Chapter 5: lift

Chapter 5

"What's that?"Sam said examining the wrapped item.

"Open it " Travis urged smiling broadly. His smile had given Sam a thought of what was inside.

Seeing the smile on Travis face Sam knew it had to be something good.

Sam opened it and found a rectangular shaped card. It had a silver lining to it. He gave Travis a questioning look.

"Surprised?" Travis said grabbing the card from Sam's hand. "It belonged to old Mr. Mike , you recognize him don't you?"

"Yes I do what about him?"

"Good, see I've got an info about him. He's been out of town for sometime. So let's lift"

Sam chuckled. Lift was another word they used instead of bulgary. They had done it in the past and most times it was favourable to them. They sold their spoils on the black market a secret website that Travis has found. Mike dens was a big shot in crins ville, who owned numerous labs across the country. And crins ville happened to be a place where one of his labs were .

Travis had suggested his lab due to the fact that he ( Mike ) had been absent for quite sometime.

"What do you think about it?"

"No" Sam declined. But Travis was not surprised. Both of them knew the risk of what Travis had proposed. Mike's lab was security tight making it almost impenetrable. Their effort would be fruitless. To Sam it wasn't worth trying.

" Hey come on man." Travis urged. " I know what you are thinking that's why I brought this." He said referring to the card.

"It can grant us access into the lab that way we would...."

"Where did you get that card from?" Sam cutted in. He was curious to know how he had gotten the access card from.

"From my uncle. Remember my Uncle Jason, he is working with Mike dens. I took the opportunity when he visited. "

Judging from the expression on Sam's face, Travis knew Sam was not convinced. He was wavering and needed a little push before he could comply

"Look, think about it. There could be a number of stuffs there, don't you think?"

Sam was still not convinced, but he was contemplating, he thought about. Maybe he could give it a try.

"We could make a lot of money from it."

With that, Sam finally agreed. He was in dire need of money to complete his application in getting into an academy.

"Fine, when do we start?"


The sky had gone from blue to orange signalling the gradual dismissal of the day and encroachment of the night.

Mike's lab was out in view, it was a rectangular shaped building located at the top of a hill. The lab was easy to locate, but getting in was the hassle.

From a distance,.Travis surveyed it with the help of a digital lens. There general output of the building showed no form of security. But, Travis and Sam knew better.

"So how do we get in?" Sam looked at Travis.

"We? No you me how do you get inside"

"Why me?" Sam asked bewildered. He wasn't expecting it.

Travis craned his neck to look at him. "Do you have a system?"

Sam didn't reply for they both knew the answer. Travis was given a system by his adopted uncle recently, his uncle was an employee for one of the biggest corporations in Arizon.

Travis was lucky to be adopted and given a system, but lacked parental care same as Sam. Travis uncle barely had time to come home, hence the behavior of Travis.

Travis had planned it ahead, the access card was meant to temporarily connect Travis system to the building control center. He would stay behind while Sam will head inside the building.

There was a slot at the main door in front of the building. Sam's job was to insert the card inside which would automatically link Travis system to the building.

"Simple right?" Said Travis after laying out his plan.

"Yes, but maybe too simple" Sam added. "You sure there aren't any traps " Sam was worried about that. The way Travis layed out his plan looked too easy.

"Relax" Travis reassured. "Your job is to get the card into the slot thereby granting me access. By then all problems would be solved, easy peasy"

'Easy okay' Sam took the card from Travis before heading to the building.

Red laisers surrounded the building like a fence which were taller than the building itself. Wanting to test the effectiveness of the laisers, Sam picked up a pebble and threw it to the laisers. As the stone passed through the laisers it became a different version of what it had been. The laisers had reduced it into dust.

Sam was taken aback after seeing the results. Thank goodness he had the card.

As soon as he stepped within the range of the building. A red light beeped signalling the sound of an alarm. Before he knew it, a trajector rosed from top of the building and pointed at him.

'Oh crap ' Sam was fear, he didn't dare move an inch forward. The trajector appeared like he was going to shoot Sam, but it didn't. Instead it retracted.

Sam heaved a sigh of relief, he thought he was done for. His body was already drenched in sweat. 'what the hell was that '

Travis didn't tell him about this feature.

After he calmed down he walked to the main door and swiped the card against the slot. Automatically, the door opened and Sam entered.

Sam was greeted by a wonderful view when he entered. He came across the hallway that looked like it was made of glass. Well he didn't have time to examine the interior of the building. He walked to through the hallway but was startled by Travis voice resounding through the hallway.

"Jeez you startled me!" Sam was startled when he heard Travis voice, he thought he had been busted.

"You're in?"

"Obviously" replied Sam as he checked round for valuables.

"I told you earlier I would be given access temporarily, so I suggest you to be quick cause I have 20 minutes "

"Okay got it." Sam wasted no time and brought out a bag . He needed to be fast and grab what he can before time runs out.

After walking down the hallway, Sam finally came across the main lab there were many items out in display. Without hesitation he began stuffing them in his bag.

"Oooh, a light saber? Catching." He grabbed them and stuffed them in his bag.

He met a ring inside an enclosed glass. He opened the glass and took the ring.

"Sam hurry up we have only 5 minutes left." Travis voice resounded again.

" Okay okay bam coming " Sam felt that he had taken enough, he decided to turn back when his eyes caught something. A pod,.or to be precise a system pod .