Chapter 17:Beyond the Fence,A throwback

"Mom, Dad, this place is wonderful! I love this town, and I'm sure gonna make new friends," Little Alfred exclaimed from the car, gazing out the window at the charming streets of Oakwood.

"I'm happy you love it here, sweetie," his mom replied, smiling at his enthusiasm.

The family had just relocated to Oakwood, and Alfred couldn't wait to explore his new surroundings. When they got to their new house, it was big and fine, but not as beautiful as their former house. As he played alone in their house, he accidentally threw his ball into the neighboring yard.

"Oh no, I need to get my ball!" he exclaimed, dashing out of the house to retrieve it.

When he entered the neighbor's yard, he was struck by the grandeur of their home.

"Wow, this house looks even better than ours!"

he marveled, wandering around the property in awe.

Just as he was admiring the garden, he was startled by a stern voice.

"Hey you, what are you doing in my house? Are you a thief?" Alfred's eyes widened as he turned to face Alexia, a little girl who looked about his age.

"I-I was just looking for my ball," he stammered, holding up his ball as evidence.

Alexia's expression turned even more sour. "You're a thief! I'm going to call my dad!" she exclaimed, running towards the house.

Alfred's eyes welled up with tears. "No, please! I didn't mean to intrude!" he pleaded, but Alexia was already inside, calling out to her father.

Mr. Martin, a stern-looking man with a thick beard, emerged from the house, his eyes fixed on Alfred. "What's going on here?" he asked gruffly.

"This boy was trying to steal things from our house!" Alexia accused, pointing at Alfred.

Alfred's face burned with shame and anger.

"I just wanted to get my ball!"

he protested, but Mr. Martin was unconvinced.

"Let's take him to his parents and let them handle it,"

Mr. Martin said, his voice firm but disappointed.

As they walked to Alfred's house, Alfred shot Alexia a resentful glance. He already hated her for accusing him of something he didn't do.

"What's your name, boy?" Mr. Martin asked gruffly as they walked.

"A-Alfred, sir," he stammered.

"Well, Alfred, you shouldn't be wandering into other people's property without permission," Mr. Martin lectured.

"I didn't mean to, sir. I was just trying to get my ball," Alfred protested.

"You should have thought of that before you threw it over the fence," Alexia chimed in, her voice dripping with smugness.

"Alexia, that's enough,''

Mr. Martin said, his voice firm.

"Alfred, you need to respect other people's boundaries."

"Yes, sir,"

Alfred muttered, his eyes fixed on the ground.

When they arrived at Alfred's house, Mr. Martin explained the situation to Alfred's parents, who apologized profusely and scolded Alfred for wandering into someone else's property.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Martin. We'll make sure Alfred knows better next time,"

Alfred's mother said, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Yes, please do. I don't want to have to deal with any more trouble from your son,"

Mr. Martin replied sternly.

Alfred felt a lump in his throat as he looked at Alexia, who seemed satisfied with the trouble she had caused.

From that moment on, Alfred made a silent vow to stay away from her and her family.

"Alfred, go to your room and think about what you've done,"

his father said, his voice firm but disappointed.

"Yes, Dad," Alfred muttered, trudging up the stairs to his room.

As he lay on his bed, he couldn't help but think about Alexia and her accusations.

He hated her for getting him in trouble,

but a small part of him wondered if she was okay. She seemed so angry and alone, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her

Little did he know that their lives would be intertwined for years to come.

Two days later, Alexia was crying, and Alfred heard it from the other side. He couldn't stop but ask her what was going on.

"Any reason why you're crying? You really deserve it, you wicked, spoiled, ugly thing!"

Alfred said to Alexia, who cried more.

She was now calm,

"How I wish my mom was still alive... today is my seventh birthday,"

She said crying.

Alfred felt guilty,

"Sorry about that... but you have your dad."

"Well, that's true... but I think if my mom was alive, I would be allowed to go out and socialize with other kids,"

Alexia replied, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Okay, since you won't be allowed to go out and play, maybe I should come over,"

Alfred suggested, trying to make amends.

Alexia's face lit up with a hint of surprise and gratitude.

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

Alfred nodded, and Alexia's expression softened.

"Okay... thanks, Alfred."

When Alfred entered the Martin's house, he couldn't help but reference their earlier encounter.

"Hope you won't call me a thief this time,"

he said with a chuckle.

Alexia giggled, and for the first time, Alfred saw a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.

"No promises,"

she teased, playfully rolling her eyes.

As they spent the afternoon together, Alfred discovered they shared a love for adventure and taking risks.

They played a game of hide-and-seek, using the sprawling Martin house as their playground.

"This place is amazing! I can't believe I never explored it before,"

Alfred exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder.

"I know, right? It's like our own little world,"

Alexia agreed, her smile sparkling with mischief.

Just as they were about to embark on another adventure, the nanny appeared at the door, her eyes fixed on Alfred.

"Ah, young man, I see you're still here,"

she said, her voice firm but kind.

Alfred's heart skipped a beat as he realized he was caught. He had been trying to sneak out, hoping to avoid any more trouble.

He got home,and couldn't stop but think about Alexia,he kept smiling.

Alexia on the otherhand couldn't stop bu think about him too,

''it was so nice meeting him,I love his vibes,''

she said to herself, smiling uncontrollably.