Tourney at Harrenhal VIII

- 281 AC -

- Harrenhal -

(3rd Person POV)

The competitions were finally starting. On the first day, the melee would be held, and a few of the best and most skilled men from all over Westeros would attend. Among them are Robert and Stannis Baratheon. The two brothers were an interesting duo. While some had expected Robert, due to his obvious physical constitution, Stannis was not well known - not yet, at least. But the second son of Steffon was a strong and skilled fighter in his own right. Robert had made sure of that. 

Apart from them, Lord Jon Connington would also attend. Jon Connington is the Lord of Griffin's Roost, the head of House Connington and a close friend and bootlicker of Rhaegar Targaryen. He is not in the melee for nothing, but he wishes to test the prowess of Robert Baratheon and get him under the service of his lord and prince. Then, there were other knights and even a few Lords who would dare to take on the challenge of fighting for glory and gold. But the one who stuck out the most was Lord Commander Gerold Hightower of the Kingsguard. It was not unusual for a Kingsguard to enter a tourney. But usually, it was the joust since that was 'worth more' for some reason. 

Robert had other intentions. Now, he was going to fight in the melee, and later, he would focus on the joust. He was aware of all the fuss everyone was making about it, and since the Prince himself, Rhaegar Targaryen, was also entering, Robert would as well. Riding a horse and slamming a stick into someone else. That would never happen like that in a true battle, but it was close enough. 

Robert was in his armour. He had created it himself, and it looked like it wasn't meant to be in this universe but another one, far, far away in a grim, dark future. But it was here now, and Robert looked menacing while wearing it. The skulls were meant to be real, but it was a bit too morbid for his tastes. He was on his strong, sturdy mount, which he had bred himself. Finding a horse that could carry him and his armour and weapon was nigh impossible. Everything was so heavy. And, of course, he had to use a Warhammer and Waraxe. Sometimes both, he was strange like that. 


Stannis looked much leaner in his armour but no less ready. The two brothers were ready for the melee to begin, and so were the spectators. Then the signal was given, the horn blew, and the melee started. 

Robert moved to the right. His steed followed his wish and rushed into the one on their right. The knight on that horse was not ready for the storm that was Robert. With a rather 'weak' swing of his Warhammer, if that was even possible, he attacked the knight. Desperate, the knight raised his shield, hoping to lessen the blow and then counterattack. But he didn't know Robert well enough. If he had, he would have tried everything to dodge that initial strike.


The Warhammer hit the knight's shield, transferring all the force onto his arm, holding on to the shield and travelling up to his spine. It was unlike anything the knight had felt before. To his credit, he managed to stay on his horse and raise his sword. But it was no use. His incredibly weak and uncoordinated swing was ignored, and another 'weak' swing crashed into his shield. The shield breaks and the knight's arm takes the rest of the force. 


Robert hears the crack and knows that he is out of this fight. He doesn't attack again and simply pushes the man from his horse with his Warhammer. The armoured knight crashes to the ground. He won't be fighting again today. Robert moves on and attacks another man. He uses 'little' strength to not kill anyone immediately since he knows he can do that. He swings his Warhammer left and right, causing armour to bend and bones to break. He unhorses many and it seems as though he starts to spread desperation and annoyance. The audience cheers as it sees his skill and might with his Warhammer. 

Robert is alerted to something happening on the other side of the field. He looks and sees Stannis being attacked by the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Gerold Hightower. Gerold is fierce despite his old age, and he is still a capable fighter. It will be very difficult for Stannis to come out on top. Robert decides to help his brother and stop the pathetic attempt to get his brother out of the fight. 

"Where are you going, Robert Baratheon?" 

Before Robert can make his way to Stannis, he is surrounded by not one or two but three knights. And one of them is Lord Jon Connington. The Lord of Griffin's Roost has taken it upon himself to get on his nerves very early on and is doing a remarkable job. 

"Connington, what a pleasant surprise. I will bother myself with you, but if you would excuse me for a moment-"

"I will not. Your brother can see where he remains. He's a big boy, is he not? You shall fight me now!"

"You mean, I will fight 'all of you' now. Tell me, do you truly think that you can stop me if I wish to get to my brother?"

"I can, and I will."

"I admire your optimism. Very well, let me crush it."

Robert urges his horse forward and swings his Warhammer in a diagonal arc, attacking the Lord of Griffin's Roost first. But Jon Connington smiles and backs away. In his stead, the two knights storm forward. They slash their swords at Robert at the same time. This attack surprises Robert, and he thinks fast. Using his tremendous strength, he manages to pull back his massive Warhammer and uses the handle to block one strike and the top part to block the second one. The force of the two attacks carries weight, and for the first time today, Robert is pushed back. He is strong enough to block, but on a horse, he has one weakness. His stallion neighs and takes some steps backwards. Through sheer strength, Robert manages to stay on his horse. But then it happens. 

Connington rides forward and slashes at Robert's stallion, scaring it and causing it to raise its front hooves. That's too much, and Robert falls off his horse. His weight crashes to the ground, and this would usually be the end for any other man, but Robert is not any other man. Connington rides forward about to demand Robert's surrender when the large man manages to stand up again. If a knight of Robert's stature falls on his back with his armour on, he is like a turtle. He would stay there. But we are talking about a different breed of man. 


"Did he just..."

The audience starts to cheer again, seeing Robert back on his feet. 

"Bahahaha. Did you think it was over just because I'm no longer on horseback?! I have been fighting handicapped until now."

"You are a stunted fool! Fighting on horseback is not a handicap but an advantage you can't hope to match. Surrender and spare yourself the shame and pain!" 

"Surrender? Hahahaha, what for? I see nothing to surrender to, just some weak men with sticks up their asses."


The two knights push their horses forward and ride forward. They have the advantage of height, at least some of it. But Robert is a large man. At ten and nine name days, he is a monster standing at 7 feet, swinging a large Warhammer and laughing while they attack him. Any normal man would think about it and then leave instead of attacking. 

The first sword swings down at him, trying to cut his neck between the armour and helmet. But Robert bends to the side slightly. He has his hammer low and suddenly swings it like you would a tennis racket, smashing a ball with a forehand. The second knight arrives at that moment and is terribly unlucky. The Warhammer arrives at the same time he swings his sword, and they clash. 


The Warhammer breaks through the sword and hits the knight in the chest. 


The knight screams in pain and regret as the Warhammer bends his armour and causes his chest to break in and crack all his ribs. His body flies through the air and falls to the ground; blood drips from his mouth, and a scared look is in his eyes as he looks up and sees Robert standing above him. At that moment, the knight realises... death has come for him and is looking down at him. 

"You should have backed off when you had the chance. I don't like it when someone listens to my conversations or spies. Take my secrets to your grave." 

The knight's eyes widen when he hears Robert's words. He did indeed eavesdrop on him and their tent earlier. So that was what killed him. How regretful. 


Jon Connington arrives to see one of his knights dying on the ground and attacks Robert. He swings his sword angrily, trying to kill the Stormlord. He no longer cares about his orders and sees red. Robert looks at another part of the field and sees his brother in a fierce struggle against Gerold Hightower. He brings his Warhammer up to block the sword swing from Connington. 

"You'll pay for this!"

"I doubt it."


Over and over again, Connington tries to score a hit but is unsuccessful. Seeing what happened to his friend, the second knight chooses not to fight Robert anymore. He stays back momentarily and observes the fight between his Lord and Robert. Seeing that there is an opening, he changes his mind and attacks from behind. It is considered dishonourable for a knight to attack from behind, but he doesn't care. He has his orders and would see them through. 

Sadly, it was not meant to be. Robert hasn't forgotten about the second knight and is well aware of his plan. Once again, he takes a big step backwards and swings his Warhammer like a baseball bat. He uses his maximum strength this time. The Warhammer shoots through the air, narrowly misses the knight's horse, and hits the knight ... 


The Warhammer crushes the armour and bones of the poor sod and moves through the entire chest cavity, almost coming out at the other end ... The knight is dead before he truly understands what happened. The audience gasps simultaneously and is in shock. Such a gruesome death was not something they expected. Blood and gore splash out between the armour pieces and fall to the ground. Death was normal, especially in the melee, but this ... this was unnatural. 

Robert has had enough. He ignores the stares of shock and disgust and moves to Jon Connington. The Lord of Griffin's Roost doesn't realise what is happening as he looks at the corpse of his knight. Then he is woken up from his stupor as a powerful hand grabs his leg and pulls him from his horse. 



Robert then uses Lord Connington and, with an immensely powerful swing, THROWS the man through the air! Connington has no idea what is going on as he sees the world pass by. Then he hits something or, rather, someone. 



The arena is silent. No one manages to say a word, far too stunned at the last few minutes of the melee. Stannis, who had been fighting until a second ago, looks over and sees Robert standing next to two gruesome corpses and three horses without their riders and understands what must have happened. He looks at the Lord Commander Gerold Hightower ... who was just hit with a body and fell to the ground. He hears the two men groan in pain and many other emotions and sighs. 


"Fuck me ..."