"So how did your love affair with Hijirar start after you became his priestess?" I asked the obvious, narrowing my eyes at Arizona.

"Did old lady Papirus tell you that?" Arizona answered my question with another question.

"Yeah,she did" I said while staring at the old lady.

Arizona, for a moment looked at the old lady but her eyes immediately fell back on me.

"Point of correction Miss Naagin,my dad never had an affair with my mom" Melissa sharply spat out with a venom.

I narrowed my eyes at Melissa, closely eyeing her with some sort of demonic eyes.

But somehow, what she said made me to understand something. If Hijirar had an affair with his priestess and according to old lady Papirus, Arizona had birthed two daughters,it could only mean Hijirar is the father of both Arizona's daughters. Looks like I'm starting to patch up the truth on my own accord.

"Let me just say, I will ignore your statement and try to focus on the real reason I'm here. And I hope you will be a little bit nicer next time" I snapped back with a bit of warning.

Melissa smiled warmly as she chuckled.

"The both of you shouldn't be exchanging words like that cause we are here for one reason, which is to know the truth" old lady Papirus said with an air of authority.

"She's right. We are here to know the truth and it's true that I had an affair with Hijirar which is actually not appropriate".

Melissa gasped out in pure surprise at her mother's words. She glared at me and then at her mother. Arizona glared back at Melissa and Melissa couldn't help but pout.

So I was right, Arizona did have an affair with Hijirar. A love affair.


"After I had an encounter with the huge snake, the priest of Aiden city made me to understand that the snake was actually Hijirar. He made me to understand that Hijirar had chosen me to be Umuguor's first priestess especially since Umuguor community was now a legal part of Casablanca. My father never really agreed with it but after some persuasion from my mother and the priest of Aiden city, he had no choice but to agree.

The priest of Aiden city whose name was Lamuel,a man in his forties took the responsibility of teaching me my responsibilities as a priestess. But after I had my encounter with the large snake (Hijirar), the snake never visited Umuguor community again and that ended the deaths of the Umuguor warriors.

It wasn't long when I was coronated. Sir Lamuel was the one who had coronated me as the first priestess of Umuguor community. On that day,was a day of Joy and happiness for inhabitants of Umuguor community.

I was particularly filled with happiness and so the people of Umuguor community constructed a sacred structure. They had constructed the little building to serve as a different dimension between newly coronated priest and priestesses and Hijirar. They had constructed it for newly coronated priest and priestesses to have their first meeting with Hijirar.

The little building was named as the Holy Hall of Worship. After the people of Umuguor community had constructed the Holy Hall of Worship, I had my first meeting with Hijirar. I was able to enter another dimension that enabled me to meet the real Hijirar. He was neither a large snake nor was he a dark shadow, I met Hijirar in his real human form. Meeting Hijirar in his human form, I was mesmerized by his handsomeness. Hijirar was more like the most handsome man in the world.

Hijirar was like a great warrior,a god-like warrior and he was inappropriately naked. But it will be good to save the details of my first meeting with Hijirar for later.

There were more celebration in the land of Umuguor community especially since they were finally going to have a priestess. After my coronation as the first priestess of Umuguor community,I never set my eyes on sir Lamuel again. He stopped coming to Umuguor community because he had his own duties as a priest. His duties as a priest of Hijirar, to Aiden city.

After I had been coronated as the priestess of Umuguor community, I started my duties with immediate effect. The duties of being a priest or priestess of Hijirar wasn't really hard. My duties were just to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people to Hijirar. And these sacrifices were made in Hijirar's temple. And if you must know, every community or city in Casablanca have their own Hijirar's temple. Meaning, Hijirar's temple cannot only be found in Umuguor community but also in all other zones of the country of Casablanca.

With time, I got used to my duties of offering sacrifices and guiding the people of Umuguor community in their worship of Hijirar. But somehow, everything changed".


Arizona fell quiet. She stared at the ground as a lot of things seemed to run through her mind. I feel like she went through a lot in the past but I didn't quite understand her last statement. 'But somehow everything changed'.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a low voice which I knew she could hear.

Arizona didn't answer my question but old lady Papirus did.

"She means, everything changed when she started having feelings for Hijirar but her feelings were reciprocal. Cause Hijirar also had feelings for her as well" old lady Papirus explained.

I stared at Arizona for a while and she glanced at me.

If I wasn't wrong, it's been about two hours since both me and old lady Papirus had arrived at Hijirar's temple. Time was running and from my perspective,it was already reaching the evening.

"Arizona, I need to know how you fell in love with Hijirar" I called out jolting Arizona from her thoughts.

Arizona smiled warmly at me and motherly concern was clearly written on her face. It somehow irritated me but I didn't let it show.


"Two beautiful months passed after my coronation. During these two months, I started having this weird and funny feeling. It was more like I was having a crush on Him (Hijirar). I didn't want to believe I was having a crush on the god which I was serving. But the feeling just kept coming every now and then.

During my meeting with the Hijirar in the Holy Hall of Worship (in another dimension), I made sure I memorised Hijirar's human features. There were times when I would usually day dream about his human features. You can't actually say there were times, I day dreamed about Hijirar Everytime.

And as time past, I started visiting Hijirar's temple and the Holy Hall of Worship frequently. I mostly visited the Holy Hall Worship maybe because I thought I would have another chance of entering the dimension, again. But I was wrong.

The crush I had on Hijirar's human form gradually developed into something else. Meanwhile, day by day I got more beautiful. My beauty blossomed so much that a lot of men would die just to have a glimpse of my hidden thighs.

What I didn't know was that Hijirar was also having a crush on me, not just a crush, but a feeling of love. From the first time he had set his eyes on me from the clouds on my eighteenth birthday, he had also grown a feeling of love. But though, Hijirar was able to discipline himself in order not to let lust for my beauty take over him.

After our first meeting in the Hall of Worship, Hijirar's feelings for me deepened to the extent that he would watch me from his abode. He would watch over me from his abode ensuring my safety. Watching from his abode and ensuring that no man would want to take advantage of my beauty.

But that wasn't necessary cause, I had powers of my own. Usually, every priest and priestess of Hijirar were blessed with some amount of powers during their coronation. So no man would try to take advantage of me especially since I was a priestess.

The two months passed and Hijirar visited me. It actually took him a whole two months to cage up his feelings but he let his feelings out and visited me again. He visited me in the form of a dark shadow.

At first when the dark shadow appeared to me, I was scared but I didn't allow fear overshadow me. I confronted the dark shadow because I thought it was some kind of an evil spirit or something. But all of my attacks just passed through the dark shadow like they were nothing.

After failing to overpower the shadow,it spoke to me. It revealed to me what it was and I was shocked to know that I had been fighting with Hijirar the whole time. I had stared at the dark shadow for about thirty minutes and the dark shadow also did the same.

That was how my love story with Hijirar started.

Hijirar continued to visit me and my feelings for him doubled. It got to the notice of my father that I usually stayed lonely in my room and was always talking to myself. Back then, I still lived in the castle as a princess and also lived in the care of my father. When my father noticed I was always in my room and probably talking to myself, he was extremely worried. He thought I was going mad after becoming a priestess, but I was able to calm his fears.

Hijirar started visiting me frequently and He even went to the extent of confessing his love for me. We agreed to keep our relationship secret,a love affair between a god and his priestess.

My love affair with Hijirar had all started when I had seen a snake-like creature flying in the sky.

Time passed by and Hijirar took me to his Abode. This created jealousy among the priest and priestesses of the other zones of the country of Casablanca.


"Wait, you got to be telling me that Hijirar took you to his Abode after he had confessed his love for you?" I immediately interrupted Arizona making the three women to shoot a glare at me. "Sorry for the interruption".

After I had apologized, Arizona smiled.

"Yeah, after Hijirar had confessed his love for me, he took me to his humble Abode. But as time passed by, Hijirar couldn't cage his lust anymore so was I. It wasn't long when both me and Hijirar had sex out of lust" Arizona chuckled as she said those words.

"You got to be kidding me" I remarked.