Chapter 18: Presentation

"Concerning changing the interior design technology and infrastructure, the board has agreed that we need to modernize our systems and equipment to stay competitive in the grain industry,"

Mr. Theophilus Bryan said, looking at his son, Bryan.

in his spacious office surrounded by walls adorned with framed photos of the company's history and achievements.

The large window let in a flood of natural light, illuminating the room and casting a warm glow on the polished mahogany desk and comfortable leather chairs.

"In your words, Son."

Bryan, standing beside his father's desk, nodded thoughtfully, his eyes drifting to his wife,

Alexia, who was sitting down in one of the chairs opposite Mr Theophilus, her eyes fixed on him.

"How are we going to go about it?"

he asked, his deep voice filling the room.

"Well, Churchill knows a good company that can help us,"

Alexia replied, calling out to Churchill,

who was standing at the door, staring at Clara, whose office was situated at the entrance of Mr. Theophilus Bryan's office. Churchill's eyes were fixed on Clara,

his face flushed with admiration, as he rushed over to share his idea.

"Well, Sir, Danfoso Designs are the best! You'll love them, Sir. You'll appreciate them, Sir. You'll thank me, Sir..."

Alexia gave Churchill a stern look, her eyes narrowing slightly, indicating that he was talking too much.

Mr Theophilus and Bryan ignored the exchange and focused on the matter at hand.

"Book an appointment with them, Churchill," Mr. Theophilus instructed, his voice firm but polite. "We need to discuss whether their mode of operation would favor us."

"Okay, sir," Churchill replies, feeling a bit embarrassed, his face flushing with excitement.

He stepped out of Mr. Theophilus Bryan's office to make the call, his eyes lingering on Clara for a moment before he dialed the number. Clara, who was working on her computer, couldn't stop but blush, her heart racing with excitement.

As Churchill made the call, the sound of his voice filled the hallway outside Mr. Theophilus Bryan's office.

"Eddy, what's up? TBML wants to work with your company,"

he said, his voice clear and professional.

A tall, white, gay man replied, his voice dripping with a flamboyant tone.

"Churchill dear, I and my team would have to come over. We can't just discuss this over the phone,


We need to see the space,

get a feel for the vibe, and meet the team. You know how it is, sweetie."

Churchill nodded, even though he knew Eddy couldn't see him.

"Yeah, I understand. When were you thinking of coming over?"

"How about tomorrow, darling? We can make it a lunch meeting.

I'll bring my team, and we can discuss the details. And, of course, we'll need to see the office, the warehouse, everything. We need to get a sense of the company's culture, darling."

Churchill nodded again, making a mental note of the meeting.

"Tomorrow at lunch sounds good.

I'll make sure everything is ready,and if they would want a lunch meeting or a board meeting Thanks, Eddy."

"Anytime, sweetie. See you tomorrow!"

Eddy replied, his voice fading away as Churchill hung up the phone.

As Churchill walked back into Mr. Theophilus Bryan's office, Clara couldn't help but notice the excitement in his eyes.

She smiled to herself, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for her colleague.

The next day, the TBML board members gathered in the board room, eager to hear the presentation from the Danfoso Designs Company.

The presenter, a confident and charismatic woman named Stella,

she stood at the front of the room, her bright smile and sparkling eyes captivating the audience,

pointing to the projector screen behind her while explaining.

Her long, curly brown hair cascaded down her back, and her stylish black dress accentuated her professionalism.

With a clear and persuasive voice, she delivered the presentation with conviction, her passion for the project shining through.

Her body language was assertive and engaging, using gestures to emphasize key points and maintaining eye contact with the board members.

Stella excused a sense of authority and expertise, making her presentation both informative and compelling.

"So, Danfoso Designs doesn't just offer you service,"

she began, her voice clear and persuasive.

"We offer comfort and love to your environment. And we would make sure to elevate this place,"

she said, clicking the remote to reveal a stunning design concept on the screen.

The room fell silent as the board members took in the beautiful design, their eyes scanning the vibrant colors and sleek lines.

The presenter's team members, seated in the back of the room, beamed with pride, and the TBML board members couldn't help but clap in appreciation.


Bryan and Alexia exchanged impressed glances, their faces beaming with excitement.

Churchill stood close to Clara, both of them smiling, their eyes shining with happiness.

Eddy was seated at the left side of the table, his eyes fixed intently on Mr. Caleb, a handsome young man with chiseled features and piercing blue eyes.

Eddy was wearing a sleek black suit, his white shirt unbuttoned at the top, revealing a hint of his chest.

His dark hair was styled perfectly, and his bright pink tie added a pop of color to his outfit.

He couldn't help but stare at Mr. Caleb, his eyes lingering on the young man's chiseled jawline and broad shoulders.

As the presentation was still going on,Eddy's gaze never wavered from Mr. Caleb,

his eyes fixed on the young man with an intensity that made Mr. Kingston, seated next to him, uncomfortable.

Mr. Caleb, however, seemed oblivious to Eddy's gaze, his focus fixed on the presentation.

Eddy's behavior was subtle, yet noticeable, his eyes sparkling with admiration as he took in Mr. Caleb's handsome features.

His gaze was not creepy or unsettling, but rather,

it was a gentle appreciation for the young man's beauty. Despite his focus on Mr. Caleb,

Eddy was still engaged in the presentation, nodding along and taking notes, his professionalism evident despite his distraction.

"Wow, this is incredible," Mr. Theophilus Bryan said, his eyes shining with excitement. "You've really outdone yourselves, Danfoso."

''We won't disappoint you Sir,''

Eddy said proudly giving Mr Caleb a look.

"We're thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you,"

the presenter replied, smiling.

"We believe our design will not only modernize your systems but also create a welcoming and productive environment for your employees and clients."

Mr. Martin and Mr. Theophilus asked questions, seeking clarification on certain aspects of the design.

"How will this affect our current workflow?"

Mr. Martin asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Great question,"

the presenter replied.

"Our design will actually streamline your workflow, reducing inefficiencies and increasing productivity. We've incorporated automated systems and ergonomic workstations to ensure a seamless transition."

"And what kind of timeline are we looking at for completion?" Mr. Theophilus added, his eyes fixed on the presenter.

"We anticipate a six-week timeline for completion, pending any unforeseen circumstances,"

the presenter replied.

"We'll work closely with your team to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any disruptions to your operations."

The board members nodded, satisfied with the answers, their faces reflecting their excitement.

"Let's make it happen,"

Mr. Martin said, extending his hand to the presenter.

"Welcome to the TBML family, Danfoso."

The room erupted in applause as the two teams shook hands, sealing the deal and marking the beginning of an exciting new chapter for TBML Enterprises.

Churchill and Clara exchanged a happy glance, their faces beaming with joy.

Bryan and Alexia grinned at each other, their eyes shining with excitement. The room was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter, the atmosphere electric with anticipation for the new project.

As Stella concluded her presentation and the board members were about to sign the contract,

a sudden commotion erupted at the back of the room. The door burst open and a man, dressed in a suit and looking frazzled, rushed in.

"Wait, don't sign that contract!"

he exclaimed, his voice urgent and commanding.

The board members looked at each other in surprise, their pens hovering over the paper. Sophia's face fell, her eyes wide with concern.

"Who are you?"

Eddy demanded, his voice firm.

"I'm Reginald, the company's legal advisor,"

the man replied,

his chest heaving.

"And I have some grave concerns about this contract."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. The board members exchanged worried glances, their faces reflecting their uncertainty.

"What concerns?" Mr. Martin asked, his voice firm.

Reginald took a deep breath. "The contract has a hidden clause, one that could put our company at risk. We can't sign this without further review."

The room erupted into chaos, the board members arguing and debating. Stella face fell, Eddy disappointed.

her presentation and hard work seemingly undone. The contract lay unsigned, its fate hanging in the balance.