Chapter 8

Later in the afternoon of the same day…

'Hnn, so heavy, too hairy,' Draco complained within his mind as he slept.

Clair was snuggled asleep right beside him with most of her weight on his body.

Somehow her tail had found its way close to his mouth; instinctively, he had stuffed it in his mouth while asleep, leading to his current discomfort.

Due to his discomfort, Draco soon woke up.


'How did this happen,' he thought while spitting out Clair's hairy tail.

Sniff ! Sniff !

'Strange, what is that smell?' he wondered. It wasn't a pungent smell, nor was it a fragrant one. It smelled kind of sweet, almost like sweet popcorn.

'Wait a minute, that isn't popcorn. I may or may not have soiled myself,' Draco concluded.

He could feel a slimy sticky texture from his behind, so he was somewhat sure of this.

'I had somewhat prepared my mind for this, but this is kind of embarrassing. What do I do?' Draco questioned while staring blankly at the ceiling.

'Sigh, whatever, just endure myself,' Draco tried encouraging himself.

'Since I cant go anywhere, might as well try my partial transformation skill. Its description said that I could freely use it,' Draco thought.

'Wait, how do I even begin?' he questioned, not knowing how to trigger it.

After some time of saying many embarrassing phrases to attempt triggering it, he discovered that it was a basic instinctual activation.

He just needed to think of the part he wanted to transform, then mentally grasp onto the tingling sensation that he felt soon after, and the transformation would occur.

He watched as his tiny hand started growing black scales from his shoulders until it was fully covered.

Then hook-like claws began growing from his fingertips until his hand resembled a baby dragon claw.

'This is kind of cool. I can kill a lot of time playing with this,' Draco thought as he examined his hand.

'Huh, my scales are awfully soft, is that normal? No, probably because I am still an infant,' he thought.

While experimenting with his skill, Claire suddenly woke up and started crying.

From the smell, Draco could tell that she too soiled herself.

'Shoooooooo,' Draco tried calming her down as she was crying right next to his ears.

His enhanced senses only amplified the torture he was facing.

Rose and Chise soon came running to the room immediately they heard a baby crying.

Chise reasoned that Draco would probably be awake too with Claire crying so loudly, so she followed.


Rose and Chise gasped in shock as they saw Draco, his small hand looked like claws now.

Rose quickly snapped from her shock and rushed to her daughter's side in concern.

She thought that Claire was crying because she was injured by Draco's sharp and menacing looking claws.

"What happened to your arm?" Chise questioned as she came to Draco's side and grasped his transformed hand in concern.

'Ah, did they think I hurt her?' Draco questioned as he saw both their faces filled with panic after entering the room.

'I should probably turn it back,' Draco thought.

He didn't have any plans of concealing his abilities from his new parent, so he wasn't bothered with his transformation being discovered so quickly.

"Is she hurt anywhere?" Chise asked Rose in concern.

"No, I don't think so. She was probably crying because she was either scared or she soiled herself," Rose replied relieved.

"Woah, it's turning back. My little baby is really full of surprises," Chise muttered, watching Draco's arm turn back to normal.

"It looked like some kind of transformation ability," Rose surmised.

"Yea, I don't mind it, but I am afraid that he might hurt himself with those sharp-looking claws," Chise replied.

"Sigh, seems like your hands are going to be full during the coming days," Rose remarked.

"Yea, hopefully he doesn't have any other strange abilities," Chise replied.

'Hey, I will have you know that I was once a grown man, now clean my ass, it feels so sticky' Draco grumbled in disapproval of their discussion.

"Oh my, seems like my little man soiled himself too. Rose seems like I will be returning home now," Chise said while picking up Draco.

'Hey, watch it woman. How much longer do you plan to embarrass me?' Draco complained, but only gibberish escaped his lips.

"I know, honey. I will get you all cleaned up when we get home," Chise said as she heard Draco's babbling.

"Alright, I will see you out," Rose replied.

"No, it's fine. See you later, Rose," Chise said before exiting Rose's house.

Drip! Drip!

Soon Draco found himself in a tub of warm water. Chise had used the chance to bathe him.

'I feel violated,' Draco thought.

'I remained a sage for so long only for my title to be forcefully taken. I will have my revenge woman, just you wait' he playfully thought.

Being washed in every nook and cranny was just a bit too embarrassing for him.

"Just wait a little longer, your milk is almost ready," Chise said while drying his body.

She has boiled a pot of animal milk while she boiled water to bathe him. She also made some lunch for herself and Mark while at it.

Animal milk wasn't exactly the best options for newborns but it was a good substitute for Demi human children.

Lunch wasn't anything luxurious, just a meat sandwich and water.

After which she dressed him in a fresh pair of clothes before feeding him.

'What is this nonsense?' Draco thought as soon as the milk touched his tongue.

Rose's breast milk was like a good steak meal while the boiled unidentified milk was like eating steamed broccoli with no condiments.

'Ugh, endure this, Draco, endure for you are a grown man. You can't be picky with food,' Draco chanted to get himself through the meal.

After his meal, Draco spent the rest of the day being told weird stories by Chise, even when she was aware that a baby wasn't supposed to understand what she was saying.

He found them quite entertaining as he didn't get to experience such a thing in his past life as he was an orphan soon after birth.

He also got to officially meet Mark, who seemed to be of the same mindset as Chise.

Later at night…

"Mark, Mark, you're being too rough," Chise yelled out. Startled, Draco woke up due to the sudden loud noise.

'What's happening?' Draco wondered.

"Shh, Chise, the neighbors will hear you," he heard Mark's voice say.

"Now be a good little pussy and bend over," Mark's gruff voice echoed through the thin walls.

'Oh, no. X, you can't do this to me. It can't be what I think is happening,' Draco internally screamed in denial.

Mark and Chise had decided to try out the potion vials that Aasterinian gifted them.

The sound of moaning and labored breaths echoed through the night.

Draco tried to drown it out with random thoughts, but the slippery wet sounds that entered his ears only served to fuel his imaginations.

His body couldn't responded to any sexual stimulation as he was still an infant, but his mind wasn't the same, leading to a dissonance between his body and mind.

He soon tired himself out with complicated thoughts but, this day was going to be a day that he would never forget.