Encirclement and Suppression of the Imperial City

Outside the imperial city, the sound of bustling crowds filled the air, while within the outer city of the imperial city, it remained lively. At this moment, many people were heading back in one direction, towards the gap between the outer and inner cities, beyond the imposing city gates.

Outside the city walls at this moment, beyond the river, silence prevailed, permeated by a strong sense of hostility that shrouded the entire space in oppression.

All one could see beyond the river were figures of people and swift horses, all clad in armor, with the horses being warhorses.

A siege!

At this moment, there was actually a legion surrounding the city, with tens of thousands of soldiers. A glance revealed an endless, neatly arranged formation outside the imperial city.

In the distance, the passing crowds from the outer city looked at these soldiers, discussing among themselves.

"It's the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry. I never expected the formidable Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry to actually besiege the imperial city. However, in front of the imperial city, this legion of tens of thousands is nothing but a joke, unable to stir up much trouble."

Some observed the central legion, clad in crimson armor, and mounted on horses of the same color. This legion was the symbol of the Snow Moon border, the Crimson Blood Legion under Liu Canglan.

"The world is unpredictable. Who would have known that the mighty General God's Arrow would be publicly executed today, to inform the world."

Some shook their heads and sighed. The matter of Snow Moon wanting to kill Liu Canglan was no longer a secret.

It was said that during this massive Moyue invasion, instead of fully resisting Moyue, General God's Arrow schemed for power and incited rebellion, attempting to control the Grey Wolf Army that came to aid him. This gave Moyue the opportunity to take advantage, resulting in tens of thousands of soldiers perishing and the princess being captured by Moyue, her fate uncertain.

If it weren't for the genius Lin Feng, who sat down and devised the brilliant plan to burn the Blade-Breaking City, trapping Moyue's 500,000 strong army in flames, killing tens of thousands, and laying out a series of schemes to turn the tide, this Snow Moon army would surely have all perished abroad.

Pity this Lin Feng, the genius hero, who, to save the princess, went alone into the Moyue camp, single-handedly hunting down those who captured the princess. Now he's missing along with the princess, their fate uncertain, and the odds of their survival slim.

As a result, Snow Moon announced to the world that they would publicly behead General God's Arrow, in honor of the fallen soldiers.

After this battle, the name of God's Arrow fell, while Lin Feng became known. Unfortunately, the young hero might already have perished abroad.

Glancing at the sky, the sun was glaring. In about two hours, Liu Canglan would be executed.

At this moment, the gates of the imperial city were tightly shut, the city sealed off. No one was allowed to enter, and the crowd couldn't even witness Liu Canglan's execution.

Just then, there was a slight movement from the legion outside the city gates. Immediately, the crowd saw their warhorses stir, and bows and arrows were taken from their backs.

"Rebellion! For Liu Canglan, this legion is actually going to launch a rebellion and attack the imperial city."

The eyes of the crowd all froze, as tens of thousands of soldiers intending to attack the imperial city was undoubtedly suicidal. Once they rebelled, the soldiers atop the city gates would show no mercy. These tens of thousands of soldiers were just throwing their lives away, serving no purpose.

Sure enough, seeing the movements of the legion below, a commander on the city gates sneered. This commander's name was Meng Gu Feng, holding a prominent position of command. Standing on the city tower, he naturally knew what to do. He couldn't wait for these people to rebel, as then he could easily quell the rebellion, gain military merit effortlessly, and eliminate a threat for the Crown Prince.

Beside Meng Gu Feng stood a young man clad in armor, exuding an extraordinary aura. If Lin Feng were here, he would surely recognize him. He was Meng Chong, the one whose cultivation was destroyed by Lin Feng in the Lovesick Forest. He was also Meng Gu Feng's son.

"Meng Chong, I'll let you take credit for this feat. How about it?"

Meng Gu Feng smiled, causing Meng Chong's face to brighten. This achievement could be easily attained without any effort, bestowed upon him by his father. It was undoubtedly meant to swiftly advance his position. Naturally, he was pleased.


Meng Chong smiled and took a step forward, standing on the gate of the imperial city. Waving his hand, countless Snow Moon soldiers below raised their bows and arrows, aiming at the crowd below.

Standing high above, looking down at the crowd below, Meng Chong felt a surge of heroism. At this moment, his every move could determine the fate of tens of thousands of people.

"Lin Feng, it's a pity you're already dead. Otherwise, I would personally take your life."

Meng Chong felt a surge of blood boiling in his heart, his spirit soaring as if he could easily kill Lin Feng, the despicable scoundrel who had once humiliated him and destroyed his cultivation.

What use was it to have no cultivation? He could still command a thousand troops.

The chilling aura spread at the gate of the imperial city. The legion below the gate all showed a resolute expression on their faces, knowing that death was imminent in this battle. 

"This battle is not for anything else. We, tens of thousands of soldiers, only seek justice."

Ren Qingkuang, the commander of the central army, stood in front of the soldiers, looking up at the imperial city. They had shed blood and killed enemies for Snow Moon, with tens of thousands of soldiers buried, but how had Snow Moon treated them?

Where was justice?

"Where is justice?"

Tens of thousands of soldiers roared, shaking the heavens and the earth, causing the hearts of the crowd to tremble fiercely.

These individuals, with their lives, seek justice.

Upon the imperial city, Mon Chong and his son sneered coldly.

"Justice, strength, and influence, that's what constitutes justice. In this world, where else can one find true justice?"

A hint of a wicked smile appeared on Mon Chong's face. After Lin Feng crippled his cultivation, his heart became even more twisted.

"Brothers, this is our final battle. Together, we stand. Generals and the leader of the Red Blood lineage are also with us. No regrets in this lifetime."

Ren Qingkuang's feet rested upon the warhorse. At this moment, he truly embodied his name, feeling utterly unrestrained. Death, if it comes, is not to be regretted.

The sound of bowstrings being drawn filled the air with killing intent.


On the city tower, Mon Chong raised his hand in a gesture, his cold smile deepening, as he slowly retreated behind the crowd.

Ren Qingkuang's hand also rose high. A gentle breeze tousled his long hair. At this moment, he didn't even wear a helm.

His lips trembled slightly. Ren Qingkuang's hand moved downward, slowly. With just one swing of his hand, the death knell would toll.


The distant sound of galloping hooves thundered, yet nobody paid it any mind. The crowd's attention was fixed on the soldiers inside and outside the gates of the imperial city.

Ren Qingkuang's hand descended once more, and the bows of the soldiers were fully drawn.


The thunderous sound of hooves persisted, shaking the ground incessantly. A voice turned into a rolling wave, madly spreading forward. This voice made Ren Qingkuang's descending hand pause.

"Stop, Leader Ren, it's me."

Lin Feng roared again, his warhorse galloping wildly. The people in front rapidly dispersed, watching the approaching cavalry.

Upon hearing this voice, Ren Qingkuang's hand stiffened in place, a sharp glint flashing in his eyes. It was Lin Feng's voice.

"Nobody move."

Ren Qingkuang shouted, causing the soldiers' gazes to focus. Why were they not supposed to move again? Whose voice was that?

Ren Qingkuang naturally ordered them to stop. If they shot this arrow, it would be rebellion. The crowd on the city gates would then have reason to suppress the rebellion and execute them.

But as long as they hadn't acted yet, they were still Snow Moon's legion, and the other side didn't have enough reasons to attack them.

Initially resigned to death, but with Lin Feng's arrival, there was hope. Lin Feng, molded by Snow Moon into a hero, while Liu Canlan became the unequivocal villain. Only Lin Feng could influence this ever-changing situation.

Turning around, gazing into the distance, Ren Qingkuang's eyes revealed a hint of a smile, his heart filled with excitement.

"Lin Feng, well done!"

Apart from Lin Feng, among the galloping crowd were Princess Duan Xinye and Liu Canlan. They were saved.

"Lin Feng!"

Upon hearing Ren Qingkuang's voice, the eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers all froze. This hero crafted by Snow Moon was truly their hero. Lin Feng, who led the Red Blood Heavenly Sword to exterminate the Mo Yue Black Guards, then single-handedly reversed the battle that was doomed to fail.

At this moment, that audacious figure appeared again!

"Lin Feng!"

On the city tower, Mon Chong also saw the distant figure, but his face displayed only gloominess and malice.