show no mercy

The gate of the forbidden area slowly opened, and Lin Feng and Dream Qin stepped out. At this moment, the eyes of the crowd all froze.

Lin Feng, leading Dream Qin by the hand, emerged. Dream Qin's face still carried a hint of indifference, but she allowed Lin Feng to lead her, as if it were natural, very quiet. The extreme chill emanating from her had disappeared.

"Such a perfect match."

The crowd whispered in admiration. At this moment, they naturally understood the relationship between Dream Qin and Lin Feng, and why Dream Qin had been so angry after hearing the Patriarch of the Purple Mansion claim that Lin Feng was dead, leading to her outburst of anger.

Because, like Duan Xinye, Dream Qin's beloved was also Lin Feng, this frivolous and handsome young man.

When Dream Qin and Lin Feng walked together, just like Duan Xinye and Lin Feng, they felt that they were very compatible. They were both too outstanding.

Faced with Lin Feng's talent, the crowd felt inferior. And facing Dream Qin's unparalleled beauty and incomparable strength, they felt even more ashamed. Only when Lin Feng and Dream Qin were together did they feel calm, just right, as if they were meant to be together, and only a genius like Lin Feng could match such an extraordinary woman.

Zi Yi and Zi Ling also stared at Lin Feng and Dream Qin in a daze. Zi Yi lowered her head, feeling deeply inferior. She, withered and faded, while Dream Qin, with her stunning beauty and unmatched strength, could even kill at the Xuanwu Realm. Such a woman, loving Lin Feng, when Lin Feng scolded her, she obediently went to him. Zi Yi had actually thought that Lin Feng had some intentions towards her back then. Even she felt it was ridiculous.

What did she have to compare with Dream Qin? What did she have to compare with Duan Xinye? Compared to these two women, she was far behind.

"I didn't expect Lin Feng to be so powerful, not only in strength and talent but also having two such women liking him," Zi Ling muttered, somewhat envious of Lin Feng and them.

But at this moment, Duan Xinye saw the hands they were holding, her eyes flickered, then she lowered her gaze, feeling a bit resentful.

For the first time, she found herself being surpassed by another woman, something she had never thought of before. But she had to face reality. Dream Qin, whether it was her sacred temperament or her stunning appearance, was even more outstanding than her. Rare in the world.

Dream Qin also liked Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was also interested in her.

Lin Feng also saw Duan Xinye, a wry smile on his face, complicated in his heart. In his previous life, he was single. Why did he have so many outstanding women interested in him in this life?

"Prepare two horses for me."

Lin Feng said lightly, and immediately someone went to fetch two blood-red horses.

"Xinye, mount one. It's time for us to go back."

Lin Feng said to Duan Xinye, who nodded slightly. She had been missing for so long; her imperial brother must be worried.

Approaching the side of the blood-red horse, Duan Xinye mounted it directly. Although she was a noble lady, how could a martial artist not ride a horse?

"Dream Qin, let's mount up too."

Lin Feng's gaze fell on Dream Qin again. Dream Qin nodded slightly, leaping into the air and directly onto another blood-red warhorse.

As she mounted, Lin Feng's body trembled slightly, sitting directly behind Dream Qin. His hands wrapped around her willow waist, holding the reins, causing Dream Qin's body to tremble slightly. This guy...

"Let's go!"

Lin Feng pulled the reins abruptly, and the blood-red warhorse neighed, galloping out suddenly. The sudden acceleration caused Dream Qin's body to lean back, leaning against Lin Feng's chest. The two of them, one horse, galloped along the mountain road.

"Protect the princess."

Lin Feng's voice came, and the people of the Blood Sword Heavenly Sect's eyes became serious. They mounted their horses and followed behind Duan Xinye, all galloping down the mountain.


The crowd watched the gradually receding sound of hooves, their hearts unable to calm down for a long time. Duan Xinye was actually a princess, the princess of the Snow Moon Kingdom.

Who was this Lin Feng? How could such a bloody team follow him, and there was even a princess and such a stunning woman like Dream Qin deeply in love with him?

On the ancient road, the blood-red warhorse galloped incessantly, raising clouds of dust.

Two figures sat on horseback, one stunning like a fairy, the other handsome and free-spirited, with a hint of arrogance.

The wind blowing from the front lifted their long hair, fluttering in the air.

The swift horses, the beautiful woman, the vast ancient road, the sword-bearing youth, all seemed like a page from a painting, with the landscape as picturesque as can be.

Dream Qin quietly leaned against Lin Feng's embrace, neither of them speaking, just quietly enjoying this poetic moment as if in a dream.

Even if this ancient road stretched on forever, it would still be beautiful.

As Lin Feng approached, he, attuned to the unity of heaven and man, keenly sensed someone watching him, hidden among the mountains.

The blood-red warhorse slowed to a halt, and Lin Feng shouted to the Void-Breaking End: "Under the command of the Blood Commander, Lin Feng of the Blood Sword Heavenly Camp."

There was silence from the Void-Breaking End, no sound at all. The entire mountain range was silent, but Lin Feng could clearly feel the lurking danger.

"Soldiers of the Blood Legion, Lin Feng of the Blood Sword Heavenly Camp, requests passage through the Void-Breaking End."

Lin Feng didn't know whose men were stationed at the Void-Breaking End. After shouting again, he spurred his horse forward, charging out.

In just a moment, the blood-red warhorses ridden by Lin Feng and Dream Qin entered the narrow path of the Void-Breaking End, galloping along its narrow expanse.


But at that moment, Lin Feng's brow furrowed. He heard the sound of arrows cutting through the air, and many arrows were shooting towards the narrow path, aimed directly at them.

With a wave of his hand, the dazzling brilliance of the sword burst forth, instantly cutting through the arrows aimed at him, and the blood-red warhorse continued its gallop.

However, the whistling did not stop. Arrows rained down, seemingly intent on blocking their path forward.

"Dream Qin, kill."

Lin Feng uttered these words indifferently. He had already shouted his affiliation with the Blood Legion upon entering the Void-Breaking End, but the other side continued to release arrows without reservation, seeking his life. Since that was the case, there was nothing more to say.

As the words fell, Lin Feng's body soared into the air, his toes lightly touching the edge of the sky, and he began to climb the cliffs.

Dream Qin's figure rose directly into the air, graceful like a fairy, darting and shimmering on the cliffs, like a celestial being strolling.

In just an instant, Lin Feng arrived on a huge rock. There, some soldiers were preparing to shoot arrows at him, but when they saw Lin Feng effortlessly arriving in front of them, their eyes trembled, and their hands holding the bows and arrows stiffened.

"It's indeed soldiers of the Snow Moon Kingdom."

Lin Feng looked at the armor on the opponent's body, his face indifferent. He had already learned from Dream Qin that in the last battle, countless soldiers died near the Snow Moon, and ultimately, because it was near the Snow Moon, the Moyue Kingdom decided to withdraw. This Void-Breaking End was controlled by the Snow Moon.

But it was these soldiers of the Snow Moon who, after Lin Feng entered the Void-Breaking End, continued to shoot arrows, attempting to take his life.

"Who do you serve, and who gave the order?"

Lin Feng looked at the opponent coldly, a hint of chill in his eyes. However, the other party remained silent, abandoning the bow and arrow, and the arrows in their hands shot directly towards Lin Feng.

"You seek death."

Lin Feng said coldly. With a wave of his hand, a cold light flashed, and the opponent's body instantly stiffened, then slowly fell.

After killing this person, Lin Feng's body continued to flicker, entering a state of unity with heaven and man. No one hiding in the Void-Breaking End could escape his keen senses.

In just a moment, Lin Feng appeared in front of another soldier of the Snow Moon. Getting straight to the point, he said, "Who gave the order?"

The other party hesitated for a moment but remained silent.

"Die!" Lin Feng had no patience. With another wave of his hand, in an instant, another person was slain by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't need to waste time with them. In this vast Void-Breaking End, he didn't believe that no one would speak.

His figure continued to flicker, and one life after another was lost in the Void-Breaking End. Not only was Lin Feng slaughtering, but Dream Qin was also killing alongside him. When Lin Feng spoke, she killed.

Lin Feng even forgot that this was the last line of defense for the Snow Moon, the Void-Breaking City, and he just kept killing.

After experiencing that battlefield, his principles became even simpler. Whoever wanted him dead, he would kill them.

He had fought for the Snow Moon Kingdom on the battlefield, but how had the Snow Moon treated him? How had it treated Liu Canglan?

The princess was captured, there was rebellion in the army, and the Moyue Kingdom attacked. Tens of thousands of soldiers lost their lives in blood, all part of a conspiracy, yet Snow Moon didn't care. Lin Feng, why should he care?

He was a man from another world, with no sense of belonging to the Snow Moon. If one day, the Snow Moon wanted him dead, he would wield his sword against the Snow Moon!