kill the commander

Upon the city wall, Mon Chong's body was pinned by countless arrows, a sight so dreadful it sent shivers down one's spine.

Meanwhile, the crowd on the wall was frozen in place. Though they couldn't see, they could well imagine what had occurred. The endless barrage of arrows had shaken the very walls. Moreover, the soldiers outside the city were there to eliminate the criminal Mon Chong because he had attempted to assassinate the princess.

The reasons were clear and there was no room for argument. After all, Mon Chong had ordered arrows to be loosed at the princess, a fact witnessed by everyone.

Mon Gufeng's body trembled slightly, his eyes wide, somewhat vacant.

"Mon Chong!" He roared, rushing to the edge of the wall, his gaze dropping below. Instantly, his eyes turned red; that was his son, his young son pinned by numerous arrows to the wall.

"Roar, Lin Feng!" Mon Gufeng bellowed, his gaze shifting, cold and piercing, laden with intense coldness.

"You killed my son," Mon Gufeng seemed incredulous, staring fixedly at Lin Feng.

"Please, Commander, open the city gates. The princess and I have urgent matters to attend to," Lin Feng said calmly, his voice serene, without a hint of ripple.

"Open the gates?" Mon Gufeng's eyes held a hint of smirk, sinister and terrifying. "Lin Feng, are you trying to storm my Snow Moon Imperial City, kill my son, the commander's offspring, and show no regard for Snow Moon?"

"Hmm?" Lin Feng paused, then sneered. This Mon Gufeng, actually trying to incriminate him. This old fox, despite his anger, remained clear-headed, preferring to establish the charges first, making his move easier.

"Commander Mon, Mon Chong intended to kill the princess, witnessed by all. The charge demands death, and everyone can testify to that. Furthermore, I reiterate, Commander, the princess and I have pressing matters. I request passage through the gates for her," Lin Feng's voice grew chilly, gradually intensifying, sending chills down the spine.

"Pressing matters? Trying to save Liu Canglan?" Mon Gufeng stared at Lin Feng, a cold smile playing on his lips, two words falling from his mouth: "Dream on."


As soon as Mon Gufeng finished speaking, a chilling killing intent erupted from Lin Feng, causing Mon Gufeng's gaze to sharpen. "What are you going to do?"

Without a word, Lin Feng's body trembled, his palm turning into a blade, slashing down directly.

Swoosh, swoosh...

A light sound rang out, followed by Mon Gufeng's miserable cry. His attempt to block Lin Feng's hand resulted in his arm being severed without hesitation.

This scene again caused the people on the city tower to freeze. Before Mon Gufeng's men could step forward, Ren Qingkuang and Meng Qing stepped forward. No one could approach Lin Feng. They could only watch the events unfold before them.

"Mon Chong intended to kill the princess. I, Lin Feng, as the princess's enforcer, executed him. Yet, Mon Gufeng, out of resentment for Mon Chong's death, refuses entry to the princess, showing disregard for both the princess and the Snow Moon royal family. I, Lin Feng, act in the princess's authority and execute this criminal."

Lin Feng stood there, his long hair fluttering, his clear voice resonating far and wide, shaking the hearts of the crowd.

Lin Feng not only killed Mon Chong but also intended to kill Mon Gufeng. Whoever obstructed him, he would kill.

With that said, Lin Feng's foot trembled, his palm descending directly onto Mon Gufeng. Instantly, Mon Gufeng's face turned pale, blood flowing continuously from the corner of his mouth, but his gaze remained fixed on Lin Feng, filled with malevolence.

Mon Gufeng was also at the Spirit Martial Realm, just like Lin Feng, but with Lin Feng's transcendent realm, his speed was incredibly fast. With one blow, Mon Gufeng's momentary lapse led to his arm being severed, unable to withstand a single strike.

"The path you chose is your own."

In Lin Feng's palm, a wild sword intent raged, destroying the meridians within Mon Gufeng's body.

With a tremor of his hand, Mon Gufeng's body was thrown towards the outer wall of the city. The crowd below immediately understood, arrows whistled through the air, the commander Mon Gufeng, like his son, was pinned to the city gate.

The charges were laid by Lin Feng.

In the world of martial artists, only strength was fair.

Lin Feng's gaze shifted, landing on another figure in commander's armor atop the city gate.

"Are you the vice-commander?"

Lin Feng's indifferent inquiry sent a shiver down the man's spine. Witnessing the deaths of Mon Chong and Mon Gufeng firsthand, Lin Feng was terrifying indeed, much like the rumors about the Crown Prince. Defying him meant death!

"I am," the man nodded slightly, his heart somewhat unsettled.

"We have urgent matters to attend to in the city. Open the gates swiftly," Lin Feng said calmly. The man's eyes trembled, remaining silent.

"I'll give you five breaths to consider. Refusing to open the gates would defy the princess and disregard the Snow Moon royal family."

Lin Feng spoke again, his voice firm and domineering, then counted down, "One breath!"

"Two breaths..."

"Open the gates."

The vice-commander's gaze stiffened. He dared not let Lin Feng continue counting. This guy could kill Mon Chong and his father with ease; naturally, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

Regardless of what might happen later, surviving this ordeal was the priority.

"Open the gates... Open the gates..."

Voices echoed, and the massive bronze gates slowly opened.

"Ren, you and the soldiers will personally escort the princess into the city, ensuring her safety," Lin Feng said lightly. Ren Qingkuang immediately understood, nodding, "Understood."

With that, Ren Qingkuang stepped directly into the void, returning to his warhorse. He shouted loudly, "Escort the princess into the city."

The vast army moved towards the imperial city, leaving the crowd speechless. Escorting the princess into the city was clearly an excuse for this legion to enter the imperial city.

However, with the princess saying nothing, and Lin Feng controlling the city gates, who dared to object?

The thunderous sounds continued as the army entered the city. Lin Feng waited until everyone had entered before signaling to Meng Qing. Then, both of them stepped into the void simultaneously, mounting their warhorses, and headed towards the imperial city.

At the gate of the imperial city, the two bodies pinned to the wall by countless arrows remained a horrifying sight, shocking the crowd.

That graceful figure, like a blazing fire, was Lin Feng, the one who could overturn heaven and earth. He was truly audacious—killing Mon Chong, slaying Commander Mon Gufeng without batting an eyelid. Saying he'd kill meant he'd kill.

Of course, audacity came with formidable strength.

Lin Feng's ability to easily incapacitate Mon Gufeng, who was also at the Spirit Martial Realm, was undeniable proof of his immense power. The crowd seemed to witness the birth of a monstrous genius.

If this young man didn't die, he would become a figure like one of the Eight Great Princes. Moreover, he would likely surpass the later ones among them, becoming even more formidable and monstrous!