Chapter Twenty-four: Zeph and the spirit called Inka.

Ovie pov.

Breakfast was awesome. Naagin still knows how to make the most delicious breakfast ever. Infact, she has the key to a man's heart. But the only problem with the breakfast was the old lady taking Naagin to the old ruins of Umuguor community. I would have loved to go especially since I am from Umuguor community but that young witch was taken instead of me.

Seeing the two women descending the hill gave me a lonely expression. That only means I would be staying at the hut ,alone. Naagin gave me a goodbye wave before disappearing into the woods with the old lady. I let out a sigh as I walked back into the boring hut.

The hut was a lot quiet without the voices of the two women. But I won't allow this day to be boring. Having an insight in what to do, I picked up a video game controller and in no time I was occupying myself with a video game.

An hour into the game was a lot of fun. But after that hour of game playing,it all felt boring. I dropped the video game controller and stood up. I headed for the kitchen to get something to eat.

Arriving at the kitchen,I sensed the wonderful aroma of cooked corn. Looking over a covered bowl, I could feel myself salivating seeing a bowl of cookies and buns. Sweet! A wonderful snack.

I grabbed the bowl and headed for the living room, jabbing all the cookies and buns into my mouth. I put the bowl on the dinning table and sat on a chair. In less than five minutes, the bowl was empty. I looked around the dinning room and the living room. The quietness somehow was creepy. I sighed.

I picked up the empty bowl and headed for the kitchen again. Trashing the bowl into the sink I vacated the kitchen, coming back into the living room to meet it's silence. My pretty silver eyes moved round the living room, like I was inspecting the room.

I slumped into the comfortable cushion giving a sigh. I closed my eyes as I my thoughts drifted to Naagin. Her beautiful and perfect face suddenly appeared in my imagination. I smiled blindly as I could feel her touching.

Remembering last night's events, my smile widened the more. I could vividly remember the feeling I had when I kissed her. The feeling I had when my hands fondled her awesome plump breasts. I never knew she had such awesome goodies.

Without even knowing,a moan escaped my lips. My hands rubbed my hard rod as more moans escaped my lips.

'What if you take a stroll down the forest?'

A voice said in my head interrupting my trail of imagination about Naagin.


I asked back.

'What if you take a stroll down the forest?' The voice repeated.

'I can't'. I told the voice.

'It's just a little stroll. It's not going to kill you' the voice said again.

' are you mad? This is the Umuguor forest and besides the old lady said there are a lot of spirits in it' I shouted back in my head.

I breathe in relief when I couldn't hear the voice again. What a devilish voice. Last I remembered, the Umuguor forest is filled with spirits of all kinds. There are good spirits and bad spirits. What if I run into the bad spirits?

But maybe I could take a little stroll. Besides, I wasn't attacked the first time I entered the Umuguor forest. Maybe except for the mysterious bear. And also, I can't keep staying in this lonely hut.

I stood up and stepped out of the hut. The sun's hotness hit my skin with much effect. Avoiding the heat from the sun, I walked up to the wooden elevator. Entering the elevator, I released the rope tied to the pulley and in no time I was at the foot of the hill. I strode out of the elevator, taking in fresh air from the forest. Maybe the voice wasn't really that devilish.

I moved deep into the forest, taking my time in admiring the forest life. I didn't really have time in admiring the forest when I first came into it. I strode happily and even whistling as I had a good time. I chased mysterious rabbits and even played with them. The rabbits had green- coloured eyes. One would know that they were not ordinary.

They were actually nature spirits. This spirits were good and even though they were little,they had excess power of nature. Cause I was having a good time, I didn't even notice a pair of red glowing eyes following me.


I spent one hour playing with the little spirit rabbits. They led me to their hiding spot (home). Their hiding spot or perhaps home was at the entrance of the woods. I stood at the entrance of the forest as a smile curved on my lips.

A spirit rabbit ran over to me. He was kinda like a friend to me. His name was Zeph. Actually, he was the leader among the spirit rabbit and I made friends with him. He was quite cute.

"Hey, human. You are standing on our hiding spot" Zeph the leader of the spirit rabbits says with a commanding voice.

"Sorry! Just looking over the main entrance into the forest" I said as I moved away from their spot.

"You are one of the humans that old lady Papirus brought into the forest, right?" Another spirit asked.

"Whose talking to you?" Zeph commanding voice hulted me before I could answer the little spirit.

"Sorry, leader" the spirit said and ran quickly into the hole. Which is actually their hiding spot.

"And as for you" Zeph commanding voice poked at me "it's better you leave. It's not safe for a human to be out in the open forest. Didn't the old lady tell you that?"

"Yes, she told me. But I was bored back there in the hut. So I decided to have fun and come out of the hut" I said to the little spirit .

"You better get back to the hut. There are a lot of spirits that want the head of the two humans the old lady brought to her hut. And also, thanks for having fun with me and my subjects" Zeph says.

"I'll be going then and nice meeting you and your subjects" I said.

"No problem. Anyways you smell like a snake" Zeph chipped in the last sentence.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing, just ignore what I said" Zeph said and hopped into the hole.

I sighed and started walking back to the hut. Somehow, I couldn't take my mind off the last words of the little spirit. I smell like a snake. But I'm not a snake.

I better move fast in order to get back to the hut.

"Human,looks like you do not know your way around the forest" a commanding voice called out to me which I knew was Zeph.

"Not really" I said turning to face him squarely." Which way do I go from here?"

"The path you are about to take leads to the abode of the dangerous spirits" Zeph says as he approached me.

"Thanks for the warning, but which path should I take back to the hut?" Zeph jumped on my shoulder poking his cute almond face at me.

"Let me lead you back to the old lady's hut besides it would help with your safety" the little rabbit spirit said with a genuine smile.

"Thanks, Zeph" I muttered.

"It's nothing. I should be the one telling you thanks cause you gave me and my subjects a great time and a lot of fun"I smile at the little spirit gesture.

But giving a second thought, what if an evil spirit attacks the other spirit rabbit and their leader is not there to protect them.

"Hey, Zeph" I called out.

"What is it, human?" Zeph asked.

"What if your subjects are attacked and you are not there to protect them, what will happen to them" I voiced out my concern.

The 🐇 rabbit laughed. He laughed uncontrollably like I had said something funny.

"Why are you laughing Zeph" I asked.

"Cause you are funny"

"How am I funny, I only voiced out my concern" the rabbit gave another round of laughter at my sayings.

"My subjects can handle any form of attack and also,we the spirits of this forest don't fight each other. We don't war against each other like the humans do because we are united" the rabbit said with all confidence.


We passed through the woods and in no time we were a few miles away from the hill. Looking up, I could see the hill standing in a magnificent posture but I couldn't see the hut. We were still far from the hill.

As we walked through bushes and trees, I suddenly had the feeling that something or someone was following us. But anytime I look back, there was nothing but trees and bushes. I still had the feeling that something was following us.

"Zeph, I got the feeling that something is following us" I said to the spirit 🐇 rabbit.

"Yeah, I got the feeling too. It's been following us since we left our hiding spot" the rabbit said.

"What do we do?" I asked feeling sweat around my forehead.

"Don't be scared,it will come out in the open" the rabbit.

True to the rabbit's words,a loud growl was heard from a nearby bush. The loud growl sent birds flying into the air.

"Human, you run when I tell you to run. You got me" I could hear Zeph saying into my ears.

I nodded.


I didn't even have to wait to be told to run before I took to my heels. As I could feel my legs making its way, the unknown something or someone growled in rage. The rabbit on my shoulder was an encouragement, but doom must always befall me anyways.

Hitting a stone with my right leg brought me to the ground. Why now of all times. Anytime I am in deep danger and I try to run, I always end up falling to the ground. Like my legs do not want to run.

"Fuck! Why do you have to fall when danger is close by" the rabbit says with irritation as he jumped back on my shoulder.

I stood up to see a beast right in front of me. The beast's head was that of a wolf. It's hands were that of a bear with the legs of an eagle. Fear ran through my body seeing the most ugly creature a few yards away from me.


"What?" I asked the rabbit.

"That's Inka. An evil spirit with the control of dark magic. Neither a nature spirit nor a forest spirit" Zeph explained.

Now I see the reason why I should have stayed in the hut. I should have listened to the old lady's warning, now I'm going to die. The worst part of it is that I'm going to be die in a gruesome way and be killed by a spirit. The most worst part of it is that I haven't even had sex yet with Naagin. Naagin I'm going to miss you if I die.

As this crazy thoughts go through my mind, the beast or spirit called gave a wolfish grin. It advanced confidently towards me but suddenly stopped. Looking down, Zeph stood in front of Inka, ready to confront him if he touches me.

"Can't believe a little spirit like you is after the human that old lady Papirus brought to her hut" a gruff voice echoed through the surrounding.

"What do you want Inka?" Zeph asked with a commanding voice.

"Coming to take what's mine. Get away or you will be dying just like he would" Inka said then moved his attention to me. "You should have stayed put in the old lady's hut. You shouldn't have listened to my voice"

Oh,the voice in my head was actually his. I looked at his red glowing eyes and recognized them.

The beast continued to advance towards me. I felt my butt hit the ground as fear froze me on the spot.

The next thing I saw was a green light hitting the beast and sending it flying into a distance.