Purple serpent

After an unknown span of time, atop the Void-Breaking End, sporadic blood trickled down the cliff face, dripping into the crevices of the central abyss like a mountain spring of blood.

Lin Feng and Dream Qin returned to the ravine road, carrying a hint of chill.

The killings had left no living soul on the Void-Breaking End; all had been slaughtered. Remembering the days standing on the walls of the Void-Breaking City with Liu Canglan, gazing at this Snow Moon Abyss, Lin Feng had never imagined that one day he would wield the sword himself, massacring on the Void-Breaking End, erasing Snow Moon's last barrier.

The crowd of Blood Sword disciples had also arrived at the gorge beneath the Void-Breaking End, seated atop their blood-red warhorses. Before them lay numerous bodies, all clad in Snow Moon armor.

"Anyone who dares obstruct us on this journey will face no mercy," Lin Feng said indifferently to the Blood Sword disciples. From these individuals, he managed to glean some information.

"Now, everyone follow me, and swiftly."

With these words, Lin Feng mounted his horse and galloped alongside Dream Qin.

The people behind remained silent, all mounting their horses and following Lin Feng closely.

Crossing the national Void-Breaking End meant reaching the Void-Breaking City. The current Void-Breaking City lay in ruins, with blackened remnants strewn about. The entire city had been razed to the ground.

Yet, atop the city's gates, there were still figures present—soldiers of the Snow Moon, while the gates of the Void-Breaking City stood wide open.

This time, Lin Feng said nothing. He charged directly towards the wide-open gates, and no one stopped him.

The blood-red warhorses galloped through the ruins. However, shortly after Lin Feng entered the city gates, they slowly began to close. With a resounding bang, the Void-Breaking City was sealed.

In front of Lin Feng, a line of armored figures slowly appeared, exuding a chilling majesty. They were all mounted on warhorses, their gazes fixed on Lin Feng and his companions, as if deliberately waiting for them.

Arrows on the warhorses were raised, and instantly, Lin Feng and his group felt a chilling intent locking onto their bodies.

"Stop, or we'll release our arrows."

A cold voice rang out, but Lin Feng seemed not to hear, and the warhorses continued to gallop.

The person who shouted felt a slight change in their eyes. Raising their hand to the sky, a hint of coldness flashed in their narrowed eyes.


As the hand fell, a deep voice issued forth, and instantly, the bowstrings were drawn, arrows whistling through the air towards Lin Feng and his companions.


The arrows struck the warhorses, carrying a fierce force. These were no ordinary hands; all of them were elite soldiers with Lingwu realm cultivation.

The blood-red warhorses, once struck by the arrows, immediately collapsed to the ground.

The first arrow targeted only the warhorses, not the people.

After the first volley, the arrows were once again placed on the bowstrings, this time aimed at the people, the intent to kill palpable.

Two figures soared into the air, seemingly strolling in the sky, charging towards the group of people, ignoring the arrows whistling through the air once again.

"Ice Seal."

Dream Qin, clad in white as snow, uttered a low drink. In an instant, endless ice and snow spread through the void. All the arrows in front of her were frozen solid, emitting crisp cracking sounds, unable to advance.

Beside Dream Qin, Lin Feng's body was enveloped in a purple light, which manifested as a phantom towering up to a hundred meters high—a purple serpent.

This phantom was unexpectedly similar to the purple serpent demon sovereign crawling in the Purple Mansion Forbidden Grounds, sharing eighty percent of its appearance. Naturally, it was formed from the blood of the purple serpent demon sovereign, condensed into a lake. It bore a striking resemblance to it.

The astonishing sight caused the faces of the soldiers who had fired the arrows to change. They watched the towering purple serpent phantom with fear in their hearts, their bodies trembling, a sense of fear spreading within them.

This was the martial soul born after Lin Feng swallowed the lake of purple blood. Although the subsequent devouring martial soul also consumed the icy qi from Dream Qin's body, the new martial soul remained unchanged, still the formidable purple martial soul, gathering the essence of the entire lake of purple blood.

As for the shocking phantom serpent, it bore an eight-point resemblance to the purple serpent demon sovereign in the Forbidden Grounds of the Purple Mansion.


A resounding roar echoed, and the immense purple serpent phantom fiercely surged forth, endless purple light emerging, transforming into a vast purple lake. The arrows shot out were instantly shrouded by the purple lake, then melted away into nothingness, even the arrows themselves were dissolved.

The overwhelming purple lake surged directly towards the Snow Moon soldiers obstructing in front, instantly causing them to tremble with fear, endless terror spreading across their faces, the chilling intent of death long gone.

How could this be? How could Lin Feng be so powerful?

The information they received was that Lin Feng was merely at the sixth level of the Lingwu realm cultivation. Yet, they, who could even kill those at the seventh level of the Lingwu realm, if Lin Feng were to return alive to Snow Moon, it would be enough to ensure he'd forever rest in the Void-Breaking City. However, Lin Feng's strength obviously shook everyone.

Regret filled the faces of all. Targeting Lin Feng turned out to be doomsday for them.

The purple lake covered the sky and earth, directly engulfing them. Subsequently, their bodies were all melted into nothingness. In just an instant, over a hundred soldiers perished.

The melting was undoubtedly the special ability of the purple serpent demon sovereign. Initially, during the reign of the purple serpent demon sovereign, even its saliva could melt people to death. However, when its blood turned into a lake, it would only melt people's clothes, and then the purple would seep into their bodies, replacing their original martial soul. This was the astonishing power of bloodline.

However, after the purple lake was devoured by the Heaven-Devouring Martial Soul and became Lin Feng's martial soul, it gained the ability to melt.

The people of the Blood Sword faction looked at Lin Feng, who seemed like a god. Each of them froze, their hearts trembling violently.

Strong, Lin Feng was too strong. After experiencing this war, the surviving individuals had all made breakthroughs in strength. Lin Feng, on the other hand, had become much stronger.

As for the Snow Moon soldiers who were rushing to flank Lin Feng and the others, they all stopped. Sitting on their warhorses, they looked up at the figure standing in the air. Under Lin Feng's feet was a towering lake, supporting his body in the void.

Stepping on the lake supporting his body, Lin Feng slowly turned around, his gaze falling on the Snow Moon soldiers chasing after them. These people, needless to say, Lin Feng understood were here to ambush him.

Seeing Lin Feng's gaze, the crowd trembled in their hearts, a chill creeping into their hearts. It was so cold.

"We are also under orders to leave."

The leader looked at Lin Feng and said solemnly, then turned his horse around, intending to leave.

"Wishing to kill, yet fleeing when unable to, how laughable."

Lin Feng's indifferent voice sounded. These people were here to take their lives. When they found out they couldn't, they said they were under orders and then left. Was there such an easy escape?

"Dream Qin, please. Keep those horses for us."

Lin Feng turned around and said to Dream Qin. Their warhorses had been shot by arrows, making it inconvenient to travel. If he were to act, both the people and the horses would be killed.


Dream Qin nodded. Stepping into the void, a wave of freezing cold was released again, causing the Snow Moon soldiers to tremble in their hearts, feeling extremely cold.

Besides Lin Feng, there was another strong individual here, a formidable existence at the Xuanwu realm. In other words, even if Lin Feng's strength wasn't that strong, they would still be doomed. Intercepting Lin Feng here was already a joke.

A sense of desolation arose in their hearts. The orders came from above, but the consequences were borne by them.

"Ice Seal."

Dream Qin's palm trembled, and ice poured out. The crowd stiffened, and then, from front to back, wherever the cold passed, everyone was frozen, turning into statues, then falling under the warhorses, dead!

"Mount up, let's go."

Lin Feng said calmly, retracting his martial soul. Stepping forward, he directly stepped onto a warhorse, and others followed suit.

"Lin Feng, what's going on?"

Duan Xinye rode her horse to Lin Feng's side, asking in confusion.

"Somebody wants to intercept us, preventing us from returning to the imperial city," Lin Feng said, looking at Duan Xinye.

"What about me? Do they want to kill me too?"


Lin Feng nodded, causing Duan Xinye's heart to tremble suddenly. Even she, the princess, was targeted for death.

"Tens of thousands of soldiers have shed blood, the princess has gone missing. Although this war can be considered a victory, in the end, General Liu Canglan has been blamed for his death. Even though it's a victory, it's a pyrrhic one, and the protection of the princess has been unfavorable, being captured by the Moyue Kingdom, her life and death uncertain. Therefore, it's a capital offense. Thus, neither you nor I can return to the imperial city. If you appear in the imperial city, this death sentence cannot be executed."

Lin Feng's words made Duan Xinye feel a chill in her heart. It was cold.

For the sake of convicting General Liu Canglan, even she, the princess, had to die. Was it really so simple?

Perhaps it was because they not only didn't want General Liu Canglan to live but also didn't want her, the princess, to live. Needless to say, Duan Xinye understood who was behind this.

It's just that Duan Xinye didn't understand why she was captured, and it was colluded between the Snow Moon and Moyue. If it was his order, why bother letting her live and just kill her directly?

That person was her elder brother, the crown prince, Duan Wudao. Cruel and ruthless, prosper those who obey, perish those who oppose.

She was close to the second prince, Duan Wuyan, but the crown prince and the second prince were not close. Therefore, she had offended Duan Wudao, the crown prince!