Chapter 13: Behind Bars

Alfred was watching TV when he heard a knock at the door at 9 pm. He was surprised to see Sophie standing there, looking lovely in her elegant outfit. "Hi, baby boy," she said with a warm smile. "I wanted to surprise you."

Alfred was taken aback but welcomed her affection. "You didn't tell me you were coming," he said, smiling.

Sophie gave him a playful gaze. "Should I have? You're my man, and I love you." She leaned in for a kiss, and Alfred was swept up in the moment.

"I love you too, Sophie," Alfred replied, embracing her. "But what brings you here


"I just wanted to spend some quality time with you," Sophie said, her eyes sparkling. "We've been apart for too long, and I miss you."

As they embraced, Sophie's happiness was palpable. Alfred felt grateful for her presence in his life. They spent the evening together, enjoying each other's company, and Sophie's contentment was clear.

"I'm so glad you came over," Alfred said, holding her close. "I've missed you too."

"I'll always be here for you, Alfred," Sophie replied, smiling up at him. "We're in this together, always."

The next morning, Alfred woke up early, feeling a sense of responsibility wash over him. He had to go to work,

but he didn't want to leave Sophie's side. She was still fast asleep, looking peaceful and content.

Alfred gently kissed her forehead, trying not to disturb her. He got dressed quietly and left a note on the bedside table:

"Good morning, beautiful. I have to go to work, but I'll be thinking of you. See you tonight."

Sophie stirred as he was about to leave, her eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning,"

she whispered, her voice husky from sleep. "Be good today."

Alfred smiled and nodded, feeling his heart fill with love for her. "I will. See you tonight."

With that, he headed out the door, feeling grateful for the unexpected surprise of Sophie's visit and the lovely morning they shared together.

Sophie's phone beeped a few hours after Alfred left for work, breaking the silence of the morning. She picked it up to see a message from Bose's number:

"Let's meet at Evergreen."

Sophie's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with questions.

''What does she look like,I can't wait to learn about her and perhaps any secret which I can use to destory her.''

Her curiosity got the better of her, and she quickly got dressed and grabbed her car keys.

As she arrived at Evergreen, she saw Bose waiting for her. Sophie's heart raced with anticipation,.

Bose saw her,and entered her car.

"ma," Bose said, handing Sophie an envelope containing the information she had requested.

Sophie opened it and smiled, her eyes scanning the contents. "Ah, excellent work, Bose. You're a genius."

She opened her drawer and pulled out a wad of cash, peeling off a few bills and handing them to Bose. "Here, take this. You've earned it."

Bose took the money, his hand brushing against Sophie's as he did so. "Nice doing business with you, ma," he said, his voice low and respectful.

Sophie's smile turned icy. "I might call you back if we need to... take care of her," she said, her eyes glinting with a sinister light.

Bose nodded, his expression neutral. "Oh, she's so beautiful," Sophie cooed, her voice dripping with venom. "But beauty can be a liability, can't it, Bose?"

Bose's eyes flickered, but he said nothing, simply pocketing the money and nodding. "Ok, ma. See you soon... if we have to."

Sophie's laughter was a cold, mirthless sound. "I'm counting on it, Bose. And remember, no traces."

As Bose left her car, Sophie's gaze followed him, her mind already turning to the next move in her plan to uncover more information about her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

the photos and documents with a mixture of anger and sadness. There, staring back at her, were Alfred's ex and her family,(Bryan And Rachel)

Sophie's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with jealousy and resentment.

"She has everything," Sophie muttered to herself, her voice trembling with emotion. "A loving husband, a beautiful daughter... and yet, she's still trying to steal away my man."

Tears began to fall from Sophie's eyes, her obsession with Alfred clouding her judgment and fueling her anger. She crumpled the papers in her hand, her mind racing with schemes and revenge.

"I'll make her pay," Sophie vowed, her voice cold and menacing. "Alexia, you have no idea what's coming your way.

Sophie's eyes scanned the contents of the folder Bose had given her, and her mind raced with possibilities. She saw Bryan's photo for the second time, and a sly grin spread across her face.

"Bryan might be jealous of Alfred too,"

she thought to herself.

At that time,she had already drove off.

"And if he's not, I'll make sure he becomes jealous,

so I can use him to take down Alexia,than asking Bose to kill her.

It might get me into trouble if the fool messes things up.

And the fun part is that he won't know am using him!"

Sophie laughed as she picked up her phone,and texted Bose,she couldn't hold her joy,

''get me hooked up with Bryan,''

''Oh,am so smart,''

Sophie's laughter echoed through the air, but it was short-lived. In her distraction, she accidentally hit another car, and the sound of crunching metal filled the air.

The other driver, a middle-aged man, stormed out of his vehicle, furious.

"You stupid woman! Look what you've done!" he yelled.

Sophie refused to apologize, and the situation escalated quickly. "It was your fault, not mine!" she shot back.

The man's face turned red with anger. "I'm calling the police!"

"Go ahead, I don't care!" Sophie retorted.

The man called the police, and soon, officers arrived at the scene. They began investigating, taking statements from both parties and examining the damage to the vehicles.

Officer Johnson walked over to Sophie's car and noticed the damage was primarily on the front bumper. "Ma'am, it looks like you rear-ended the other vehicle. Can you explain what happened?"

Sophie shrugged. "I didn't see him stopping, I swear!"

Officer Johnson raised an eyebrow. "The other driver claims you were texting and driving. Can I see your phone?"

Sophie hesitated before handing over her phone. Officer Johnson scrolled through her messages and found a conversation with Bose, timestamped just minutes before the accident.

"I think we've seen enough, ma'am," he said, his expression stern. "You're coming with us."

The officers arrested Sophie on the spot, reading her her rights as they handcuffed her.

As Sophie sat in the back of the police car, she couldn't help but think that her plan had backfired. She had wanted to manipulate Bryan, but now, she was the one in a precarious situation.

"Well, this isn't going as planned," she muttered to herself.

''but this is not the end either.''