Chapter 194 Of Course Not Anymore

The drama group was very harmonious without Fu Yiqing, and the work efficiency of the whole crew had greatly improved.

Although Fu Yiqing was no longer in the crew, her gossip still lingered.

When the staff had idle moments, they inevitably discussed her, and by extension, brought up Qin Yulong as well.

Some believed that Wenyan had a good relationship with Qin Yulong, even going out of their way to ask her if the identity of the Ship King's daughter was real....

Although Wenyan also liked gossip, she thought some people went too far with their gossip, coming all the way to her with their questions; she uniformly replied that she did not know.

Wenyan would also take out her phone to check messages during breaks in filming.

She wanted to see if there were any messages in the family group, if there was any progress with her parents and Qin Yulong.

But the group was quiet; there were no updates.