Chapter 194 Of Course Not Anymore_3

"It's pretty good!" Su Yang, however, didn't tell Wenyan the whole truth, "I see you have a lot of night scenes in the play you're taking on. It's bad for your health to always stay up late; try to get more rest, you know? Don't worry about home stuff; just be happy. Your dad and I will take care of it. When it comes to meals, have your assistant order separately; don't just go along with what the crew eats. They don't eat well."

Su Yang said a lot, all of it out of concern for Wenyan, and she never mentioned the idea of having Wenyan go to Qin Yulong as a mediator.

But the more Su Yang acted like this, the more regret Wenyan felt.

However, Qin Yulong was right; after all, it was between them. Not to mention her, an adopted daughter, even her real brothers above her found it hard to meddle.

Life on set was fulfilling and busy, and since Su Yang wasn't home, even on nights without filming, Wenyan hadn't gone back either.