Belmont High School

Olive! We've already discussed this matter. What else is on your mind?" a voice called out, pulling a young seventeen-year-old girl out of her thoughts. The girl, with curly brown hair tied up in a bun, had hazel eyes, rosy lips, and a slender body. Dressed as a boy, she looked like a painting come to life, a dream for many.

"You should focus on the future now, darling. Not everyone gets the chance to attend a prestigious school like this. Don't waste the scholarship just because you're a girl," a middle-aged man at the wheel of the bus advised, his gaze fixed on the road.

"I know, father. It's an all-boys school, but I have to think about what lies ahead," Olive replied, her expression somber, prompting Mr. and Mrs. Williams to sigh and remain silent.

They understood that Olive was facing a challenging time. She had to adapt to life as a boy at Belmont High School without revealing her secret. Leaving everything behind to attend a new school meant meeting new people and adjusting to a different way of life.

"I thought the scholarship competition at Belmont High School was just a facade to get me to participate. Who knew it was real, and that I would be chosen out of so many?" Olive mused, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Your acceptance to the school is a reward from the heavens for your patience all these years. You sacrificed your own opportunities by stopping your high school education to help your brother attend primary school. This is heaven's way of repaying your kindness," Mrs. Williams said with a smile.

I don't believe in that mom. Said Olive with a frown. Why must I be the chosen one out of thousands of students all over the world that participated in the competition? Just what the fuck is wrong with the person in charge of choosing the winner? Why does he have to choose me?"

Watch your language young lady! Yelled Mrs Williams prompting Olive to keep quiet immediately and swallowed hard. She knew her mom hates curse words, so saying the "fuck" word already annoyed her.

I'm sorry mom. Olive apologized with her head bowed, unable to raise her head to meet her mother's angry gaze.

"Here we are!" Mr. Williams announced excitedly, drawing the attention of his wife and daughter to the magnificent view of Belmont High School.

The school's white marble facade sparkled in the sunlight, its grand pillars reaching towards the sky. The massive building, with its intricate details and arched doorways, loomed over the surrounding houses like a castle. The manicured grounds featured perfectly trimmed hedges and rows of flowers, a testament to wealth and status.

"Wow! This is like heaven on earth," Olive exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.


A bald security guard in a blue uniform halted Mr. Williams as he attempted to drive his bus onto the school grounds. The guard's stern expression remained stern as he approached the bus window.

"Did you get lost? I don't think anyone ordered walnut snacks from this school," the guard remarked, eyeing Mr Williams Walnut delivery bus with disdain.

"No, sir. My son received a scholarship here, and we're here to see the principal," Mr. Williams explained politely, despite the guard's rudeness.

"I see. But you can't bring this dirty bus onto the school grounds. Only your son, the scholarship recipient, can enter. The rest of you can return to where you came from," the guard said, his tone filled with disgust.

Olive seethed with anger but held her tongue, allowing her parents to handle the situation. She wouldn't want to be seen as a rude brat on her first day of school.

"We can't see the principal?" Mrs. Williams asked, her concern evident. "How can we just drop off our son without meeting the principal?"

"The principal doesn't need to see you. Only the scholarship recipient is allowed inside. This is a boarding school, and only the admitted student can enter. You can visit during designated hours," another security guard explained calmly as he walked up to the scene, in contrast to the bald guard's demeanor. "Hurry up, classes are in session, and your son wouldn't want to be late on his first day."

Mr. and Mrs. Williams turned to Olive. "Arthur, be a good boy at school, okay? This is the beginning of a great journey, and your success depends on you," Mrs. Williams said, using the name they had chosen for Olive the night before.

"We'll come to visit during visiting hours. Take care of yourself, okay?" Mr. Williams added, tears welling up in his eyes. Olive was his pride and joy, and he cherished her deeply.

"It's okay, father. I'll be fine. I'm a big boy now," Olive reassured them with a smile, masking her inner turmoil. She didn't want to worry her parents further by showing her emotions.

"Are you sure, my darling?" Mrs. Williams asked, tears glistening in her eyes.

"I'll be fine, Mom. I can take care of myself now. Don't worry. I have to go now. I'll call you once I settle into the dorm," Olive said, wiping away her mother's tears as they exchanged hugs.

Mr. Williams retrieved Olive's luggage from the bus, including clothes, books, and her mother's walnut snacks.

"Can you manage all this by yourself?" Mrs. Williams asked, her concern evident. The luggages are too much.

"I'll be fine, Dad and Mom. I'll call you once I settle into the dorm. Take care of yourselves for me," Olive said with a smile, reassuring her parents, while they nodded in agreement.

After showing her scholarship letter to the security guard, Olive was granted entry into the school. She stood rooted at the gate, watching her father's bus drive away until it disappeared from view.

"I'm all alone now," Olive thought, tears welling up in her eyes. She wiped them away, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. Living as a boy at Belmont High School while keeping her true identity hidden was the toughest task she had ever faced.