

The earth trembled incessantly, echoing the thunderous roar. The cavalry surged forward, causing panic among the crowd, who frantically retreated. In just a moment, there were no longer spectators around the Executioner's Platform; only the cavalry remained, their armor and horses gleaming crimson.

At the same time, many soldiers of the Snow Moon Army charged out from behind the Executioner's Platform, a formidable force.

But at this moment, the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry all halted, their gaze fixated on the figure lying in Liu Canglan's arms. The former leader of the Crimson Blood, who once dominated the battlefield, had fallen.


The spears held by the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry pointed towards the sky. A furious roar enveloped the heavens and the earth, making the ground tremble. The hearts of the crowd trembled violently. The Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry, the true iron-blooded legion, was willing to surround the imperial city for their general, willing to point their spears at the Snow Moon without regrets or complaints.

However, amidst the battlefield, what terrible fate could lead to the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of troops?

Lin Feng stood there in silence, contemplating. Jiu Chixue, the former leader of the Crimson Blood, a true man among men.

With a flick of his sword, sparks flew, and the iron chains binding Liu Canglan were instantly severed. Yet, he remained silent, still cradling Jiu Chixue's lifeless body.

"Lin Feng, you dare to incite rebellion, lead insurgents into the imperial city, and release the condemned criminal Liu Canglan. This is a capital offense," said Duan Tianlang, his gaze icy as he stared at the youth, Lin Feng.

"Incite rebellion?" Lin Feng stared back at Duan Tianlang, his eyes tinged with a hint of chill.


A roar erupted from one of the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry.


A uniform chant echoed, the killing intent of the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry shrouding the space.


Lin Feng turned around, shouting angrily. Instantly, everyone fell silent, their gazes fixed on Lin Feng with confusion. Despite their doubts, they quieted down.

"Without my command, whoever acts will be executed by my hand," Lin Feng said coldly, sending a shiver through the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry. However, seeing the resolute look in Lin Feng's eyes, they fell silent.

"Surround the area."

Lin Feng's voice was cold as he gave the order. The Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry complied, galloping to encircle the area around the Executioner's Platform. In a matter of moments, the space around the platform was completely sealed off by the cavalry, leaving no room for escape.

At this moment, they had implicitly begun to regard Lin Feng as their leader. Despite his lack of title, everyone obeyed his commands.

"You're doomed," said Duan Tianlang beside him, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Lin Feng. Inciting rebellion, Lin Feng's crime was unforgivable, even if he had been molded into a hero by the Snow Moon. The charge remained.

Lin Feng cast a disdainful glance at Duan Tianlang, causing him to momentarily stiffen and fall silent. Ignoring him completely, Lin Feng strode forward onto the Executioner's Platform.

"Please, Your Highness."

Lin Feng spoke loudly, and a group of cavalrymen wearing bronze masks slowly parted. From behind them, a figure riding a horse emerged.

She was enchanting, with an air of nobility about her. She was none other than the Snow Moon Princess, Duan Xinye.

"The princess, the princess has returned."

"Lin Feng, traversing thousands of miles, single-handedly rescued the princess from the Moyue. It's true."

The crowd looked at the beautiful figure, secretly astonished. Meanwhile, Duan Tianlang's gaze narrowed slightly. Not only had Lin Feng appeared before him unscathed, but Princess Duan Xinye had also returned.

"Soldiers, salute the princess."

Lin Feng swept his gaze over the soldiers. Although they were puzzled by Lin Feng's intentions, they still dismounted and knelt, loudly declaring, "Hail to the princess!"

Lin Feng remained calm, glancing at the soldiers who were trapped around the Executioner's Platform. Indifferently, he said, "How is it that the Wolf King's army no longer respects even the princess?"

Duan Tianlang's expression hardened, then he coldly ordered, "Kneel!"

The Snow Moon soldiers complied, kneeling and shouting, "Hail to the princess!"

"Wolf King greets Your Highness. It is a fortunate event for Snow Moon that the princess has returned," said Duan Tianlang, slightly bowing his head, though his eyes were uncertain.

"All thanks to Lin Feng," Duan Xinye said quietly, her gaze towards Duan Tianlang also carrying a hint of coldness.

Duan Tianlang's face stiffened upon hearing Duan Xinye's words. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond. He wanted Lin Feng dead, to frame him for inciting rebellion. But now, Lin Feng had returned safely with the princess, deserving credit.

"Lin Feng is indeed a young hero," Duan Tianlang raised his eyes, chuckling softly. "However, although you've saved the princess, inciting rebellion and invading the imperial city are serious crimes."

"The Wolf King is still intent on convicting me, Lin Feng," said Lin Feng indifferently, causing Duan Tianlang's expression to stiffen. "Merit is merit, and guilt is guilt. I, Duan Tianlang, am forthright in my actions. There is no need for any lingering thoughts."

"What a brazen statement, Wolf King. After days of absence, you've truly become more shameless," Lin Feng said with a cold smile, causing the attention of the entire crowd to focus on him. Lin Feng actually accused Duan Tianlang of being shameless and brazen, and he did so openly in front of everyone.

Boom! The earth trembled once again, and distant rumblings continued to echo, causing the crowd to glance around uneasily. They retreated once more, and indeed, within moments, countless legions marched forward in a mighty display—the Imperial City Guard.

Duan Tianlang felt a surge of joy in his heart. After a while, this legion also arrived, once again surrounding the Crimson Blood Legion that had encircled the Executioner's Platform. The Crimson Blood Legion seemed poised for action, but Lin Feng waved his hand, halting them. Only then did the Crimson Blood Legion quiet down.

Two figures emerged slowly from this guard unit. One was clad in armor, exuding an imposing air, while the other was a handsome youth, the Second Prince, Duan Wuya.

"You've killed Meng Gu Feng and Meng Chong!" The general in armor was none other than Meng Han, the commander of the Imperial Guard and the elder brother of Meng Gu Feng, the leader of the Imperial Guard.

"Yes," Lin Feng responded indifferently, his eyes calm.

"Hmm?" Duan Tianlang's eyes narrowed. Lin Feng had killed Meng Gu Feng and Meng Chong?

With a cold sneer, Duan Tianlang stared at Lin Feng, saying, "Lin Feng, while you've merit for saving the princess, your disregard for authority, killing the commander of the Imperial Guard, leading rebels into the city—these crimes are enough to erase your merits and condemn you to death."

With that, Duan Tianlang turned slightly, addressing Duan Wuya, "Please, Your Highness, pronounce Lin Feng's guilt."

Duan Wuya remained calm, his demeanor serene, with a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Lin Feng, Uncle King wants to convict you. Do you have anything to say?"

"Hmm." Lin Feng nodded slightly towards Duan Wuya, then turned to face Duan Tianlang. "Wolf King, in the military, he incited rebellion to kill me, leading to unrest among the troops and allowing the Moyue to take advantage. Tens of thousands of soldiers shed blood as a result of his madness. Now, he seeks to condemn me to death, to place me in a hopeless situation. I find it not at all surprising."

As Lin Feng's words fell, everyone trembled. In the military, was it Duan Tianlang who incited unrest to kill Lin Feng? Why had they heard that Liu Canglan incited the unrest?

"Nonsense, Your Highness. Lin Feng is nothing more than a traitor, a mad dog biting randomly. His words are not to be trusted," Duan Tianlang rebuked, of course, refusing to admit to it. Lin Feng understood this perfectly well.

"Wolf King, you keep accusing me, Lin Feng, of inciting rebellion, calling me a traitor. Can you provide an explanation? When did I, Lin Feng, become a traitor, and when did I incite rebellion?" Lin Feng spoke out loudly, questioning Duan Tianlang.

"Shut up." Lin Feng shouted angrily, his eyes filled with killing intent, seemingly furious, pointing at the Crimson Blood Iron Cavalry.

"Duan Tianlang, I ask you, they valiantly fought for Snow Moon, resisting the Moyue army, even as flames engulfed the city, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of enemy soldiers, ultimately repelling the enemy. Where were you, Duan Tianlang, the esteemed Wolf King, who had already scurried back to the Imperial City, biting like a mad dog?"

"And now, you call them rebels. I ask you, who designated them as rebels? Was it you, Wolf King? You say who is a rebel, and they are rebels?"

Lin Feng's gaze was sharp, his voice chilling to the extreme, causing Duan Tianlang to fall silent for a moment, and the crowd to tremble. Indeed, the Crimson Blade Legion fought bloodily, killing tens of thousands of Moyue troops, ultimately forcing the enemy to retreat. At that time, the Wolf King's army had not participated in the battle. What qualification did they have to call that legion rebels?