Chapter Twenty-Six: Unfolding Truth.

"It's about your parents"

That particular sentence made by the old lady seemed to have sent chills through my spine.

"What do I need to know about my parents?" I asked keen to know about my parents especially since I don't know any of them.

I had always thought I was an orphan but since the old lady knows my parents she may as well know something about them.

"The woman that raised you up, what did she tell you about your parents?" Old lady Papirus asked.

"She said my parents died in the war so I had always seen myself as an orphan. I usually addressed her as my grandmother" a cool wind blew over the office from the open wall.

An uncomfortable silence took over but was broken by the old lady.

"Your parents are still alive, Naagin" the old lady broke the silence.

"What do you mean by saying they are still alive? You picked me up from the bush without even meeting my parents. How sure are you that they are still alive?" The old lady seemed to have been unable to answer my questions so I continued "How do you even know my parents if you never met them before?"

Old lady Papirus bit her lower lip. She seems to be hiding something from me. What does she know about my parents that she doesn't want to tell me?

"Naagin" the old lady called out making me to look at her in the eye " your expectation about your parents are not what you think they are"

"I don't understand" my voice seems to be failing me.

"You think your parents are just some random people or let me say some random farmers, but no" the old lady's voice also seems to be failing her.

She was right. I had always thought my father or mother were some random farmers or something. I thought my parents were people that lived simple life for them to have left me in a bush to die.

"Who are my parents? And what sort of people are they?" The old lady sighed after I asked the two questions.

"You want to know the truth about who you really are?" Old lady Papirus asked back.

I didn't really want to know who I truly am, all I want to know is

Who are parents.

"Yeah" I muttered absentmindedly. "What I really want to know is who are they?"

"You wanna know who your parents are?" Old Lady Papirus asked again.

I nodded.

"In due time, you will come to know who your parents are" she says and jumped off the table which she was sitting on.

If she knew my parents,why doesn't she want to tell me who they are. Why is she hiding the knowledge about my parents from me.

"Old lady Papirus,why don't you wanna tell me who my parents are?" I asked her somehow out of frustration.

She turned to look at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"The only thing I can say to you is that, your parents are alive and you have met one of them without even knowing" she walked out of the office, leaving a trail of those words behind.

What does she mean by saying that I have met one of my parents? Why can't she just tell me who they are? Why is she hiding the knowledge of my parents away from me?

I jumped off the table and followed her. Moving in a fast pace in order to catch up with her. We left her office taking the stairs in order to get to the reception room.

"Why can't you just tell me who they are?" I asked as I blocked her way.

She stopped in her tracks then moved her head. Her eyes moved over the reception room like she was looking for something.

"I thought we were done with that discussion?" She snapped back, nonchalantly.

I gave her a confused look.

"Done? Last I remembered, you just walked out of the office. You didn't even tell me who my parents are" my voice boomed through the reception room.

My frustration was very evident in my voice. The old lady gave a growl.

"I'll take you to your parents one day but for now I can't tell you anything" she said trying to reason with me.

"You know where they are?"

A sigh escaped the old lady's lips.

"Remember when I said your parents are people beyond your expectation, I wasn't lying" she puts her right hand on my shoulder. "Your parents had another child".

"Wait, what?" My voice booming through the reception room.

"They had a girl before giving birth to you" old lady Papirus said.

I looked down on the floor. Calculating everything the old lady had said. So it turns out that my good for nothing parents had a girl before me. If they had a girl,why didn't they just...

I looked up at the old lady with possible tears in my eyes.

"Old lady Papirus, let's be going" I could hear myself saying, even contrary to what I had wanted to say.

I turned around in a bid to go, but the old lady held my hand.

"Naagin, your parents loved you" old lady said with a pleading tone." They loved you so much...."

"Then if they loved me,why did they leave me in the bush while taking my sister with them" I snapped back at her, my voice heavy with anger. "I could have died in that war"

With that sentence, I matched out of the reception room. I swore to myself,if I ever come across my parents, I'm gonna burn them in hell.

As rage took over me, I found myself in the company garage. I moved around, trying to cool my anger and also waiting for the old lady.

The old lady's voice kept repeating itself in my head.

- Naagin, your parents loved you. They loved you so much.

- they had a girl before giving birth to you.

- the expectation you have about your parents are not who they really are.

"Naagin!" Old lady Papirus called out as she stepped into the garage.

"What is it?" I snapped back at her with a hint of anger.

"We better leave, it's almost sunset and Ovie would be a lot lonely at home. Just hope he had not left the hut" she walked over to me and gave me a reassuring smile.

I gave her a nod with a smile.

"Yeah, you are right"

She touched my cheeks making my smile wider. She chuckled.

"You look just like your father" she said.

As she said those words, I could feel my anger rising up, causing my smile to drop immediately.

Her chuckle turned into a soft laugh. She removed her hand and started walking out of the garage. I followed her trying to keep up with her. In no time we were out of the building.

I took one last look at the company and my eyes rested on the name,


"Are you going to sleep there?" The old lady called out.

I looked up at the distance and old lady Papirus was a few miles away from me. How did she do that?

I ran over to her still keeping what she told me in mind. I caught up with her and in no time,we were walking side by side. My mind just kept racing around and I felt like I couldn't focus.

An errie wind blew over the streets of Umuguor community. The silence that fell on the ruins of the community was a lot different from the rustling and bustling of Aiden city. Aiden city was such a pleasant place to grow up in. Such a pleasant place without my parents.

Lost in the trail of thoughts, I didn't notice two huge figures coming out of an alley. Old lady Papirus who noticed the figures,held my hand and dragged me over to a truck. The truck was upside down, so we squatted.

I gave the old lady a confused look but she pointed her hand at the two figures giving me a realization. The two figures emerged out of the alley.

One was a huge,tall and muscular. A huge muscular man. He wasn't that bad when it comes to good looking. He had brown eyes with silver hair. His lips had a scar across them.

The other man was of average height but wasn't really muscular. He had a funny type of nose. He had black emotionless eyes which gave him a scary expression. If his face was to be compared with that of our principal,then he had the scariest face.

The two men walked up to the truck and rested their backs on the truck. The average height man took out a cigarette from a cigarette box and he was using it in no time.

"Man, I'm tired of this stupid shit" the muscular man started the talk.

"What shit are you talking about?" The scare crow asked.

I just gave the average height man a name. It would be nice calling him a scare crow.

"We've been here for two days and we still haven't found the old hag and the supposed chosen one" I tapped my ear to make sure I heard right.

Old lady Papirus leaned over to hear more of their conversation. She seems to be very intrigued by the whole talk.

"Let's just be patient. The boss knows what he's doing" the scare crow average height of a man said.

The muscular man sighed.

"It's been more than a decade since the war, how is the boss so sure that the priestess would just apppear back here with the chosen one. I got to go back to my family" the muscular man groaned. "Besides, how the boss get the information that the chosen one would be here along with the priestess"

"One of his drug associates that seems to know the chosen one gave him the information" the scare crow puffed out some smoke.

"You know very well that the boss got a lot of drug associates, which one are you talking about" the muscular man said as he kicked a stone.

"That sly kid that acts like a fox. The one called Praise. I haven't met him though but I heard from George that he was the one that gave the information to our boss" the scare crow chuckled.

The muscular man gave a soft laugh.

"Such a young kid already Rose to the position of being the assistant drug Lord. Last I remembered he joined the drug group some few months ago" the muscular man also picked out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Yeah, he joined the drug group to get back on his friend for taking away his girlfriend which happens to be the chosen one, such a small world" the scare crow said and yawned. "I need to take a nap."

"That would not be necessary,we came here to get two people,if the boss catches you sleeping he would kill you immediately" the muscular man warned.

"How would he catch me. He is all the way at the Agbejor fortress" the scare crow yawned again.

"Last I remembered, he's a sorcerer" the muscular man says giving the scare crow a raised eyebrow.

"Huck,a bewitching sorcerer. It still surprises me he took down a whole community including their priestess" the scare crow chuckled.

Then I came to the conclusion, this were Huck's men. Looking at the two men,they seem to be from Agbejor community. What shocks me the most is that, Praise is part of the drug group in which Huck happens to be the leader.

I didn't really know if Huck was a drug Lord but the conversation between these two men pointed out that Huck is a drug Lord.

Apart from old lady Papirus, Praise is the only individual that knows I have powers. Praise is actually from Aiden city. His father is a merchant from Aiden city while his mother from Agbejor community was a doctor. The meeting of Praise and Huck is highly possible especially since Praise mother is from Agbejor community.

This is bad. Now that Huck knows that I, Naagin, I'm the chosen one he is going to do anything to get me. He may even hurt the people I love especially my grandmother. Or let me say the woman that raised me.

Lost in this line of thoughts, I didn't see old lady Papirus transform into her half snake form. Her red tail with black dots blended with her skin. Snake scales appeared on her face, hands and her ears became long. Her eyeballs became thin and glowed a hint of both red and black. Her hair turning jet black made her look scary.

A gold necklace appeared on her forehead and her eyelashes became elongated.

With her huge tail, she hits the truck sending it flying and falling into a building. With the truck out of the way, exposed us to the two men. The two men gasp in surprise and shock, evidently written on their face.

With the shock turning into fear, the two men immediately took to their heels. But the old lady was fast enough to grab them with her tail.

"Who.... who....who are you?" The scare crow man asked with fear.

"Who you have been waiting for" the old lady said.

Her voice was like a matured thunderstorm. Immediately, flames blazed out of her tail, engulfing the two men in fire. Her tail let's go of the burnt bodies and the bodies melted into aches.

I found my butt on the ground fear stricken. The old lady was of a horrible sight. Her tail that was still engulfed in flames made her more scary. It was the first time seeing the old lady in such a way.

The flames on her tail immediately died down. She looked at me examining my scared state.

"You shouldn't be this scared, cause Huck is more than this" she said.

I nodded.

"Transform into your snake form,we better get going" the old lady says and transforms into her full snake form.

I transformed into my full snake form displaying my full snake posture.

By sunset we made back to Umuguor forest.


A man with a pair of purple wings stood on top of a building watching the scene. Down was old lady Papirus along with Naagin. The old lady in her half snake form was slaying the two men which were sent as a bait in luring the old lady and the chosen one out of Umuguor forest.

The man with a pair of purple wings picked a phone out of his pocket and said the following words.

"Boss,it has been confirmed. Naagin is the chosen one" he said to the person at the other line.

"Get back to the Agbejor fortress, Lance" the other person at the other line said.

"It only means Praise didn't lie. Naagin is the chosen one".