The Victor

Silas stood before the imposing figures of the colosseum management, his heart pounding with a mixture of triumph and trepidation. The announcer, still visibly shaken from their earlier encounter, hovered nervously in the corner of the opulent office.

But it was the owner who commanded Silas's attention. The demon's presence filled the room, an aura of power and barely contained menace radiating from his imposing form. His red skin seemed to shimmer with an inner fire, while wisps of shadow curled around his black horns. The immaculate red suit, paired with a crisp black shirt and stark white tie, spoke of wealth and influence.

The owner's eyes, burning with intensity, fixed on Silas. When he spoke, his voice was a low rumble.

"Mr. Blackwood," the demon intoned, each word carefully measured. "I don't make a habit of wasting my time on trivial matters. However, your performance today has... piqued my interest."