I smiled as he the old lady said those words. Maybe,in no time I will be aware of whatever fucking truth that I need to know.

I nodded with my charming smile.

"Priestess Arizona, since you will be the one to let me know about the truth. Wouldn't it be compulsory for me to know who my parents are?" I looked at Arizona's face, trying to find out any reaction on her face as a result of my question. "I'm sure you may know my parents quite well".

A well pretended smile crept on the Arizona's face as she seemed to avoid my eyes. She seemed to be suspicious, like there was more to this truth that she wanted to tell me.

Arizona looked at old lady Papirus and they seemed to communicate with their eyes. Arizona cleared her throat and looked at me again while offering a smirk.

"Actually, that is part of the truth. It is part of what we want to tell you" Arizona replied and I couldn't help but smile.

"Old lady Papirus once said to me that my parents are still alive,is it really true?" I smirked back in return.

"Yeah,it is true Naagin" the old lady interrupted and my gaze fell on her.

Arizona nodded in support to what old lady Papirus had said. I rolled my eyes at that.

"If there is a story to be told, there must be a chairs to have a sit" Melissa who was resting on a statue called out as she cat walked over to old lady Papirus.

Melissa flashed me a smile and I growled.

"Would you like to have a sit?" Arizona asked with a motherly concern.

I wonder why anytime she speaks to me, she always speaks to me in a motherly voice or with a motherly concern. It's like I'm so dear to her or something, but I only chooses to ignore.

The whole temple was back to it's usually quietness and it was somehow awkward. The earthquake both me and the old lady had experienced had immediately died down after both Arizona and Melissa (which I presume is Arizona's daughter) had stepped out of the blue portal.

Arizona snapped her finger and four nicely made wooden chairs appeared simultaneously. The four chairs appeared in a semi-circle. I gracefully sat on one as the other three ladies took their seats. Once we were all seated, Arizona looked at old lady Papirus and again,they seemed to communicate with their eyes. Melissa also seemed to understand their communication.

Maybe it's some ancient snake way of communication. I must learn it after I've been told the, f**king truth.

"So.... Naagin, I will say everything from the whole beginning of time for you to at least have an idea of what actually happened" Arizona explained after her secret conversation with old lady Papirus.

"Go,on" I gestured weirdly.


"From the beginning of time, the people of Umuguor community were once wanderers. They wondered from land to land, crossing deserts and passing through hills,valleys and mountains. But after some years,they wondered into the country of Casablanca. They swore an alliance with the emperor city of Swagbucks and they shared a portion of land with Aiden city and Benin City".

"As time passed by, Umuguor community therefore continued to expand and their lands grew fetile and they were even more prosperous. Umuguor community,later started worshipping the god which the whole of Casablanca worshipped, the snake god called Hijirar. They dropped all their past religions and beliefs and worshipped Hijirar wholeheartedly. At first, Umuguor never had a priestess or a priest, so the priest of Aiden city usually performed sacrifices and relevances for the people of Umuguor community".

"So, were do you come in?" I asked interrupting Arizona's narration.

Arizona only smiled and continued without answering my question.

"My name was Arizona Redstone. I was the daughter of the king of Umuguor community as at that time. My father being the king of Umuguor community was the one who had led Umuguor community into the country of Casablanca. He represented the whole of Umuguor community when we all swore an alliance with the emperor of Swagbucks".

"As I said earlier, Umuguor community neither had a priest nor a priestess and so the priest of Aiden city performed sacrifices that were made to Hijirar".

"As a teenager, I was very beautiful. I was so beautiful that men were ready to kiss my shoe in order to have a taste of my goodies. The people of Umuguor community referred to me as 'someone sent by a god'. I was so beautiful that a lot of men in the country of Casablanca would do anything for them to even have a date with me. Though, despite my wonderful beauty, I wasn't proud".

"My father the king was very overprotective of me. He was always there to protect me and he therefore reduced my contact with people especially men. For fear of me being raped because of my outstanding beauty. But things changed after my eighteenth birthday. By that time, Umuguor community was now a legal part of Casablanca".

"After my eighteenth birthday,it was raining one day and I decided to look out the window from my room. When I looked outside the window from my room, I was so surprised to see a black huge figure flying in the sky. At first I was shocked and I had to clean my eyes three times to be sure I wasn't dreaming. What I had seen in the sky was a huge black Cobra with large horns that pierced the sky. And as the thunder and lightning rolled over, this creature wasn't worried,it didn't seem to worry about it stricken by thunder. It was like it corresponded with both thunder and lightning".

"Suddenly as the creature flew through the skies, it's gaze fell on me. I felt my heart skip a thousand beats and I was for sure going to have a heart attack. The long snake-like creature stared at me for some minutes. It seemed to smile in awe, maybe at my Beauty. It flashed me a lovely smile and to my surprise, I smiled back. After some moments of smiling,it gave a roar and immediately faded into nothingness".

"I never told anyone that I had seen a snake-like creature in the sky. It was more of my little secret. Meanwhile, Umuguor community continued to expand and grow larger and it also welcomed civilization. My father, with the help of the council of elders were able to expand the territory of Umuguor community".

"Two weeks later after I had encountered the snake-like creature, something else happened. A huge black Cobra snake (very huge) ventured into Umuguor community. The warriors of Umuguor community tried killing it but they couldn't. It was like the Cobra snake possessed magical powers, so it easily killed our warriors. Great fear had taken over the inhabitants of Umuguor community, because the snake ventured into the community anytime it wanted and no one could kill it. So,my father warned me to never go out of the castle until the snake was killed."

"The priest of Aiden city was called for in order to put an end to the snake. I happened to come across the snake one sunny afternoon. I had sneaked out of the castle because of stubbornness. I was shocked to see that the snake looked almost exactly like the snake-like creature I had seen in the sky. The snake smirked at me and I felt like I was going to faint, that day".

"It was like a divine set up. The priest of Aiden city happened to come across both me and the snake when we were staring at each other. The snake didn't attack as it stared at me with lovely golden pupils. The priest stared at the snake for some moments as if examining it. But suddenly, to my shocked and surprise, the priest of Aiden city bowed before the snake. The priest knelt down and bowed with his head touching the ground. The snake's smirk got wider seeing my shock and surprise. The huge snake raised it's huge head up and displayed a Jewel that many would die for in order to get".

"The chief priest communicated spiritually with the snake and this confused me even more. And for the first time in my life, I experienced magic. The snake suddenly transformed into a dark shadow and fear seemed to overshadow me. After the newly transformed dark shadow had communicated spiritually with the chief priest, the shadow immediately faded into nothingness".

"The chief priest turned to me and flashed me a smile but the fear on my face that day washed away his smile".

"But after that day, I learnt to understand that the black Cobra snake or should I say snake-like creature was Hijirar. The Hijirar we all served had appeared to me two times. The chief priest of Aiden city, therefore explained to me that Hijirar had chosen me to be the first priestess of Umuguor community. Though my father didn't agree with it because of how overprotective he was. But after some persuasion he agreed".

"Two weeks later, I was coronated as the first priestess of Umuguor community. I also learnt to communicate spiritually with ancient snake language".


"So,how does this all associate with my parents and the truth?" I asked interrupting Arizona again.

"Don't worry, it's all playing out. I'm only telling you the origin of Umuguor community and how I became the first priestess despite the fact I was a princess" Arizona answered with a smile.

I sighed as I knew there were more long stories coming my way. But this also means that I now know the origin of Umuguor community and how Arizona Became the first priestess.