Chapter 48

Upon passing through the western gate of the grand city of Orario, Draco and his family were greeted by the vibrant hustle and bustle of the metropolis.

From the rudimentary map he had purchased, he could see that Orario was a sprawling city, with four main gates situated in each cardinal direction.

These gates were the primary entrances to the city, and four major roads radiated out from the center, connecting to the various districts.

They were also connected by a series of winding roads and complex minor thoroughfares, some of which were omitted from the map.

"Makes sense," Draco mused, "Wouldn't want to give potential enemies a complete blueprint of the city's layout.".

Draco decided to head straight for an inn, located closer to the city center.

He believed that this area would be the safest and have the best accommodations, given the abundance of adventurers that frequented the area.

His knowledge of the city was from watching the anime series, but sadly that didn't contain the fine details about the city, so he decided to rather be safe than sorry.

As their carriage made its way deeper into the heart of Orario, the sights and sounds of the bustling city assaulted their senses.

Vendors of all kinds lined the streets, their voices ringing out as they enticed passersby to purchase their wares.

"Fresh fish! Get your fresh fish here!. They are all from Melen" cried one merchant, his stall adorned with an array of glistening seafood.

Melen was a port city not too far from Orario, so goods regularly flowed between both cities.

"Handcrafted leather goods! The finest in all of Orario!" boasted another, displaying his wares with pride.

"Spices and seasonings from the far-off lands! Add flavour to your meals with these exotic blends!" shouted a third, his stall surrounded by an array of colourful jars and bags.

The air was filled with the tantalizing scents of grilled meats, sizzling street food, and the unmistakable aroma of freshly baked bread.

The most prominent scent, however, was that of alcohol, as the bars and taverns were in full swing, welcoming the nighttime crowd.

Draco quickened the pace of the carriage, eager to reach their chosen inn.

He knew that trouble often found its way to the streets at night, and he wanted to avoid trouble at least on their first day within the city.

Eleni tugged at his sleeve, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Draco nii, can we please check out that shop with those shiny looking candies? They look so delicious!" she pleaded.

Draco's heart softened at his sister's request, but he knew not to fall for their scheme.

"No, we'll be going straight for the inn. You can get dinner there," he replied firmly.

Sweets had been a rare treat for them, as they had lived in isolation in the wild for four years.

Additionally during their two-month journey to Orario, they hadn't had the opportunity to indulge in many such luxuries.

"Pretty please, just one for me?" Eleni begged, her eyes wide and pleading.

Draco glanced at the others, whose expressions mirrored Eleni's, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

'Ugh, don't do it. If you get her anything, everyone would want something,' he thought.

Steeling himself, Draco replied, "No means no. We can get some another day." The carriage fell silent, and the others turned their attention back to the sights of the city.

'Sigh, why am I still so soft on them?' Draco wondered, shaking his head.

Soon, the carriage arrived at their destination, a medium-sized inn located a short distance from the main west road.

The sign hanging above the entrance featured a curious design – a cat's paw print – and the name "Nekomata Inn" was written in elegant calligraphy.

As they stepped through the doorway, Draco was immediately greeted by a young cat-eared woman, her tail swishing back and forth with a graceful rhythm.

"Welcome, how can we help you, nya?" she purred, her golden eyes filled with warmth and hospitality.

"We need four double rooms, along with meals," Draco replied.

'No need to squander too much on a temporary residence,' he thought to himself.

The cat-girl nodded, her ears twitching slightly.

"Each double room comes along with meals and a bath and is priced at 1000 Valis per night, is that to you liking, nya" she said.

"Will that include tending to our 4 horses and luggages" Draco asked.

"No, that will cost an extra 30 Valis per horse. Luggages are free" she replied with a smile.

'I may have a decent amount of money but still…..' Draco thought.

"Are there any discounts" Draco asked just to make sure.

"Of course there are. If you book a week with us, you will only pay 950 Valis per night" she replied.

"Sigh, fine. We will paying for a week and may extend our stay depending on the situation" Draco said.

"Lead us to our rooms" Draco requested after paying the bill.

"Certainly, right this way, nya." She gestured for them to follow, leading the group up the stairs.

"Michalis stay with the carriage, I will be down in a bit" Draco asked. He didn't want to leave the carriage and their luggage unattended.

The inn was adorned with numerous feline-themed decorations and furnishings, creating a charming and inviting atmosphere.

It had three floors, with rooms for rent on the second and third floors. The first floor was strictly for the inn owners only.

As they were escorted to their rooms, Draco couldn't help but marvel at the attention to detail.

The rooms were spacious and well-appointed, each one featuring a pair of plush, comfortable-looking beds, a writing desk, and a small box on both sides of the room serving as a storage for their belongings.

Draco nodded in approval, satisfied that this establishment would serve their needs during their stay. He was also pleased that no unnecessary questions were asked of him.

"Your meals will be brought to you shortly, nya," the cat-girl informed them, her tail swaying gently.

"Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you." she said.

"Can the meals all be brought to my room. We will be eating together" Draco requested.

"Sure, will that be all nya" she asked.

"Yes, thank you," Draco replied, ushering his siblings into their respective rooms.

Draco went down to retrieve all they luggages from the carriage, settled the horses and parked the carriage.

Once that was done, they all freshened up. Soon a knock came on the door that heralded the arrival of their dinner.

A parade of 4 cat-eared servers, each carrying a tray laden with delectable-looking dishes, filed into the room, their tails swishing back and forth in a synchronized dance.

"Dinner is served, nya," one of the servers announced, placing the trays on the table.

The aroma of the food was mouthwatering, and Draco could see the eagerness in his siblings' eyes as they eyed the meal.

Since he had requested that all the food be brought to his room, everyone had gathered to enjoy their meal together - a habit they had all grown accustomed to over the years.

As they began to dine, Draco took a moment to gaze out the window, captivated by the lively night scene unfolding before him.

The night had truly come alive, with the streets bustling with activity.

Adventurers, merchants, and ordinary citizens mingled, their laughter and chatter filling the air.

The glow of the lanterns and moonlight reflecting against the light snow flakes, cast an ethereal light over the scene, creating an atmosphere of wonder and excitement.

"Draco nii, this is delicious!" Eleni exclaimed, her face beaming with delight as she savoured a bite of the tender meat.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, Eleni. Eat up, you'll need your strength for the days ahead." Draco replied with a forced smile.

"Come to think of it, those cat girls added 'nya' at the end of every sentence. Don't you think it would be interesting if Michalis and Eleni did the same" Nikolaos said to Vasileios.

"Yea your right how come they don't do that" Vasileios pondered out-loud.

"Like I would do something that embarrassing" Michalis replied.

Eleni just ignored the both of them and continued enjoying her meal.

"It's not bad, I think it's cute" Draco interjected.

"Nya" Clair purred making a cat paw at Draco.

"Pfff, hahahaha" Draco couldn't help but laugh outloud.

"Why did you laugh? I thought you said it was cute," Clair asked, her face flushed with embarrassment and her expression that of a pout.

"It is indeed cute, just the timing was a bit..." Draco replied, trying to soothe her.

"She is so cute," Michalis muttered subconsciously, his words drawing Clair's attention and causing her face to turn an even deeper shade of red.

Realizing his slip, Michalis covered his face in embarrassment and sought to leave the room, but his brothers, Nikolaos and Vasileios, refused to let him go.

"No, you don't," they said, holding Michalis down as he pleaded to be allowed to leave.

"Let me go, I wanna die right now" Michalis pleaded but his brothers didn't let go.

'Sigh, puberty' Draco thought.

Draco just watched their antics with a smile as they all had fun through out their meal.

After the meal everyone returned to their own rooms to turn in for the night, except Michalis who shared the room with him.

The next day was going to be a very busy one for them.

After ensuring everyone had settled back in their rooms, Draco decided to explore the inn a bit further.

He made his way to the common area, where he could hear the lively chatter of other patrons.

The common room was adorned with warm, inviting décor, with wooden beams and rustic furnishings.

Comfortable chairs were arranged around a crackling fireplace, and the air was filled with the scent of freshly brewed tea and baked goods.

Draco took a seat in a secluded corner, his cloak hiding most of his features, while observing the comings and goings of the other guests.

He noticed that many were merchants, their satchels and crates suggesting they had just arrived from the various districts of the city.

As Draco sipped his tea, his thoughts drifted to the powerful familias that controlled their different districts of Orario.

He was aware of a few notable ones like– the Loki Familia, the Ishtar Familia, the Freya Familia, and a few more he could remember.

'What familia would best suit us. If possible, it should be one that would accept all of us together' he wondered.

'I don't know if the goddess Bahamut has established a familia or is even willing to do so. I don't even now what she is like, I am only trusting a dream that I had four years ago' he thought.

Draco's musings were interrupted by the sound of a commotion outside.

Curious, he made his way to the inn's entrance, where he found a small crowd gathered around a vendor's stall.

"Come one, come all! See the finest wares in all of Orario!" the vendor shouted, his voice carrying over the din of the crowd.

"Exotic trinkets, rare spices, and rare drinks – all at unbeatable prices!" the merchant yelled.

'Quite brave, selling such valuables at such a late hour. Must either be a scammer or new to the city' Draco thought, returning to his seat.

He planned to stay up very late, as he had a nagging feeling that the inspectors at the gate were up to something.