Chapter 34 Conflict

  When Elaine woke up the next morning, she found herself sitting in her desolate room, gazing at the flat sheets on the other side of the bed, feeling a sense of disorientation.

  Sherman had not returned all night, leaving her in a state of uncertainty.

  However, this sense of loss was soon surpassed by a deeper melancholy as her thoughts were consumed by the king's unwavering decree that Sherman was to be engaged to Olivia after last night's events.

  The mere thought of it caused a piercing pain in her heart.

  Elaine dragged herself out of bed and wearily made her way to the sink to brush her teeth.

  Just then, a soft knock came at the door, followed by Cheryl's voice. "Elaine, are you okay? I made some freshly baked cranberry cookies for you. I thought you might like them."