Chapter Twenty-Eight: Huck vs Praise


My eyes widened in shock, seeing how Naagin easily deceived my men into taking Ovie to the woods up ahead. I waved my hands from the car window in order to get their attention, but my fucking men believed the witch and took Ovie up the woods.

I hit the door of the car trying to get it open but it looked like Naagin really locked me in, so well. I tried signaling to the rest of my men, but I didn't get their attention.

My eyes widened in total shock and disbelief when Naagin transformed into the largest Python I had never seen in my entire life. Her large snake body had a golden colour. I could see the principal and the other students screaming and running away in different directions.

Naagin didn't waste time in attacking my men, killing them one by one. Good thing that I had my phone in hand, with my phone I took a video of the whole scene. Naagin being a smart girl easily brought my men down and created an explosion, shattering the bus into pieces. An evil smile played on her lips as she watched the burning bus. She turned and flashed me an evil grin that froze me for a second.

She immediately transformed into her snake form again and crawled into the woods. I recognized the woods to be the Umuguor forest and I knew she wasn't going to survive or so I thought. The only individual I knew that could go into the Umuguor forest was the Umuguor priestess.

Why would Naagin be so stupid to venture into the forest along with my men and Ovie?

My eyes met the burning bus and I immediately knew that the Aiden police would be here any minute. I didn't want the Aiden police to get to me. Being caught by the Aiden police would not just only put me in big trouble but also the drug group. I can't be seen by the Aiden police especially since I'm a drug Lord.

I got to call for help.

I picked up my phone again and searched through my contacts. My eyes went through many numbers and their names but I didn't feel calling them. I felt intrigued when my eyes landed on a certain contact. It was Lance number.

Lance, our drug leader's puppet. He's a sorcerer just like Huck but not as powerful as he is. He is the one that handles all the money that flow into the drug business. He is in charge of all the private and personal accounts of Huck. No wonder the other drug Lord's of the drug group call him, Huck's puppet.

I dialed his number and put a call across to him. He picked up at first call and that's very good of him.

"Hey, kid. What's up?" Lance voice asked casually like we were friends.

"Hey, Lance. I'm in serious trouble and I need your help" I said with my voice desperate.

"Hei,calm down. What is it?" He chuckled more casually.

"I said I'm in deep shit. So come get me" I snapped back angrily.

He sighed.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Just text me your location and I hope it doesn't have anything to do with the bosses money or else I will be having your throat" he said with a smirk.

"Just get down here"

I put an end to the call and sighed in relief. Just hope that Lance gets here in time cause I don't want to be caught by the Aiden police.

Damn you Naagin!!!

In less than thirty minutes,a white Jeep drove and parked in front of my car. I smiled seeing Lance getting out of the Jeep. He knocked on the car window which made me sigh. He got the car door open and I breathe in fresh air. I stepped out of the vehicle and gave him an appreciative smile.

"What the hell actually happened here? Why is there an already burnt bus and you locked up in a car?" Lance asked peering into my eyes.

"Stop that. Let's get going and I will tell you on the way" I said and walked up to his Jeep.

"Are you leaving your car?" He asked, staring at my car.

"Yeah, besides that's not the only car I got" I said as I slumped into Lance's Jeep.

Lance got into the Jeep and started it. He turned the car around and headed for Agbejor fortress.

"I'm taking you to Agbejor fortress, you're okay with that or should I take you home" I rolled my eyes at his sayings.

"Just take me to the Agbejor fortress, I don't want to go home" I scuffed.

"You could as well also tell what happened back there cause when I got there, I saw a burnt school bus which made me come to the conclusion that there was an explosion" he said with a grin.

I didn't answer him. I only kept my eyes on the road like I was being chased by someone or something. I took out my phone, screwed through it and showed him the video of whole Naagin episode.

He watched the video with earnest interest. I could see the shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"She is a snake" he muttered halfway through the video.

Though he was watching the video,his eyes were still kept on the road. Good driving.

He finished watching the video but was quiet after watching it. He drove violently and parked at the corner of the road. Currently we were at Aiden city. I threw him a confused stare.

"Who's she?" He asked before I could even say anything.

"She is a friend and a classmate of mine. She's the girl I told you guys that I had feelings for until my good for nothing friend took her away from me" I explained,a hint of amusement in my voice.

"How come she's a snake?" Lance asked.

"I don't know" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Lance bit his finger. His face was that of a calculative mood.

"Where's she from?" He asked.

"Got no idea and besides why are you so interested in her" I replied also saying the obvious.

"I think that classmate of yours maybe the chosen one" Lance says getting a raised eyebrow from me.

"What chosen one? I asked.

Lance hissed.

"Don't be so stupid. The chosen one from Umuguor community or don't you know about the chosen one" Lance said removing his hands from the steering wheel.

His sayings clicked something into my mind. I remember the chosen one. The tale of the chosen one who had the power to activate HIJIRAR'S Jewel. What I know about the chosen one is that, she was foretold to be a snake immortal. If it happens that the Jewel falls into the hands of someone along with the supposed chosen one, there is no way that individual won't be the most powerful immortal ever.

Huck has been running crazy after the Jewel and the chosen one. He even took down a whole community to get it.

Then I need to play my cards well in order to get on Huck's good side. If it is confirmed that Naagin is the chosen one then I would be able to get on Huck's good side and also have a share of the powers that would be obtained from the Jewel.

I will use the powers in killing Ovie for taking the one I love. A crazy smile crept on my lips unknown to me.

Lost in my trail of thoughts and imaginations, I didn't notice that Lance had been staring at me.

"What's going through that mind of yours kid?" Lance asked making me to widen my smile.

"If it is proven that Naagin is the chosen one, what do you think HUCK would do for the both of us?" I asked him getting a confused look from him.

"Who's Naagin?"

"Don't be dumb, the girl who you just saw in the video. Her name is Naagin" I said with a smirk. "Besides,looks like if we reveal to the Huck that Naagin is the chosen one,we could get a heavy reward. We might even have a share in the power we will get from the Jewel"

Lance face seemed to have brightened up hearing my sayings. A smile danced heavily on his lips. I don't really blame him, most people fight for their own selfish reasons and powers. Even Huck is going crazy trying to get the powers of the Jewel.

"I like the way you think but we will still need to know some confirmation about her(Naagin) being the chosen one. Like were she is from" Lance said, somehow breaking into the happy mood.

Actually, he had a point. I still need to know were Naagin is from. The fact that she transformed into a snake doesn't mean she is the chosen one. Also, she never told any of our classmates were she's from not even her female friends.

"I have a private investigator. He is very good at his work. He will be able to find out were Naagin is actually from" I said giving Lance a smile.

"Well that's good. At least,we will find out were Naagin is actually from and if the boss does give you a reward, just include me" Lance said as we both laughed.

But I never knew that Huck needed the powers of the Jewel for his own self. If not I would not have wanted to help him find Naagin.

Lance started the car and in no time we were on the road. I texted my private investigator, telling him to get everything I need to know about Naagin Cabrera.

In less than an hour,we got to the Agbejor fortress. My eyes moved through the streets of Agbejor community. It was like an community full of warriors. Warriors could be seen training and matching around. Some could be seen fucking some bitches in hidden corners. There was a large camp and when I mean large, it's large. It's within the quarters of Agbejor community,it was were the captives of Umuguor community or let me say the whole community of Umuguor were kept as slaves.

We didn't really drive to that direction. We headed straight to the Agbejor fortress. The car came to a stop and I got out of the car. Agbejor warriors filled the whole surrounding and it seemed they are increasing positively. The last time I came to the Agbejor fortress was the last meeting between Huck and all of his drug associates. That was two months ago.

I stepped into the beautiful premises of the Agbejor fortress, exhaling it's awesome scent that filled everywhere. Lance quickly led me to a secret chamber were my eyes met the eyes of the most dangerous man I had always come to know as Huck.

HUCK pov.

Lance walked into my secret chamber along with my assistant drug Lord. Praise, I think so. He looked somehow rough but he was presentable. Praise bowed cause it was a custom that all my drug associates should bow to me.

"Huck,we got news for you" Lance boomed, his voice filled with happiness.

"What do you have for me?" I asked coldly.

"Show him" Lance gestured at Praise.

Praise immediately reached out for his phone and brought. He played me a video with eventually caught my interest. I watched the video with utmost interest.

"What is this all about?" I asked no one in particular.

"Boss, remember I told you all that I had a friend who I wanted to take revenge on for taking away the girl I love?" Praise asked.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with the girl turning into a snake?" I asked uninterested.

"That girl in the video is the girl I was in love with" Praise said and I nodded my head.

"I planned to ambush the excursion bus, but I never knew she was a snake. She outsmarted me and my men and caused the explosion" Praise continued with earnest confidence.

"And that Praise's lover her name is Naagin. We believe that she is the chosen one" Lance said interrupting Praise from saying any further.

"How do you guys think that I would believe that video of yours stating that the one Praise is in love with is the chosen one" I stood and walked up to Praise. "What other evidence do you have to confirm that Naagin is the chosen one?"

Actually, I do believe them. I do believe that the said Naagin could actually be the chosen one. She is the only snake immortal I had seen since so many years except for lady Papirus.

"My private investigator sent me some real details stating that Naagin is from Umuguor community. He even sent me a recorded audio of Naagin's grandmother confessing that Naagin is from Umuguor community" Praise says as he passed his phone to me.

I screwed through the details and also listened to the audio of Naagin's grandmother confessing. I more than convinced that Naagin is the chosen one.

"What about her grandmother?" I asked Praise.

"I ordered my private investigator to put an end to her" Praise said making me to smile a little.

"That's good. I like the way you do your thing things, no wonder you are my assistant" I said with an evil grin.

Praise nodded.

"Lance" I called out. "Take two Agbejor warriors to Umuguor community. I will use them as a bait to confirm if Naagin is really with lady Papirus or if she is the chosen one"

"Yes boss"

"And Lance be on standby" I said my final words.

I turned my back to a direction. Allowing energy to flow through me, my body glowed purple and I disappeared.

Before I disappeared, I heard Praise say,

"He's creepy and we better carry out his orders"