Chapter 3: RAZE TECH

Chapter 3

RAZE TECH responded faster than Jason thought. a few seconds since he emailed, they arrived. A few light beam appeared across the room blinding the two of them for a minute.

The light faded away revealing men in armed suits. They were a dozen of them with a screen appearing in front of their faces. Their dark body armor gave a glow to it. On each of their chestplate were a logo of RT. At a glance Mike knew who they were 'RAZE TECH ' strike team.

One of the armed men walked up to Jason his height was taller than Jason's. His style was different compared to the rest. He was the captain of the strike team.

"Is it ready ?" His tone was dark and gave off a bad feeling for Mike. The armed captain's expression was hidden due to his helmet.

"Sure I presume, you can go check it out" Jason said grinning as he gestured his hand towards Mike's direction.

'That bastard' said to himself, he hadn't expected Jason to be a scheming snake.

The captain glanced at Mike before shifting his direction towards the pod. "Fine then I'll be taking this."

' Damm it 'Mike cursed he couldn't let them have their hand on the pod but what could he do he was not a combatant system user unlike the armored man standing before him. Going against him would be the same as going for suicide. Not to mention that he was out numbered. What was he going to do? Just before Mike could make a decision, Jason stepped in.

"Excuse me, considering that my work is done I would like to have my payment" Jason demanded from the captain.

The captain glared at Jason. "You're right you need to be paid "

"Ah yes I would like to...".Jason couldn't complete this words as he fall straight to the ground beheaded.

In a blink of an eye, the captain's hand was covered in blood. He had killed Jason before he could complete his words.

Mike was dumbstruck he didn't even see the captain's hand move. One time Jason was talking and another his head was rolling on the floor. Mike then thought about himself, he wasn't going to be sparred.

Mike understood that RAZE TECH wanted to keep this a secret. He was done for , that's why they sent an inhuman monster to reclaim the pod. Well if he's going to die he might as well die trying. He opened his system interface

[ Name : Mike dens ]

[ job title: Mecha ]

He quickly selected the job title he didn't have time to read the description before he selected a random skill.

Suddenly he felt a stabbing pain on his back. He was stabbed. Not by the captain but one of the armed men had stabbed him from behind. He didn't even notice the bastard behind him. His legs grew weak unable to hold his body, he fell thud on the floor as his eyelids grew heavy. Blood rushed from the wound on his back, he was dieing by the second. But there was a smile on his face. 'At least these bastards don't get to have it' he thought before his consciousness faded away.

After disposing of the the two, the captain signaled one of the men to move the pod. Before they could move, the pod was engulfed in a white beam before disappearing. Mike had done something before he died.

The captain was shocked he wasn't expecting this outcome.

Nevertheless he had to head back and relay the message to his superiors.