak again, "Very well, I will also give you something. Comprehend it well."

With that, Duan Xinye felt a violent tremor in her body. The scenes in her mind disappeared in an instant, and a surging force landed directly in her mind, causing her to faint instantly.

In Lin Feng's mind, the figure's gaze fell on him again, smiling on his face.

"Decades ago, I instructed the last descendant of the Zi family who came in here to let more people in this time, because this will be the last time. I hope that a talented person can fully inherit everything from me. Although he did not let many people in, you alone are enough. Although your cultivation is not considered high in his eyes, in this vast continent, there are too many geniuses. What I value is your soul strength."