Chapter 14:A Tale of Two Worlds

The police station was a drab, grey building with flickering fluorescent lights and a stale smell of disinfectant.

The walls were adorned with worn-out posters warning against crime and the consequences of breaking the law.

The floor creaked beneath Alfred's feet as he rushed to the front desk, his heart racing with worry.

As soon as Alfred arrived, the officer, Officer Johnson, informed him that it was already too late to post bail.

"I'm afraid it's too late, Alfred. The deadline has passed," Officer Johnson said firmly.

"Please, sir, have mercy. She'll have to stay until Wednesday. Please," Alfred begged.

Just as Officer Johnson was about to give in, Sophie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, burst into the station.

"Officer Johnson! I see you're still as stubborn as ever!" Mr. Thompson exclaimed.

"Mr. Thompson. I see you're still as arrogant as ever," Officer Johnson retorted, his voice cold.

The tension between them was palpable. It was clear that Officer Johnson and Mr. Thompson had a history, and it wasn't a good one.

"Please, officer, have mercy. Our daughter has learned her lesson," Mrs. Thompson begged.

"No way. She's going down for this," Officer Johnson said firmly, his eyes narrowing.

Sophie's parents tried to reason with him, but it was clear that Officer Johnson had a personal vendetta against them. Finally, Alfred spoke up.

"Sir, please, can't we post bail? I'll do anything," Alfred begged.

"It's too late. The deadline has passed. She'll stay until Monday, and with the public holiday, until Wednesday," Officer Johnson said, crossing his arms.

As Sophie was led away to the cell, her parents hugged her tightly, tears streaming down their faces. Alfred followed, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"I'm so sorry, Sophie. You'll have to stay here till Wednesday. I'm so sorry, I love you," Alfred whispered.

"It's okay, I love you too, and I know you tried your best," Sophie replied, her voice trembling.

Before entering the cell, Sophie was forced to surrender her designer handbag and jewelry, which the officer placed in a drawer. She felt a pang of anxiety as she watched her belongings being taken away.

''we would return it when you get released,''

The police woman assured her.

As she entered the cell, Sophie couldn't hold back her tears. She waved goodbye to her loved ones,

"Hey, look what we got here! Princess perfect, huh?" one of the women in the cell sneered, eyeing Sophie's designer clothes.

"I don't want any trouble. Just leave me alone," Sophie said, trying to stand tall.

"Oh, look who thinks she's too good for us," another woman spat. "You think you're better than us, huh?"

"I'm not afraid of you," Sophie said, her voice shaking.

"Oh, you're not afraid of us? You should be. You're in our territory now, princess," the first woman sneered.

"Hey, shut up and leave her alone," a third woman chimed in. "She's just a rich kid who got in trouble. She's not worth our time."

"Mind your own business, Maria," the first woman growled. "This one needs to learn a lesson."

The women continued to taunt and bully Sophie, their cruel words cutting deep. Sophie's eyes welled up with tears as she realized she was trapped and alone, at the mercy of the system.

"Hey, officer! Do something!" Maria shouted, but Officer Johnson just stood there, watching the scene unfold with a disinterested gaze.

As the day wore on, Sophie was subjected to relentless harassment and intimidation. She was trapped, alone, and scared, wondering how she would make it through the long days until her release. The billing had started that day, and Sophie was at the mercy of the system.

her heart heavy with anger and frustration. She blamed Alexia for her predicament, vowing to make her pay.

''Alexia,this is all your fault and I will make you pay ''

She muttered to herself.

One of the prisoners, a rough-looking woman, eyed Sophie with curiosity. "Oh, she looks rich," she sneered, eyeing Sophie's designer clothes and jewelry.

Sophie's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge against Alexia and her determination to survive this ordeal.

Officer Johnson's grudge against Mr. Thompson stemmed from a past incident where

Mr. Thompson had used his influence to get Officer Johnson's brother who needed money to treat his sick wife fired from his job,resulting to her death.

Officer Johnson had never forgotten the injustice, and now, he had the perfect opportunity to make Mr. Thompson's family pay.

As the night wore on, Alexia slumbered peacefully in her plush, velvet bed, surrounded by soft,

golden pillows and a delicate lace canopy.

Her chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, and her eyelids fluttered slightly as she chased after dreams.

She was oblivious to the fact that she had just made a formidable enemy, one who was already plotting her downfall.

Meanwhile, Bryan tenderly leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, his lips brushing against her skin with a soft, whispery touch. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear, his voice low and husky:

"You're the sunshine that brightens up my day, my love. Forever and always, my heart belongs to you."

As she lay there, looking radiant in the soft moonlight that filtered through the windows,

he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in his life. He stroked her hair, his fingers tangling in the soft strands as he gazed at her with adoring eyes.

In stark contrast, Alfred was consumed by worry and anxiety, his mind racing with thoughts of Sophie's predicament.

He paced back and forth in his living room, his footsteps echoing off the walls as he tried to think of a way to get her out of the cell.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness that had settled in the pit of his stomach, like a heavy weight that threatened to crush him.

He thought about her being trapped in that cold, dark place, at the mercy of the system, and his heart ached with fear and frustration.

"What can I do?"

he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing. "What can I do to save her?"