Chapter 53 She's Gone

  Gorgeous crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting a brilliant glow that illuminated the entire hall.

  Surrounding the space were beautifully carved European furnishings, with golden sofas and ornate chairs that exuded an air of aristocratic grandeur.

  At the center of the room sat a large round table, adorned with a sumptuous tablecloth and a spread of exquisitely crafted porcelain and delectable dishes that made one's mouth water.

  Seated at the head of the table was the king, his face wreathed in smiles as he lightly swirled the white wine in his glass.

  His cheeks bore a slight flush from the effects of alcohol, and his gaze rested upon Sherman, who sat to his left.

  "Sherman, do try this tuna. It was flown in just this afternoon," the king said, gesturing towards the exquisite dish beside him.

  "Thank you for your hospitality," Sherman replied, nodding graciously.