
With a countenance as somber as water, Duan Tianlang uttered with indifference, "The Imperial City, it is the sacred ground of Snow Moon. How could a legion dare to trespass privately? Yet, they not only dared to encroach upon the Imperial City but also dared to besiege it, killing the commander of the Imperial Guard, Meng Gu Feng, and his son, Meng Chong. To enter the Imperial City without authorization, are they not rebels?"

"On our journey back from Blade Break City to the Imperial City, we encountered ambushes all along the way, all orchestrated by soldiers. Despite knowing it was Her Highness, they still proceeded to kill without hesitation. Is this the conduct of Snow Moon's legion? I dare to ask, is it your legion, Wolf King?"

"Nonsense. How could it be my legion?" Duan Tianlang rebuked angrily, hastily distancing himself from the matter.

"Then it's even more absurd. Since it's not the Wolf King's legion, for the sake of ensuring the princess's safety, I had the Crimson Blood Legion escort her into the Imperial City. Yet, Wolf King, you were eager to put me to death, firmly asserting that I, Lin Feng, am a traitor, and even claiming that this legion is a rebel. According to the Wolf King, am I and the other soldiers protecting the princess now considered traitors? Guilty and deserving of death, is that right?"

Lin Feng then shouted again, leaving Duan Tianlang's face stiffened. What a crafty move by Lin Feng. With those words, he has now made Duan Tianlang seem guilty, and his subsequent questioning was even more incisive.

"To guard the princess is undoubtedly innocent. But, how do you explain the deaths of Meng Gu Feng, the commander of the Imperial Guard, and his son Meng Chong? Things are likely not as simple as you make them out to be."

Duan Tianlang said with a sinister tone.

"Beneath the Imperial City, Meng Chong, knowing that the princess was present, dared to order the soldiers atop the city to shoot arrows, intending to kill the princess. Wolf King, let me ask you, should this man be put to death?"

Duan Tianlang narrowed his eyes and responded, "He should."

"Then I ask the Wolf King again, his father, Meng Gu Feng, as the commander of the Imperial Guard, was also present, yet allowed his son's misconduct, even daring to shoot the princess. Later, he showed no remorse and refused to allow the princess into the city. Meng Gu Feng, should he be put to death?"

Lin Feng's voice turned frigid and indifferent.

"He should," the Wolf King could not refute, forced to acknowledge Lin Feng's words.

"Wolf King, you yourself said they should be put to death. Then I ask again, what crime have I, Lin Feng, committed? When did this legion, which escorted the princess into the city, become rebels?"

Lin Feng stared coldly at Duan Tianlang. His repeated interventions to prevent the Iron Cavalry Legion from taking action were aimed at avoiding any gossip. This was the Imperial City. Even with tens of thousands of soldiers, they couldn't change the situation. If they dared to act, they would be branded as rebels and face certain death.

"Humph, while you indeed protected the princess into the city, just now, you killed law enforcement soldiers and rescued the criminal Liu Canglan. Doesn't that count as a crime?"

"It doesn't. Absolutely not," Lin Feng stared at Duan Tianlang and said, "General Liu valiantly fought for Snow Moon, only to be slandered by you, the traitor. How could I not save him?"


Duan Tianlang's face turned unpleasant. Once again, Lin Feng publicly insulted him.

"Wolf King, there's no need to rush to defend yourself. I've answered so many of your questions, yet it seems you haven't answered even one of mine."

Lin Feng gave a wry smile, then spoke, "Wolf King, why do you unjustly accuse me and the legion of wrongdoing when we escorted the princess into the city? Why are you so quick to convict me, Wolf King? What has displeased you about Lin Feng? Also, when we arrived, why did you rush to kill General Liu? Furthermore, on our journey back to the Imperial City, we were ambushed, and it was Snow Moon soldiers. As far as I know, you, Wolf King, are a general of Snow Moon. Was the order to kill me and the princess issued by you, Wolf King?"

Lin Feng's three consecutive questions caused a slight tremor in the crowd's hearts, indicating that behind this war, things might not be as simple as they imagined.

"Your three questions are all aimed at me. I won't answer them, nor do I care to," Duan Tianlang said coldly. If he didn't answer, what could Lin Feng do?

"Not answering is also fine. Then I'll ask the Wolf King again, what crime did General Liu commit?" Duan Tianlang's eyes flickered, inwardly wishing to kill Lin Feng immediately. However, General Liu's crimes were already public knowledge and couldn't be hidden.

"General Liu incited rebellion, leading to the failure of the war, the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers, and the princess being captured and missing for days. Isn't this crime enough for execution?" 

"This accusation was made by General Liu himself," Lin Feng chuckled lightly, then pointed at Duan Wuya, "The Second Prince is also here. I hope, Wolf King, that you won't lie."

"It was me," Duan Tianlang admitted reluctantly.

"Heh, such shamelessness, Wolf King. A mad dog bites randomly. I'm not surprised," Lin Feng chuckled lightly, his sarcasm evident.

"I just want to ask the Wolf King a few questions. My lord, you mentioned the princess being captured. Where exactly was she captured? Was it in General Liu's camp or in your camp?" Lin Feng smiled and asked, "The princess is now standing here in good health. Wolf King, don't spread falsehoods."

Duan Tianlang's gaze fixed on Lin Feng, his lips trembling, but it was Duan Wuya who spoke, "Uncle is straightforward. Whatever Lin Feng asks, Uncle will answer. I will ensure justice."

Duan Tianlang's eyes twitched, and he answered softly, "In the camp under my jurisdiction."

As soon as Duan Tianlang's words fell, there was an uproar in the crowd. The truth was that the princess was captured in Wolf King's camp.

"I don't understand. If the princess was indeed captured in Wolf King's camp, why should General Liu bear the responsibility? General Liu became a scapegoat, yet Wolf King, you still have the nerve to execute General Liu's orders here. I would like Wolf King to explain," Lin Feng said loudly, his voice exaggeratingly resonating, making everything clear to everyone.

"Explain, Wolf King!" The crowd surrounding the execution platform roared, their voices trembling. Duan Tianlang's face turned extremely unpleasant.

Originally, at this moment, General Liu would have already been executed. But with Lin Feng and Duan Xinye's return, everything was quietly changing, and the situation was tipping in another direction.

"General Liu, as the commander of the three armies, failed to ensure the security of the camp, allowing the enemy to take advantage. This is certainly a crime," General Liu argued, but his reasons were obviously unconvincing.

"I see," Lin Feng smiled, "So, after the princess was captured, I happened to be present. I was about to pursue those who captured the princess but was intercepted by a commander from Wolf King's camp, who accused me of plotting against the princess and attempted to kill me, Lin Feng. Then, my lord, you arrived. How did you handle it?"

After Lin Feng's question, everyone looked at Duan Tianlang, waiting for his answer.

Everyone wanted to know what had happened on the battlefield that led to the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers.

Duan Tianlang fell silent for a moment.

"Since my lord won't answer, let me speak for my lord. After inciting the rebellion, tens of thousands of soldiers died, and the Snow Moon Army retreated to Blade Break City. Subsequent events proved that the people who ambushed the princess were from the Mo Yue Kingdom, and surprisingly, there were collaborators in my lord's camp, traitors. That commander who intercepted me, accusing me of harming the princess, was one of them. Everyone knows this. Does my lord need to explain?" 

So, the person who intercepted Lin Feng was a collaborator from the Mo Yue Kingdom, and Duan Tianlang actually used him as a commander and believed his words to execute Lin Feng.

The truth was so shocking.

"Afterward, General Liu and I fought bravely against the enemy, turning the tide of the battle. When my lord returned to the Imperial City, everyone knows what happened afterward. My lord certainly distanced himself and pinned all the blame on General Liu. Then, Snow Moon decided General Liu's fate. If the princess and I return to the Imperial City, everything will be revealed, which would be unfavorable for my lord. So, I wonder, on the way back to the Imperial City, the people who ambushed me and the princess..." Lin Feng paused, but everyone guessed the rest.

Those people were very likely from Duan Tianlang's camp!