iron-blooded man

Within the imperial city, there was an extremely spacious area paved with bluestones.

This vast expanse was situated in the bustling district of the imperial city, with an enormous flow of people.

At the center of this spacious area stood a high platform constructed of blood-colored stairs. These stairs, horrifyingly enough, were built of an unknown material. Above them, the platform was white, pale as snow.

Upon the platform, a steel cable, cast from iron, coiled around a towering stone pillar. At the top of this pillar sat a crucifix, flames burning at both ends, with two curved blades hooked there, chilling to behold, as if intended for hooking human arms.

This platform was known as the Executioner's Platform. Any distinguished figure in the Snow Moon, if they dared to anger the ruler, would face execution here, as a warning to all.

After the execution, the bodies would be bound with chains, then hung from the crucifix atop the pillar, hands clasped, bodies exposed to the elements as a deterrent, instilling fear in the populace, preventing them from committing similar crimes.

At this moment, the vicinity of the Executioner's Platform was crowded with people, a sea of humanity.

As for the surroundings of the platform, they were surrounded by the Snow Moon's legion, preventing anyone from getting close.

"I never expected the esteemed General of Divine Arrows, renowned throughout the Snow Moon, to end up like this."

Someone in the crowd sighed, looking at the figure on the snowy white platform. Astonishingly, it was indeed the General of Divine Arrows, Liu Canglan. At this moment, Liu Canglan was bound all over, a criminal awaiting execution. Yet, his head remained held high, his eyes neither servile nor humble.

He, Liu Canglan, was innocent and unrepentant.

Ahead in the crowd, a pair of beautiful eyes watched Liu Canglan on the high platform, their gaze red, shimmering with tears.

"Father, you sacrificed the best years of your life for the Snow Moon, but this is how they repay you."

This beautiful woman was none other than Liu Feifei. Compared to when she was at Yunhai Sect, she now exuded a more mature charm. However, at this moment, she was heartbroken and desperate, feeling utterly alone.

"Feifei, remember your father's words. Live well. Only by living can you hope for revenge."

Beside Liu Feifei stood a middle-aged man, his gaze calm, but his heart filled with the same hatred, especially as he looked at the enforcer, Duan Tianlang. He wished he could devour his flesh and drink his blood.

Everything was orchestrated by Duan Tianlang, including the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Yet, he shifted all the blame onto Liu Canglan, even capturing the princess in his camp, turning it into Liu Canglan's crime. How bitterly ironic. However, reality was sometimes absurd, even theatrical.


Liu Feifei nodded heavily. This debt must be repaid. If Duan Tianlang did not die, she, Liu Feifei, would not live as a human.

"Your father always believed that Lin Feng would be safe. After today, go find him, even if you have to go to Moyue."

The middle-aged man spoke again. Liu Feifei fell silent. Where is Lin Feng now?

For some reason, Liu Feifei, at this moment, felt a longing she had never felt before.

When a woman is lonely and helpless, she always thinks of the person she cares about the most. Liu Feifei, at this moment, was truly helpless. Her father was right in front of her, about to be executed, and she couldn't do anything but watch as her father was killed.

Duan Tianlang glanced at the sky, a brilliant smile on his face. For so many years, Liu Canglan had always been his adversary. Today, this great concern was finally being eradicated. It was legitimate and righteous to execute him. How could Duan Tianlang not be happy?

"It's about time. Prepare."

Duan Tianlang said indifferently. Suddenly, the iron chains on Liu Canglan's body moved. His body was directly tightened by the iron chains, then suspended in the air. All four limbs were locked by the iron chains, held by four strong individuals.

Liu Canglan made no resistance, allowing his body to hang in mid-air, his gaze fixed on the sky, his eyes calm. He only regretted not being able to turn back in this life.


Duan Tianlang spoke again with indifference. Below the blood-colored stairs, many soldiers had their bows drawn, all aimed at Liu Canglan. With eighty-one arrows, there was no way for Liu Canglan to escape.

The air was filled with a solemn and murderous aura. Would the legendary Divine Archer, Liu Canglan, really perish beneath his most skilled weapon, arrows? Perhaps, this was irony in itself.

However, at this moment, the crowd felt a slight tremor in the ground, growing stronger and stronger, causing them to glance around in concern.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The thundering sound of galloping horses echoed, the ground shaking more intensely. Duan Tianlang's gaze narrowed slightly as he looked into the distance. There, armored cavalrymen were charging forth like a tempest, incredibly swift. And those leading the charge were none other than the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry.

"What's going on?"

Duan Tianlang's gaze sharpened. How did the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry appear? They were blocked outside the imperial city and couldn't enter.

"It's the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry, they're coming in."

"Yes, Uncle Jiu, it's the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry, your legion."

A hint of excitement appeared on Liu Feifei's face. Jiu Chixue abandoned the Crimson Blood Legion to be led by Ren Qingkuang, while he himself entered the imperial city alone. In his view, the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry shouldn't be in the imperial city.

At this moment, Jiu Chixue's eyes fell on a figure, a young and handsome figure.

A smile spread across Jiu Chixue's eyes.

"Feifei, it's Lin Feng. This lad can really do anything. He's actually led the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry into the imperial city."

Jiu Chixue said softly. Lin Feng, the one who set the city ablaze, turned the tide, and later rode alone to rescue their enemies, yet still returned alive. He always managed to surprise people.

Tears welled up in Liu Feifei's eyes. Lin Feng had come just in time. With the formidable strength of the Crimson Blood Legion, they would surely be able to save her father from death.

However, they seemed to underestimate Duan Tianlang's determination to kill Liu Canglan.

"Lin Feng!"

A dark shadow flashed in Duan Tianlang's eyes, then he shouted, "Prepare to shoot down the criminal Liu Canglan!"


A loud response rang out, arrows drawn, trembling with anticipation. The expressions of Liu Feifei and Jiu Chixue turned grim.

"Duan Tianlang, how dare you?" Jiu Chixue roared angrily, leaping into the crowd.


A fierce fist struck out, instantly killing several archers.


With a cold sneer, Duan Tianlang released the arrows, aimed at Liu Canglan. At this moment, Jiu Chixue's face turned pale. He sprang into action, his speed reaching its peak, stepping in front of Liu Canglan. He hugged Liu Canglan tightly, his surging vitality releasing an intense aura, enveloping them both.

"Get away!"

Liu Canglan roared, his face contorted in agony. But at this moment, he was bound and his cultivation sealed, unable to move. He could only be held by Jiu Chixue.

"Uncle Jiu."

Liu Feifei exclaimed, then a series of arrows pierced through the white aura. They struck Jiu Chixue's body but were firmly blocked by his corpse, unable to penetrate and hit Liu Canglan.


Liu Canglan roared to the sky, his face filled with extreme pain. Above his forehead appeared a door, a pitch-black door, a sealed door, flashing incessantly, preventing him from accessing his own power.

"Die together!"

Duan Tianlang coldly shouted, stepping forward. But at this moment, an aura of freezing ice descended, making him feel extremely cold.


A clear sound echoed, and Duan Tianlang grunted, his face pale. He turned around, surging with true energy, directly facing the onslaught of endless icy air. In an instant, he felt freezing all over, his body recoiling rapidly, no longer concerned about Liu Canglan.


Another furious shout echoed, Lin Feng wielding his long sword, a dazzling sword aura blindingly bright. The heads of those holding bows kept flying into the air. Lin Feng was filled with endless killing intent.

Meanwhile, Ren Qingkuang directly killed the four men holding the iron chains.

Blood dripped from Jiu Chixue's mouth, but there was a serene smile on his face.

"General, my life for yours. It's worth it. Also, after I die, let Lin Feng take the position of Crimson Blood Commander."

"Roar..." Liu Canglan roared hoarsely, his eyes moist. A man's tears don't fall lightly, but before he feels grief, he and Jiu Chixue have shared brotherhood for over a decade. Although neither of them is good with words, they both regard each other as brothers and family. Countless times, they fought side by side, life and death together.

But now, Jiu Chixue was going to die for him.

"General, I have one more thing to say to you." Jiu Chixue's body leaned forward slightly, resting heavily against Liu Canglan's, his mouth near Liu Canglan's ear, whispering.

Jiu Chixue's voice grew lower and lower. After he finished, he looked at Liu Canglan again. This taciturn commander always had a smile on his face.

"General, for more than a decade... I have always followed you, never called you anything other than 'General.' Today, please forgive Crimson Blood's sins, and let me call you... Brother!"

The word 'brother' shook the heavens, shouted by Jiu Chixue with all his remaining strength. As the roar faded, his gaze became distant and lifeless. Then, his eyes slowly closed, peacefully lying in Liu Canglan's arms.

Watching Jiu Chixue's eyes close, Liu Canglan looked up at the sky, tears streaming down his face.

Brother, such a simple word, yet can it truly encompass over a decade of shared life and death?

This iron-blooded man lay tightly in his embrace, never to awaken again.