Death Trap

Silas felt the familiar surge of adrenaline as he activated his berserker rage. His muscles tensed, his senses sharpened, and a primal fury coursed through his veins.

With incredible speed, Silas weaved between the cephalofins. His Leviathan form cut through the water effortlessly, leaving barely a ripple in his wake. The abominations, for all their unnatural agility, struggled to track his movements.

Silas targeted the first cephalofin from behind, his metal claws glinting in the murky depths. He struck with precision, capitalizing on his sneak attack skill. The creature's tough hide offered little resistance as Silas's claws tore through flesh and muscle.

The wounded cephalofin thrashed in pain, its eel-like appendages lashing out wildly. But Silas was already moving on to his next target, leaving a cloud of dark blood in his wake.