chapter 4: Application

Chapter 4


' A free application into RAZE academy.' Theat was the topic of the day, virtually everyone was talking about it in 'crins ville.' A sub urban area in Arizon country. Everyone knew the hosts of the events were 'RAZE TECH', one of the big wigs in Arizon. They were the founders of RAZE academy, one of the top 50 schools known globally. One could say that getting an application into the academy was easier said than done. But surprisingly, this year they had decided to organize a free application.

At crins ville Sam Delon a young boy of 15, a chiseled jawline and attractive features was sitting on the roof of a worn down building. He was holding a smart phone on his hand in which he scrolled through checking the news before he came across the application. 'An application?' he Scoffed at it before scrolling. He didn't have to confirm further, because he knew the criteria for applying. One ought to have a system before he can apply. And secondly, must be between the age of 15 and 17.

Since the recent years with the introduction of the system, the rich had an advantage over others. It could be said that if you had a system before entering the academy you would be ahead of the others.

The society was ruled by systems, hence everyone would be given one. If you didn't have a system, but you will be given when you enrolled into a good academy. And that's 15 years, behind those you had been given from birth.

Although RAZE academy opened a free application for students across the country, the criteria met for applying was impossible for Sam. He was not a system user, he could not afford one when he was little, since his parents were unable to provide one for him. Speaking of his parents, he grew up not remembering what they looked like. But he wasn't too bothered about that. He was a kid that focused on survival. He was well aware that if one was try and succeed in this world was having a system which he don't.

System users do have the benefit of accessing information on the Internet with their system. But Sam had to do so with the use of his smart phone, he was browsing through the web searching for a good school to apply.

After searching for a way he decided to settle for one of the schools in crins ville 'Awakened high '. The school was not popular but well known in the area. After filling his application, he jumped down from the roof. His next task was to find the money for his application.

He switched his phone off before putting it on his pocket. He opened the door of the squared shape worn down building which was obviously his and entered closing the door behind him.

The building was a one room apartment containing a small sized bed smaller for Sam's body frame. The small bed was the only item in the room. Sam sat on the as he opened his phone. He got an email from someone. After reading he smiled. He was sent an email from his friend Travis. Travis was similar to him which drew them closer.

"Hey Sam there's dropping, meet at the usual spot. " The message read.

"I'll be there " he replied before heading out.


"What do you have for me there Travis?" Sam walked up to Travis. Their usual spot was behind a restaurant at Nighttime. Sam had know Travis for as long as he could remember. Travis was similar to a brother to him. Travis was a blonde boy of 15 same age as Sam. He was a bit shorter than Sam.

"There's something I want to show you"

Travis brought out a wrapped item and displayed it in front of Sam. He waved it showcasing it as he smiled