Chapter 59

After purchasing the necessary supplies and provisions, the group swiftly made their way back towards Bahamut's house.

Excitement and anticipation filled the air as they approached the familiar dwelling.

"We're back!" Eleni cheerfully announced, her voice brimming with enthusiasm, as she pushed open the door.

A bright smile graced her features, a reflection of the delight she felt in having secured the coveted sweets she had desired.

Clair, Dimitra, and Vasiliki followed closely behind, removing their footwear at the entrance and making their way towards the living room.

Michalis, let out a weary sigh, his back aching from the weight of the heavy dungeon equipment they had purchased.

"Ugh, my back is killing me," Michalis complained, almost reaching the sanctuary of the house.

Draco, Nikolaos, Michalis and Vasileios had trailed behind the girls at a slower pace, their strides burdened by the substantial load they carried.

Draco wasn't really burdened by the load, he slowed down his pace because he felt like, they were being followed.

'How annoying, I just had to make a scene at the guild' Draco thought.

"Come on, hurry up," Nikolaos urged, his voice laced with a hint of concern.

"The girls can't be trusted with the food. They might have already started eating without us." he added.

Spurred by Nikolaos' warning, the boys quickened their pace.

"Huh, why is it quiet?" Vasileios muttered, his brow furrowed, as they entered the house.

"It seems like there is a guest here," Draco replied, his senses attuned to the presence of another god/goddess within Bahamut's house.

'Who could it be?' Draco wondered, a touch of wariness creeping into his thoughts.

The boys soon reached the living room, where they carefully set down the heavy dungeon bags and turned their attention to their surroundings.

"Welcome back," Bahamut greeted them, her voice laced with genuine delight at their return.

Though her expression was warm and welcoming, Draco couldn't help but notice the unfamiliar goddess seated beside her.

"We're back," Draco replied with a smile, keeping his cloak firmly in place, a subtle sign of his caution towards the new arrival.

Sensing Draco's hesitation, Bahamut quickly stepped in to introduce her friend.

"Ahem, this is Demeter, a long-time friend of mine," Bahamut announced, her tone reassuring.

"Nice to meet you, Demeter-sama," Draco greeted, unsure of how to proceed with this unexpected encounter.

"I am Draco, captain of the Bahamut Familia," he continued, his formal tone.

"Fufufu, just call me Demeter," the goddess replied with a warm smile.

Her honey-colored eyes sparkled with curiosity as she studied the young man before her.

Demeter recognized the wariness in Draco's demeanor, understanding the risks he faced as a member of the Dragon kin.

Bahamut had shared some details about him during their short meeting, piquing Demeter's interest in the young captain.

"And I am Michalis, Vice-captain of the Bahamut Familia," Michalis eagerly proclaimed, only to be swiftly interrupted by Vasiliki.

"Huh, you Vice-captain? When was that decided? Stop lying," she chided, rolling her eyes.

Nikolaos and Vasileios merely sighed at Michalis' antics, they were accustomed to their brothers behaviour.


Draco swiftly brought his hand down on the back of Michalis' head, eliciting a pained yelp from the young man.

"Ouch, Draco nii, why did you hit me?" Michalis complained, rubbing the sore spot.

"Properly introduce yourself," Draco replied, a stern look in his eyes.

"What did I say wrong?, I will definitely become the vice-captain" Michalis grumbled almost inaudibly before re-introducing himself, this time with more sincerity.

Nikolaos and Vasileios followed suit, introducing themselves and taking a seat in the living room.

"Fufufu, it seems you have gained some amusing children in your Familia," Demeter whispered to Bahamut, a hint of amusement in her tone.

As Draco observed Demeter, he couldn't help but be captivated by her striking features.

The goddess possessed a radiant beauty, her golden honey-colored hair and warm, orange eyes lending her an air of maturity and grace, like that of a nurturing mother.

Demeter's physical attributes were equally impressive, her figure exuding a subtle allure that commanded attention.

Bahamut, sensing the unspoken tension in the room, decided to break the ice.

"Now, now, let's not stand on ceremony. Why don't we all have a seat and enjoy the treats you've brought?" she suggested, gesturing towards the bags containing food.

Draco and the others quickly complied, eager to eat after an exhausting day.

As they settled into the comfortable seating, Bahamut began to unpack the items, her eyes lighting up with delight at the sight of the various sweets and food delicacies.

"Ooh, you've outdone yourselves this time!" Bahamut exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"These look absolutely divine." she complimented.

Eleni's face beamed with pride, her earlier excitement now amplified by Bahamut's genuine appreciation for the treats they had procured.

"I'm so glad you like them, Bahamut-san!" Eleni chirped, her eyes sparkling with joy.

She didn't yet feel comfortable calling a goddess by her name directly.

Clair, Dimitra, and Vasiliki nodded in agreement, their own faces alight with satisfaction.

As the group settled in to enjoy their meal, the atmosphere in the room grew more relaxed and convivial.

Draco, while still maintaining a sense of caution, found himself gradually easing into the company of Demeter.

The goddess' warm and inviting demeanor intrigued him, and he couldn't help but steal glances in her direction.

'It seems like she is still the same as in the original series. That is a relief,' Draco thought, his mind racing with the implications of his newfound situation.

The world he currently resided in was not the same as the Danmachi series he knew, and he was acutely aware that his existence had created a ripple in the fabric of reality.

This meant that events and people may not be the same as what he knew.

'It might not be bad to make her an ally,' Draco pondered, his thoughts turning to the potential benefits of allying with the goddess Demeter.

'Thinking more clearly about it, she is a friend of Bahamut, so she can't be an evil goddess, right?' he wondered.

However, Draco's caution remained, and he couldn't help but worry about the consequences of his actions.

'But what if she accidentally talks about me with another goddess? I mean, girls like to gossip, do goddesses gossip too?' he sighed, shaking his head.

'Sigh, what a conundrum. I want to at least level up and have some level of foothold in the city before all of Orario comes to learn of my existence. Wait, doesn't the guild know about me already? Will they reveal it?' he wondered.

After much deliberation, Draco decided to take off his cloak, revealing his features to Demeter.

The goddess noticed his actions but didn't say anything, instead giving him a nod and a warm smile.

Draco's brow furrowed in confusion at Demeter's somewhat bland reaction.

"Sigh, what was I expecting? What is wrong with me today?" he wondered, feeling a tinge of disappointment.

Bahamut, a keen observer, noticed the subtle interaction between Demeter and Draco.

She could see her friend taking sneaky glances at Draco when he wasn't looking, and a protective instinct stirred within her.

'Glad that he trusts her a bit, but... she can't have him,' Bahamut thought, her gaze fixed on the duo.

The evening continued with lively conversations, shared laughter, and the savoring of delectable treats.

Draco found himself relaxing more and more, his initial wariness gradually melting away.