The School Bullies

"Move now, will you?" yelled the bald-headed man, bringing Olive back from her whirlpool of thoughts.

Olive soon began walking away, dragging her big travelling bag behind her while holding onto the other bags with the other hand. Her expression filled with so much sadness and despair.

"I wonder if such a frail boy would be able to live in the school dorm for a term..."

"Don't worry! He'll soon adapt to the school life...."

Olive could still hear the two security men gossiping. She knew they were talking about her, but why would they think she wouldn't be able to last for a whole term at the school before giving up? Just what do they mean? She thought to herself, her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. She continued walking, unwilling to question the security men about what they meant, even though she was dying to know.

After walking for some minutes, she finally stood in front of the magnificent school structure. There was no student outside the school compound, making Olive wonder how she was supposed to locate the principal's office if there's no one to ask.

"Guess they're all receiving lectures. I should locate the principal's office by myself. It shouldn't be that hard to find," she murmured and continued walking. About to take a step up the stairs, she heard a loud groan...



Olive stood rooted in a spot the moment she heard the painful groaning sound coming from the left-hand side of the school compound.

"Just what is going on? Is someone being beaten?" Olive thought to herself. She didn't know when she dropped her luggage and started walking towards the direction where the sound was coming from, with the determination of saving the person who was being beaten at all costs.


At the back of the school building, in an enclosed underground area, a boy with short black hair was tied to a chair. His white shirt was stained with blood, and he had bruises all over his body and face. There were five other guys, all dressed in white shirts and green pants, facing the black-haired guy, making it impossible for Olive to see their faces.

Is this what the security men meant when they said they hoped I could last a whole term? Does this school accept bullying to this extent? What the actual heck! Olive thought to herself, anger written all over her face. She soon brought out her phone to video the bullying scene from her hiding place. If I can't fight with these useless fools, at least I must report them to someone superior.

"Tell me! Why would you even think of messing with me? I told you to clean the toilet for the whole term, but you didn't. Why?" asked a guy with long blonde braided hair, his voice deep and commanding, resounding through the entire underground. Olive couldn't see his face yet, but she knew he was definitely the leader of the gang, as the other guys stood rooted in a spot without any action, as if waiting for the blondie to give a command before they could act.

"I was sick. I wasn't in school. I just came back. Please just forgive me this time!" replied the black-haired guy, wincing in pain.

"Oh really! How can you fall sick during the time I gave you a task?" the blondie asked with a smirk. He soon backed the black-haired guy, his face now revealed to Olive. Her heart almost skipped a beat the moment her gaze landed on the blondie's face. He had big green eyes, rosy pink lips, a perfect jawline, white skin, a well-structured body, piercings on his ears, nose, and tongue, and a tattoo on his right arm, making him the real definition of a bad boy.

"Why do the handsome guys always have to be bad boys?" Olive thought to herself as she swallowed hard, her gaze still glued to the blondie's face. Handsome or not, he is a monster and he has to be dealt with, she thought with a determined expression as she continued videoing.

"Now receive your punishment. Beat him!" commanded the blondie to the other four guys, who all followed his command immediately, beating the black-haired guy with the sticks in their hands, making him wince in pain with blood dripping from his shirts and mouth.

Olive soon silently departed from the bullying scene and made her way back to the front of the school, where her luggage was still lying on the floor. She picked up her luggage, dragging the travelling bag behind her once more with the other two bags in her hand, and made her way into the school building.

Entering Belmont High School felt like stepping into a different world. The hallways were adorned with expensive wood paneling and polished marble floors. The lockers, each bearing a student's name, were painted in a vibrant green color. The walls were painted in white, and various awards won by students in different competitions were displayed in the center of the hallway.

As Olive walked through the hallway, she noticed a grand staircase and wondered if it led to the classrooms. She couldn't help but notice the silence that enveloped the school.

Her attention was soon drawn to a middle-aged woman with long black hair, dressed in office attire and carrying books. Olive hurried over to her, dropping her luggage on the tiled floor.

"Good morning, ma'am. I'm Arthur, the scholarship winner," Olive said, eager to break the silence. "I was starting to wonder if there was anyone in the entire school. Let me help you with those books."

The woman smiled and handed the books to Olive. "All the students are in the cafeteria. How come you're so late? Weren't you interested in attending this school?" she asked.

"I'm very interested, ma'am. I just had trouble finding the principal's office," Olive replied, her expression turning somber.

The woman chuckled. "Well, you've found the principal now," she said, revealing her identity. "You can call me Miss Aimee. Let's go to my office."