Underwater Battle

"That may be," Silas said, "But I can't give up, can I?" Silas replied to the serpentine rider's comment.

The locker room fell silent, all eyes turning to Silas. He felt the weight of their gazes, a mix of curiosity and wariness. The serpentine rider's forked tongue flicked out, tasting the air as it considered Silas's words.

"Determination," the death knight of Shadowspire mused, its hollow voice echoing in the quiet room. "A powerful weapon, if wielded correctly."

Silas nodded, his mind racing. He knew he couldn't afford to show weakness, not here, not now. "We all have our reasons for being here," he said, his voice steady despite the exhaustion creeping through his body. "Mine just happen to be... personal."

The living statue shifted, its stony features impossibly expressive. "Personal reasons often lead to the most unexpected outcomes," it rumbled.