Chapter 82

Draco's mind was in a hazy, half-awake dreamlike state as various sensations filtered through his consciousness.

'Hmm, heavy, hard to breathe, smells nice, warm,' he thought, his brain struggling to make sense of the unfamiliar yet oddly comforting situation.

Bahamut, the dragon goddess, was cuddled on top of him, her petite form surprisingly weighty as she rested on his chest.

She had found that position to be the warmest and most comfortable place, the rhythmic sound of his gentle breathing lulling her into a deeper slumber.

Her disheveled long, silver locks had fallen across Draco's face, tickling his nose and making it difficult for him to take in a full breath.

Despite the slight discomfort, Draco couldn't help but find the situation oddly pleasant.

Bahamut's scent, a mesmerizing blend of floral and spice, was intoxicating, and the warmth of her body had a soothing effect on him.

Draco tried to endure the minor inconveniences for as long as he could, but eventually, the growing heaviness on his chest and the increasing difficulty in breathing became too much to bear.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight filtering in through the window.

As his vision adjusted, he found himself face-to-face with Bahamut's shimmering silver horn, mere inches from his nose.

It took him a moment to register the situation, his mind still groggy from sleep.

'Huh, what's going on? Am I in Bahamut's room, or did she wander into mine?' he wondered, trying to make sense of the unusual predicament.

Shifting slightly, Draco felt a strange tugging sensation around his sensitive tail.

His eyes widened in realization as he recognized that Bahamut's tail was tightly intertwined with his own.

The texture of the contact between their intertwined tails, sent waves of immense pleasure rippling through his body, a reaction that he found equally comforting and very concerning.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a growing discomfort in his lower region, and Draco's eyes widened in panic.

Draco's eyes widened in alarm as he realized the source of the discomfort – his own body's betrayal.

Somehow, in the midst of their tangled embrace, his dragon had become fully aroused, the hard, throbbing length pressing against Bahamut's delicate stomach.

'Oh, no,' Draco thought, panic rising within him.

'This is bad. This is really bad.' he exclaimed.

There was no way Bahamut wouldn't notice the firmness poking her belly, and he needed to get her off him immediately.

He knew that if Bahamut were to awaken and discover his body's shameful reaction, it could spell disaster for their relationship.

The goddess might feel violated or betrayed, and Draco couldn't bear the thought of losing her trust and respect.

As if the universe was conspiring against him, a soft click reached his ears, and Draco's heart sank as the door to his room slowly creaked open.

He and Bahamut were about to be caught in a weird compromising situation.

Instinctively, he grabbed onto his thick blanket and tried to cover both himself and Bahamut, though he knew it was a futile attempt.

Sure enough, three familiar figures – Dimitra, Eleni, and Clair – stepped into the room, their expressions a mix of curiosity and mischief.

"Alright, go wake him up like a normal person," Eleni urged Clair, unaware of the compromising position Draco found himself in.

Eleni felt that she needed to lead Clair back on the right path after their discussion in the kitchen.

Dimitra, however, seemed to sense that something was amiss.

Her nostrils flared as she took a deep breath, her keen senses immediately picking up on the extra scent in the room.

"Wait, something's not right. I smell Bahamut-san here," she announced, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Is it really that odd?" Clair replied, her tone casual.

"She's lived here for four years before we moved in, so it shouldn't be strange for her scent to be everywhere." Clair dismissed.

"No, it's too fresh," Dimitra insisted, her eyes narrowing as she studied the scene before them.

Eleni's gaze settled on the oversized blanket that was draped over the bed, her brow furrowing in puzzlement.

"Isn't the blanket a bit too big? I don't think Draco nii is that big." she pointed out.

Draco could feel the panic rising within him as the three girls slowly approached the bed, their suspicions clearly piqued.

He held his breath, praying that Bahamut would remain asleep and that somehow, he could get out of this situation without revealing the shameful secret that was poking Bahamut's belly.

But just as he was about to resign himself to his fate, Bahamut stirred, her lips parting in a soft murmur.

"Hmm, stop poking my belly. I am not fat," she mumbled, her words sending a fresh wave of horror coursing through Draco's veins.

The girls froze, their eyes wide with shock as the realization of the situation dawned on them.

Dimitra and Eleni exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of disbelief and, to Draco's dismay, a hint of mischief.

'This is it,' Draco thought, closing his eyes in resignation.

'It's all over.' he thought.


The blanket was suddenly yanked away, exposing the two entwined figures on the bed.

Draco's heart pounded in his chest as he waited for the inevitable outburst, his mind racing with a million thoughts.

How would the girls react? Would they understand the unfortunate circumstances? Or would they jump to conclusions and accuse him of some unspeakable act?

Bahamut, still half-asleep, blinked owlishly at the girls, while Draco squeezed his eyes shut, silently praying for the earth to open up and swallow him whole.

The room was filled with a deafening silence, the tension palpable as the three girls processed the scene before them.

Dimitra's eyes widened, Eleni's jaw dropped, and Clair's face flushed a deep crimson.

Finally, Clair broke the silence, her voice uncharacteristically shaky.

"B-Bahamut-san? Draco? What... what is the meaning of this?" she asked.

Bahamut, seemingly unfazed by the intrusion, yawned and stretched, her movements causing Draco to let out a strangled groan.

"Hmm? Oh, good morning, everyone," she greeted, seemingly oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation.

Draco felt his face burn with shame, his mind racing to find a plausible explanation that wouldn't land him in even deeper trouble.

"I-It's not what it looks like!" he blurted out, instantly regretting his choice of words.

Dimitra's brow furrowed, her expression a mix of confusion and concern.

"Then what is it, Draco nii? Because it certainly looks like..." She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Clair, her face a deep shade of crimson, turned away, mumbling something about 'improper conduct' and 'the wrath of the gods.'

But to his surprise, the reaction he received from Eleni was very different from what he had anticipated.

"Well, well, well," Eleni purred, a teasing grin spreading across her face.

"Looks like someone seems to have been caught having a little fun with our dear Bahamut-chan." she said.

Eleni's eyes sparkled with delight at the juicy scoop, and she leaned in closer, her voice dripping with a playful taunt.

"Never thought you had it in you, Draco nii. Guess you're not just a pretty face after all." she said.

Draco felt his face burn with embarrassment, his mind racing to come up with a plausible explanation for the situation.


"Hmm, what is this?" Bahamut muttered, feeling something hard, very hot, and pulsating underneath her.

Raising her butt to get a better view, the outline of Draco's erect dragon gently brushed against the creases of her behind through the thin fabric of her nightgown, creating a new and strange sensation for the inexperienced dragon goddess.

"Wait..." Draco tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Bahamut had gotten up, and his fully erect dragon was revealed to all the girls in its full glory.

Startled by the size and length, thinking it was some kind of snake, Bahamut quickly uncoiled her tail from his own and hastily jumped to her feet.

"What was that?" she asked, rubbing her backside as the lingering sensation still tickled her.

"Woah, is that what I think it is?" Eleni exclaimed in shock upon seeing the outline of her brother's crotch.

"It looks so big, it wasn't that big last time I saw it," Dimitra muttered, turning her head in embarrassment away from the scene while occasionally stealing glances.

She had seen it many times in the past when they were younger.

Clair, on the other hand, leaned in for a closer look, occasionally nodding her head in approval.

"Impressive," she whispered to herself.


"What do you think you're doing?" Dimitra scolded, catching Clair looking so closely.

Clair's face bloomed into a crimson blush as she slyly turned her face away after being caught.

Draco, the victim of this whole ordeal, just stared blankly at the ceiling of his room.

'It's all over,' he thought, his mind having surpassed the point of embarrassment.

Picking up a set of clean clothes and a towel, he headed for the bathroom without saying a word.

Bahamut, now fully awake and clear-headed, finally gained an understanding of the whole situation.

She felt extremely embarrassed and sorry, realizing that she was the one who had led to this situation by sneaking into Draco's room at night.

"What have I done?" Bahamut muttered to herself.

"So, how was it?" Eleni asked Bahamut, a mischievous grin on her face.

"How was what?" Bahamut replied, confused.

"You know, that thing. I mean, you slept on top of it for so long, so how did it feel?" Eleni elaborated.

Bahamut's face turned red as she quickly realized what Eleni was asking.

"We didn't do anything like that..." she replied with a crimson blush on her face, then she began explaining the situation.

"I see, so that's what happened," Dimitra muttered in understanding.

"But I don't think any of us can look Draco nii directly in the eye for a while," she added.

Bahamut, Eleni, Dimitra and Clair nodded in agreement, their cheeks a bit flushed with embarrassment.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Draco stood still under the shower, the cold droplets of water seeming to wash away the tension that had gripped his mind.

With his thoughts now calmer, a new worry had taken hold of his thoughts.

He was worried about how to explain to his siblings what they had just witnessed, as the news was definitely going to spread, and they would all take a natural interest.

'How do I even explain reproduction to them without sounding weird? Ah, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, you have left me with yet another very difficult topic to explain,' Draco pondered.

It was hard enough explaining the concept of puberty to his younger siblings with omitted details, especially the girls.

As he stood there, letting the water cascade over his body, Draco's mind raced with possible scenarios and explanations.

Should he be direct and honest, or try to downplay the incident? Would they even understand the biological aspects, or would they get the wrong idea?

Sighing deeply, Draco realized that there was no easy way out of this.

He would have to face his siblings and have a frank, yet age-appropriate, discussion about everything.

Stepping out of the shower, Draco dried himself off and got dressed, mentally preparing himself for the inevitable conversation that awaited him.