Chapter 194 Of Course Not Anymore_2

"Indeed," Qin Yulong laughed, "I just knew you would become a persuader, you see, I guessed it. I really think highly of you; I mentioned you specifically when I spoke with them, and from what I gathered between the lines, they genuinely treat you as their own daughter, so I think having you is enough. Wenyan, you should be able to guess from my personality that I am not a person with rich emotions; in fact, I could even be described as somewhat indifferent. One family is enough for me; I don't have the extra emotional capacity to deal with another family. After all, it's been so many years since I left the Shen Family, and I'm afraid I can't give my parents what they want. As a member of that family, I hope you can understand me."

Qin Yulong spoke earnestly, and Wenyan, being an empathetic person, understood and thought Qin Yulong made a lot of sense after putting herself in her shoes.