Chapter 40

By the late evening, Draco returned and called for a family meeting.

As the family gathered around the campfire, Draco decided to start the proceedings.

"First of all, it's amazing to see how you all have grown over the past four years. I am sure that our departed family members and teacher would be proud of what we have accomplished," Draco began, his voice laced with a range of emotions.

"The time has come for us to embark on the next chapter of our lives. Within the next week, I will need you all to prepare for our journey to the city of Orario," Draco announced.

"Finally, we can leave this wild lifestyle behind," Clair commented, a tinge of excitement in her voice.

"Hmm," Eleni, Dimitra, and Vasiliki replied in agreement, nodding their heads.

Since reaching puberty, they had begun to see living in the forest as a rather uncivilized way of life.

"Well, it's not all that bad. We get to hunt, play with animals, train, and see many cool things in the forest, especially at night," Michalis interjected, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Hmm," Nikolaos and Vasileios nodded in agreement, supporting his viewpoint.

"Of course you blockheads would enjoy such barbaric activities. Look at my beautiful skin, do you see how many bug bites are on it?" Vasiliki countered, her nose turned up in disdain.

"Yeah, there aren't many sanitary things here for us girls. You boys are lucky," Dimitra added, her lips pursed in a pout.

"Hmm, all you boys are satisfied with training and acting like wild monkeys in the forest. We girls need a lot more than that, Draco nii is an exception, of course," Eleni chimed in.

"Ahem, that's enough," Draco interrupted, sensing the argument escalating.

This had become an almost daily occurrence during their mealtimes over the past two years.

'Well, it's kind of my fault. We haven't interacted with anyone else besides family members in more than four years,' Draco thought, a tinge of guilt creeping in.

"Anyway, we will be moving out in around a week. We have enough Valis to get us started, so you all can purchase what you need when we arrive at the next settlement," Draco continued, steering the conversation back on track.

"If you say so, Draco nii," Nikolaos replied, his tone somewhat resigned.

"Draco nii, have you decided on which Familia we will be joining?" Vasiliki asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"No, not yet," Draco replied, his brow furrowing slightly as he recalled the dream he had had four years ago and the name of the goddess he had been instructed to meet.

"But isn't it going to be hard traveling during winter" Clair asked.

"Hmm, it will be a bit hard but we have enough supplies for us and the horses. I want us to arrive in Orario before the end of winter" Draco replied.

It was currently the month of January.

"Is there any particular reason we have to arrive then" Dimitra curiously asked.

"None in particular, it's just that it would take us around 2 months of traveling to get to Orario. I simply want us to get there as quickly as possible" Draco replied.

'Although a bit risky, we need to get there fast and begin leveling up before the crazy stuff begins in the city' Draco thought.

He couldn't exactly tell them that he knew part of the future, that could lead to a whole set of other problems.

While he was lost in his thoughts, the argument between the male and female siblings continued, with the girls complaining about the lack of amenities and the boys defending the joys of their forest lifestyle.

"Ugh, the mosquitoes are driving me crazy! And don't even get me started on the lack of proper bathing facilities," Vasiliki huffed, scratching at her arms.

"What do you expect, Vasi? We're living in the wild, not in a palace," Michalis retorted, rolling his eyes.

"That's exactly the point, Michalis! We're not meant to live like savages," Eleni interjected, her tone laced with exasperation.

"Savages? Speak for yourself, Eleni. I happen to enjoy the freedom and adventure of our forest home," Vasileios countered, puffing out his chest.

"Freedom? Adventure? More like a never-ending struggle for survival," Dimitra scoffed, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hmm" Clair nodded in agreement.

"Enough!" Draco's voice boomed, silencing the bickering siblings.

"We've discussed this countless times before, and I understand your concerns. However, we have to make the most of our current situation. Once we reach Orario, you'll all have the opportunity to explore new ways of living and pursue your individual interests." he said.

The family fell silent, recognizing the finality in Draco's tone.

They knew better than to challenge his authority, especially when he had made up his mind.


A week later, the family had packed their belongings, taking only the most essential items.

They had burned anything deemed useless, as they would be purchasing new supplies during their journey to Orario.

Draco had hitched the horses to the carriage and was now waiting for his sisters and Clair, who were taking their time getting ready.

"Really, must you all take so long? We need to get moving if we want to depart for Orario before nightfall," Draco called out, his patience wearing thin.

"Draco nii, you know how important it is for us to look presentable when meeting new people. We want to make a good impression," Vasiliki replied, emerging from the tent, her hair carefully styled and her dress freshly pressed.

Clair and the other sisters soon followed, each one meticulously groomed and adorned in their finest attire.

In contrast, Draco stood before them, dressed in a sleeveless fur vest and trousers, his feet bare, revealing his toned and muscular physique.

Around his neck, he wore pure golden chain necklace, and his long hair was tied back, allowing his horns to be prominently displayed.

His tail swayed gently through the opening behind his pants.

It was not that he didn't like dressing fashionably but most clothing got in the way of his transformation.

He also wanted some earrings made of gold and precious gems he had stored in his special stash.

But with no knowledge of smithing and jewelry making, he gave up on it till he reached Orario.

Michalis, Vasileios and Nikolaos dressed in a similar fashion but wore fur boots and a non sleeveless fur coats.

It was currently the middle of winter and it was quite cold, they didn't have resistance to the elements as strong as Draco's .

"As much as I appreciate your efforts, we need to get going. We can't afford to waste any more time," Draco said, gesturing to the waiting modified carriage.

The family quickly loaded their belongings and climbed aboard, the excitement and apprehension palpable in the air.

They had spent the last four years in relative isolation, and the prospect of entering the bustling city of Orario was both thrilling and daunting.

As the carriage rumbled down the snow covered path, Draco kept a watchful eye on his siblings, his mind racing with the countless possibilities that awaited them in the new chapter of their life.

He couldn't help but wonder what challenges and opportunities lay ahead, and whether they would be able to make it safely through the dark period of Orario.